District Leaders | L. Kirk Bouchie District Governor | | Lance Eberle District Governor Elect | | Laura J. Carie Vice Governor | | Kim Ingalsbe Assistant Governor | | Sara G. Laughlin Assistant Governor | | Charles Miller Assistant Governor | | Pepper Mulherin Assistant Governor | | Scott Peyton Assistant Governor | | Lacretia Ulery Assistant Governor | | Randall D. Wheeler District Secretary | | Shanon Kae O'Toole DGN |
| | April is Maternal and Child Health Month in the Rotary World!!!
Featured in the April 2022 Newsletter:
Governor Kirk's April message District Governor Kirk is a guest at Vincennes Rivet Interact and Floyd Central Interact Club meetings. Sign up today for the April 9 District Conference in Bloomington Rotary’s Network Enables Rapid Humanitarian Relief for Ukrainian Refugees 2022 PRESIDENT ELECT TRAINING WAS A BLAST 2022-2023 District Grant Applications due May lst The Rotary Club of Brown County recognizes a Local Hero with a Paul Harris Fellow Recognition SAVE THE DATE!! 2022 Ryder Cup for the Rotary Foundation scheduled for June 16th Join Bloomington's Rotary Clubs in 'Empowering Girls through Service' project New Albany Rotary Club celebrates Past Presidents We’re doing SO MUCH MORE than eradicating polio! Preventing Disease How do I promote Rotary to the General Public? What is in the HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP at the Rotary International Convention in Houston???? What’s Coming up on the 21-22 District Calendar????Do you know any stories of Rotary's work in your community to share in this newsletter? Please contact Bettye Dunham, bdunham@rauchinc.org. |
Governor Kirk's April message: Greetings Rotarians, April is a very busy time of year as students are finishing their semester studies and our lawns are calling for our attention. Springtime activities are gearing up all around us. Folks are planning summer vacations and projects. This month is Rotary maternal and child health month. Please keep our mothers and children in mind this month and always. This month is also an important month for Rotary District 6580 as we plan to gather in Bloomington for our annual District Conference. On Saturday, April 9th we will convene our first conference since 2019. I invite all of you to consider attending as we have worked hard to put an outstanding day of speakers, breakout sessions and service activities together. Celebrate Rotary, as this is your one day opportunity to meet Rotarians from all around the district, share ideas and develop new contacts and friends. Many have already registered. The deadline is Friday April 1…don’t miss out! (See more details later in the newsletter).
Earlier in mid-March I attended the Land of Lincoln Presidents Elect Training Seminar. I was glad to see so many Rotary President Elects and Nominees. Many of you have heard me say that the most important role in Rotary is the club president. The one word that comes to mind when thinking about our clubs at this time of year is LEADERSHIP. Thank you to all who have stepped up to serve as club presidents, club and district committee leaders and future district governors. I ask all Rotarians to take time this week to thank your club president and those who have stepped up to be club presidents. Speaking of leadership in our district and clubs, we need to develop our bench of upcoming leaders. Please consider saying yes when asked…I assure you it will be some of the best experiences of your life. But I know, you are too busy. I firmly believe that to get something accomplished in this busy world we are in, ask a busy person to lead the effort and it will get done. Please know that being club president or district governor is not the only avenue to serve in a Rotary leadership role. Our work is accomplished by many Rotarians leading small to large groups and activities. I suggest you consider pushing your self-confidence to a higher level and become a Rotary leader. We need leaders! We have so much to do for our communities and this world. Please contact your club president, myself or any of our district leaders if we can answer any questions regarding your interest in becoming a Rotary leader.
Thank you and Happy Springtime!
L. Kirk Bouchie Rotary International District 6580 Governor 2021-2022 PO Box 749 Vincennes, IN 47591 812-887-7681 kbouchie@vinutilities.com |
Governor Kirk is Guest at Rivet Interact Club in Vincennes and Floyd Central Interact Club in New Albany
Rivet Interact Club in Vincennes
The Rivet Interact Club 2021 -2022 Members with Governor Kirkby Dana Worland, President Elect, Vincennes Rotary ClubThe Vincennes Rivet Interact Club met today for the first time since Oct. 2021. The club is made up of 40 members of the 70 total students in the high school.
