District Leaders | Santhana Naidu DG District Governor | | Jessika P. Hane DGE District Governor Elect | | L. Kirk Bouchie District Governor Nominee | | James E. Bright Vice Governor | | Kim Ingalsbe Assistant Governor | | Travis Johnson Assistant Governor | | Sara G. Laughlin Assistant Governor | | Mandy Jo Lohrum Assistant Governor | | Scott Peyton Assistant Governor | | Terry Tanner Assistant Governor | | Lacretia Ulery Assistant Governor | | Randall D. Wheeler District Secretary |
| | District Governor's MessageDear Rotary Family, As I have observed over the last month what our clubs are doing to cope with this pandemic, one thing was very apparent to me – I have never been more proud to be a Rotarian! Instead of letting this virus dictate our core values and future, Rotarians in our district (and around the world) are putting service above self and are tackling the difficulties creatively and aggressively. It is admirable to see so many of our clubs find ways to meet virtually, check in on senior and new Rotarians, and help each other. Rotarians are also using this situation creatively to invite speakers and guests to our virtual meetings from all over the world. We had a virtual district leadership meeting recently that had over 20 clubs represented and almost all of them are meeting virtually, whether it is a regular club meeting or just a happy hour. Thank you for being a part of Rotary and making a difference at such a critical time. I have some bittersweet news to share. I have accepted a position at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and therefore May 1 will be my last day at Indiana State University. It was a really tough decision for me as I’ve spent most of my adult life at Indiana State in some capacity, and the ISU community has been an extended family for me all these years. However, the chance to head up Rose-Hulman’s marketing and communications efforts is a good opportunity and new challenge for me at this time. I have been fortunate to have a supportive boss, Rotarian Mike Licari, who has encouraged me to be involved in Rotary at this capacity and trusted that I will still continue to do my job well. My new boss, Rotarian Rob Coons, is also supportive of my continued Rotary involvement. I’m grateful to both employers for valuing and supporting Rotary as a part of their community engagement. Yours In Rotary Service, Santhana PLEASE NOTE: Information will be sent out soon on The Rotary Foundation Telethon dedicated to Disaster Response to be held on Saturday, May 2nd. | |
Clubs Creatively Connecting through ZoomBy Bettye R. Dunham PDG on Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Rotary in the Time of Covid: Clubs in District CONNECTING through Zoom With the future uncertain about when in-person meetings will resume and with the desire to keep members engaged and connected through this time, to prevent the loss of newer members, to be able to determine the needs of our community..and our world… and to reach out to help, to share care and concern of all members and offer support, and just to ‘see’ people outside of our home….. these are some of the many reasons that over 23 clubs in our District have chosen to meeting through zoom, other connection venues, and another 4 to 5 are working on starting. Clubs have stepped up, not only to quickly learn new technology but to be creative in the use of the zoom meetings. Here are some highlights: - Regular meetings: Several clubs are doing regular meetings at the usual club time on zoom. There is variety in the structure; some do the pledge, prayer or reflection, some have happy virtual happy dollars, some/most have guest speakers or classification talks, some use it as a time to keep up with the health of members and express care and concern, some give PHF's and induct members.
- Social time: Several clubs are also doing social time through zoom.
- Guest speakers: RI Director Floyd Lancia was a guest speaker at the Bloomington Club. When you think about it this is perfect to be able to invite a speaker from ‘afar’ because there are no travel expenses and or time for travel to consider.
- Clubs have also had past and current exchange students participate as well as global scholars from many different countries; Tokyo, Berlin
- A former GSE team member who was in our district from Australia participated in a meeting.
- Lora from Greensburg participated in a Passport Club zoom meeting where there were people from many countries. This is not due to COVID19 but a club that meets virtually as a regular club meeting.
- Bloomington has a Zoom Café, regular social event, and in one recently they had a guest as a potential member.
- The meeting can be recorded and made available to members that were not able to join.
