(Tuck those bucks in an envelope to turn in when we return to “in person” meetings):
Carol expressed thanks for the work of Kurt Finley in organizing our programs for the month of March.
Kurt thanked Dean and others for making today's meeting go so well.
Stephanie was thankful for Zoom making it possible to have our program today, presented by Maggie Bjorkland all the way from Ecuador!
Rick Kalamaya thanked everyone for their support during this very difficult time for his family.
Charlene shared that Smuckers will donate the peanut butter, and has asked that the $3000 be used to purchase other items that the OUR Center needs. Three pallets of peanut butter should arrive in the next week or so.
From Gil Sparks: He shared the info below. This is his son and daughter-in-laws company. They are beginning to liquidate the handsantizer they have been making during the pandemic, and return to their normal product line. Anyone interested in learning more should contact him. gsparks@nwi.net