
Club of Sanibel-Captiva

Charity Cup Golf Tournament 2022

The Charity Cup Golf Tournament was a great success!

Thank you to all our Sponsors, Donors, Golfers and of course, our Volunteers!

Betsy Cottington purchased 4 Hole Sponsorships in memory of her husband, Bob, a 50 year member of Glen Ellyn, Illinois Rotary.


Barb wearing very important and much needed head protection!

The Sanibel School Interact Club helping out!

Lunch provided by The Blue Giraffe

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Ukrainian Kids Med Care

“Ukrainian Kids Med Care”

Within the past few weeks, our Trust Board issued a check for $10,000 for the Rotary Ukraine Relief Fund from funds raised at our recent Arts and Crafts Festival. Several Club members have donated additional happy dollars for Ukraine Relief. We are very proud to be able to make such a sizable donation to such a needy cause.

However, we have now learned of an additional fund for Ukraine Relief. We became aware of this fund from the President of the Fort Myers Sunset Club who has contacts with Rotarians in Poland. Last Tuesday, the Fort Myers Club Presidents met through Zoom, Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Wroclaw, Poland to discuss the fund. Donations to this new fund are earmarked for a very specific need for children with chronic medical disorders. At a recent Trust Board meeting, Board members endorsed this fund. The other Fort Myers Club are also now considering this project. I am hoping to introduce this to the other district clubs.

The name of the project is “Ukrainian Kids Med Care”

The Rotary Club of Wroclaw established the fund. Wroclaw is located in southwest Poland about a 5 ½ hour drive west of ukraine. Wroclaw is a city of approximately 700,000 residents with hospitals and medical facilities.

Poland has already received about 1.8 million refugees from Ukraine, primarily consisting of children and their mothers. The Wroclaw Club is concentrating on providing medical help to children and their mothers with chronic disorders such as depression, heart defects and hearing loss. They have already selected 2 large medical outpatient care clinics and a group of children’s specialists such as Oncologists and Psychiatrists. This special medical care will only affect 1 % of new arrivals. The remaining 99% of people suffering from non-chronic disorders will be able to easily find medical care in Poland.

The Wroclaw Club has already established cooperations with the Ukrainian communities such as churches, hotels, radio, tv and internet. The Club has reached out to other Rotary Clubs and currently have assurances from clubs from Germany, France and Japan.

The general idea is that every ill person is assigned to a Rotary Club such as our Club in Sanibel. The Wroclaw Club will provide the name of the sick person, age, type of illness, phone numbers and mother’s email address if we would like. They estimate the monthly cost will not exceed $250.00 (medical advice, laboratory tests, medicine and other medical costs not covered by Poland Healthcare including up to 20% of non medical costs.) For example, a $3,000 donation will cover 2 people for 6 months. Clubs donating will receive copies of bills for complete transparency. Some of the Trust Board members have already donated additional dollars for this fund. We believe that over $2,500 has been donated for the new fund including the funds donated by members at last week’s meeting.

The Wroclaw Rotary Club has established a tax exempt account for donations in dollars and Mr.Maciej Sygit, who has a Ph.D., is the coordinator for the project for the Rotary Club of Wroclaw. He is the Past President twice of the Wroclaw Club.

Juried Student Art Exhibition

The Rotary Club of Sanibel Captiva’s Support of the
23rd Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition

For almost 40 years, our Sanibel Captiva Rotary Club has supported the Arts and the skilled artists that give their talents to make SW Florida one of the best Art communities in the State. Our Club believes a key part of this success is through supporting and encouraging young artists. We at Sanibel Captiva Rotary are proud to support FGCU’s Student Art Exhibition of the exceptionally talented FGCU Artists.

This year's winner of a $500 award was given to Macy Noll for her "Jubilee" wire sculpture.
Macy Noll
“Jubilee” 2022
20h x 12w x 7d
Wire sculpture

Thanks A Million

This Week's Thanks A Million goes to....

Bill Harkey
the Host & Set Up Man Extraordinaire!


Scholarship Opportunity

Please help us spread the word! The Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club is accepting scholarship applications for the 2022-23 school year. Eligible applicants are students who live or work regularly on the islands, or whose parents live or work on the islands, and will attend a college for an undergraduate degree or a vocational school. Applications must be postmarked by April 15 and can be obtained online at

Friday's Speaker

This week's speakers will be Dana Souza - City Manager of Sanibel

Mr. Souza was selected for the job out of 96 candidates through an extensive search conducted by Colin Baenziger and Associates, a nationally recognized consulting and municipal recruiting firm. Dana has over 35 years of local government experience. Most recently, he was the Interim City Manager in Naples, FL. He previously held positions in Naples as Deputy City Manager and Community Services Director. Mr. Souza served the City of Greenville,
SC, as the Parks, Recreation, and Sustainability Director; Marco Island, FL, as Interim Manager and Parks & Recreation Director; City of Portland, ME, as Director of Parks & Recreation; Union, NY, as the Director of Parks &Recreation; and City of New Bedford, MA, as Director of Parks, Cemeteries and Forestry.

Be sure to join us for our full breakfast menu for meetings. Vaccinated members do NOT NEED masks. There is no limit to the number who can attend.

You need to contact Bill Harkey if you are attending the meeting in-person at the Community House. Please send a confirmation to Bill Harkey at by 5 pm on Tuesday every week.

Another option to join us for meetings is through our club's Zoom meeting on Fridays, doors open at 7 a.m. for small Breakout Rooms, and the meeting will begin at 7:30 a.m.

You can join the ZOOM meeting with the following information:
Meeting ID: 811 0518 7296
Passcode: 776580
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,81105187296#,,,,*776580# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,81105187296#,,,,*776580# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 811 0518 7296
Passcode: 776580
Find your local number:

See you Friday morning!

New Start Time!

We will be starting at 7:15 from now until further notice.
This will allow adequate time for all the wonderful things that happen in our meetings and give our speakers time to speak!



Shawn Young
March 31st
Lynn A Schneider
April 14th
Rick John Hayman
April 16th
Jack Alexander
April 28th

Wedding Anniversaries

Bill Harkey
April 4th
Sam Ankerson
April 7th
Guy H. Tober
April 26th

Years of Service

John A. Klasing
29 Years
Lee Almas
17 Years
Jonathan Dean
6 Years
Lynn A Schneider
5 Years
Annie Jane Campbell
4 Years
Logan Douglas Lee
3 Years
Bill Harkey
2 Years

Club Meeting

Meets at The Sanibel Community House
2173 Periwinkle Way
Sanibel, FL 33957
Time: Friday at 07:00 AM