- In a recent District Leadership meeting with District Leaders and Club Presidents and President-Elects and Secretaries, Alain Barker from Bloomington discussed tips on how to set up a zoom account, how to host, and important tips for security; i.e. waiting rooms, passwords, not making the address link public but sending it to members. He also mentioned having 3 people involved in hosting; one to facilitate, one to let people in, and one to handle anyone having problems with getting into the meeting. He recommended zoom as the best and easiest platform but however members can connect is good. Another important tip: Mute everyone until they want to talk. This takes care of ‘back’ noises….and barking dogs:)
Here is a link to some tutorial videos about zoom if helpful for members: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials. If you need help getting started PLEASE contact me (Bettye) and I will make sure to put you in touch with one of the many Rotarians who are now proficient in ZOOMING! On one of my daily walks in South Harrison Park someone had drawn the following message with chalk on the driveway… Stay Apart Together …….good message! | |
District Speech Contest WinnerColumbus Sunrise Contestant Wins 2020 District Speech Contest By Ashley Sullivan, District 6580 Speech Contest Chair and Bloomington Rotary Club President-Elect 2020 proved to be another successful year for the Rotary District 6580 Speech Contest! Even though we had to cancel our in-person contest to be held at the Monroe County Public Library, we forged on and conducted the event over Zoom online with 7 participants. A year of firsts, this was also the first year that the Rotary International theme was used as a framework for speeches instead of the 4 Way Test. Our participants utilized the 2019-2020 theme 'Rotary Connects the World' to great success in the development of their presentations. The following Rotary Clubs sent a contestant: Bedford- Brianna Garrison Clarksville- Stephen Wilson Columbus- Emma Folz Columbus Sunrise- Sierra Roberts Terre Haute- Bailey Truxal Terre Haute South- Nicholas Gambill Vincennes- Alaynie Mize The winners: First Place: $1000 Sierra Roberts sponsored by Columbus Sunrise Rotary Sierra’s speech was about Rotary Connecting the World through her youth exchange experience.
1st Runner up: $500 Alaynie Mize sponsored by Vincennes Rotary 2nd Runner up: $250 Nicholas Gambill sponsored by Terre Haute South Rotary ***Many thanks to Ashley Sullivan and to those clubs that participated for being creative and seeing this through regardless of the challenging times. ****We are working on getting a video of Ashley giving her speech. We will make this available to all clubs as soon as it is complete. | |
Staying Connected while Staying RemoteHow Bloomington Rotaractors are Staying Connected While Being Remote By Maren McClelland, Bloomington Rotaract President The Rotaract Club of IU Bloomington’s first semester as a club got cut short due to the COVID-19 epidemic; however, that has not stopped them from staying connected and active! We have been using this time to learn more about Rotary International, plan for the upcoming school year, and being of service in our own communities! Club members have been helping in their own communities by donating blood and by reaching out to help Rotary clubs in their local area. Each member has been tasked with completing four service hours for the remainder of the semester which will give us a total of 60 “virtual” hours of community service! To stay engaged socially, we are also hosting Netflix Parties so that we can chat together while enjoying a show from the comforts of our own home! Our club recently voted to center our service projects around Rotary’s new theme “Rotary Opens Opportunities.” In the upcoming school year, we will be focusing on serving underserved populations locally (Bloomington’s homeless population) and internationally (refugee camps). We are looking forward to returning to campus in August to continue our work in the Bloomington community and beyond! Note: Maren is in the second picture, 3rd from the right and in the third picture she is the first on the left. ---- | |
Rotary Connects the WorldBy Santhana Naidu, DGHeadline: Rotary Connects The World Purdue Students Connect with Rotary Clubs Across the World You might not expect that an American college student’s favorite memory of Europe is attending a local Rotary meeting, but that’s just what students in the Purdue Polytechnic have indicated, before the world changed for everyone. Jim Tanoos, of the Terre Haute Rotary Club (#84), is an Associate Clinical Professor at Purdue Polytechnic Vincennes, and from 2016-2019 every Maymester he took undergraduate students from Purdue Polytechnic locations around the state and in West Lafayette on a Study Abroad entitled “Purdue Polytechnic’s Central European Multinational Automobile Organization Supply Chain Experience”. As part of these trips, students attended Rotary meetings in each of the four cities they visited, including Munich, Germany; Prague, Czech Republic; Hamburg, Germany; and Rotterdam, Netherlands. Read about and see pictures of their experiences here: https://jimtanoos.wordpress.com/2020/02/07/2017-2019-rotary-reflections/ | |
District Grant DeadlineBy Bettye R. Dunham PDG on Saturday, April 18, 202020-21 District Grant application deadline extended to June 1st The application deadline for the 20-21 Rotary District grants has been extended to June lst to allow more time for clubs to communicate with members about ideas for projects in their communities. In the face of the current global pandemic ‘our’ Rotary Foundation is looking for ways to be more flexible in the use of the district grant funds and are offering options that Rotarians can use to help care for and protect people in their own communities and around the world. Districts can use district grant funds to support regular projects as in the past or local activities related to COVID19, like purchasing thermometers, protective medical gear, or other items to donate to medical professionals who need them. As districts prepare to submit new district grant applications for 2020-21, TRF encourages you to consider designate funds for COVID-19 response. As a one-time exception, the Foundation will allow expenses related to COVID-19 that were incurred since 15 March 2020 to be reimbursed through these grants if their grant is awarded funds through the District grants. Timeline for grant process: All applications must be submitted by June lst to Bettye Dunham, bdunham@rauchinc.org. All required forms can be found on the District Website: rotary6580.org/Foundation/20-21 grants. The Foundation Committee will review all applications and determine awards in a quick turn-around time frame, and will work to get funds distributed quickly, to allow those seeking grants related to COVID19 to have the greatest impact. Again, projects do not have to be related to COVID19. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE 20-21 DISTRICT GRANTS PLEASE CALL/EMAIL Bettye Dunham, 502 609 1923. | |
District 6580 Supports Global Grant for Sri Lanka for COVID 19By Bettye R. Dunham PDG on Saturday, April 18, 2020District 6580 Responds to Need for Support for COVID19 Rotary Project in District 3220 in Sri Lanka District 3220 is applying for a global grant from The Rotary Foundation for a two segment project for testing equipment which will be used for COVID19 in this crisis but beyond this for other tests in the future. The project envisages the upgrade of the surveillance and testing mechanisms at the Medical Research Institute (MRI) by re-equipping and modernizing the virus detection equipment that will be at the forefront of COVID-19 diagnosis. The key equipment here is a fully automated Nucleic Acid Extraction and PCR System. With this equipment MRI will be able to reduce test time from approximately eight hours to two hours, providing very accurate testing results. The speed will enable MRI to undertake more tests in the same time period. Essentially increasing capacity. It will also enable MRI to test safely as manual testing carries with it a high-risk exposure. This system does not exist in Sri Lanka, not even in the private sector. The equipment can also be used beyond the COVID-19 crisis for other tests like CMV, BKV hepatitis B and C (16 other virus PCR) in transplant patients, pregnant women and new born children. The rest of the project consists of supporting apparatus: - 20 KITS (96 tests per KIT) PCR Reagent crucial PCR test to accurately identify suspected patients.
- 2 Nos Autoclave which will guarantee both human and environmental safety in disposing of waste.
- 2 Nos Safety Cabinets which guarantees a safe and hygienic environment in the handling of samples without exposing staff to unnecessary risks.
- 2 Nos Point of Care fully automated Biochemistry Analyzer enables Patients undergoing COVID 19 tests need to undergo several other - Biochemistry Tests (liver function, kidney function etc., etc.,) in a safe manner without risk to the staff with reports being generated automatically.
- 4 Nos Centrifuge which separates Serum in the Blood without contamination to the serum. Also produces accurate results.
- 2 Nos 3 Part Hematological Analyzer with CRP: Similar to above, these COVID 19 patients require to undergo several Hematological tests such as Full blood count, ESR, Blood Picture. This Analyzer will help to carry out these tests without confirmation, and also without risk of manual handling
The total cost of the two projects is USD 318,558. District from around the world including Australia, Japan, UK, Taiwan and several in the US are helping to work towards funding of this critical equipment. District 6580 has joined these other Rotary Districts by contributing $1000 from our DDF towards this important work. | |