District Governor Kirk Bouchie was our guest. He invited the students To attend the District Conference in Bloomington on April 9th, talked to them about Buddy Ball (Baseball), Scholarships applications, and encouraged them to continue their journey's as Rotarian's after high school through Roteract & local Rotary Clubs.
The club continues to work on service projects, the most recent being Sewing baby blankets and purchasing onesies for our local hospital. Other upcoming projects are: Loaves & Fishes, Buddy Ball, a canned food drive to benefit the local St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry & a Bake Sale to raise money for equipment for the Buddy Ball Program through Cub League baseball.Carmen Creech, Danica Dunn, & Mason Trent Cadence Mills (left), Kennedy Frey (Right) Floyd Central Interact Club, New Albany By Janie Whaley, Interact Liaison
District Governor Kirk Bouchie visited the Floyd Central Interact Club on Tuesday, March 8th during the regular meeting of the Club. Governor Kirk shared some of his thoughts on Rotary leadership and encouraged students to stay involved as they leave high school. He mentioned several of the Rotaract Clubs in Indiana that are available to students as they enter college.
We were happy to have Kirk visit and share his expertise and experience! |
Sign up today for the April 9 District Conference in Bloomington by Jim Bright, PR Chair, District Conference Committee
With the April 1 deadline coming up next week, we urge you to register for the Saturday, April 9 Rotary District Conference -- our first “in person” conference in three years and our first at the historic Indiana Memorial Union (IMU) since 2010. Your $99 registration fee includes lunch and dinner, keynote presentations, breakout sessions and more. You’ll see old friends and make new friends. You’ll come away with a greater understanding and appreciation of what it means to be a Rotarian. The historic Indiana Memorial Union (IMU) -- the second-largest student union in the U.S. -- has been the heart of the IU campus for more than 100 years, and it has served as the site of our district conference many times. Today, over a century after its founding, the IMU continues to be the lifeblood of IU — a home away from home and a gateway for visitors to the IU campus, greeting one and all with Hoosier hospitality.
Need a hotel room? The Indiana Memorial Union’s Biddle Hotel is sold out, but there are a few rooms available within 3-5 miles. For more info, contact Bettye Dunham at 502-609-1923 or bdunham@rauchinc.org.
SERVICE PROJECT -- We need 15 volunteers to assemble “period positivity pouches” (pads, tampons and note cards) and to write affirming messages to be shared on note cards for each of two “Empowering Girls” sessions.
To make a small tax-deductible contribution, send a check payable to “Bloomington Rotary Foundation” and write “Girls” on the memo line. The address: Bloomington Rotary Foundation; P.O. Box 2026; Bloomington, IN 47402.
Be sure to check out the schedule, including breakouts, at Microsoft Word - Schedule5 22-03-21 (rotary6580.org)
For more information, contact Bettye Dunham at 502-609-1923 or bdunham@rauchinc.org. |
Rotary’s Network Enables Rapid Humanitarian Relief for Ukrainian Refugees(Adapted from Rotary.org)The crisis in Ukraine is having devastating consequences on civilians as families flee their homes. According to the United Nations, over 3 million people, most of them women and children, have sought refuge in neighboring countries and across Europe, while about 1 million more people have been displaced within Ukraine.
Rotary and Rotaract clubs in Europe and around the world have taken swift action and are working with members nearby to provide food, water, medical equipment, and shelter for refugees.
Rotaract Europe The European Rotaract Information Centre, a multidistrict information organization that serves Rotaractors all over Europe, created a United for Peace site that compiles information for refugees and volunteers. • The site offers information about free rail, bus, and air transportation available to refugees and lists details about what’s needed and how to help at specific national borders. • It also has fundraising details for hospitals in the western Ukraine city of Lviv, as well as for clubs that are helping in various places and for other organizations in the region. • The site lets Rotaractors coordinate shelter for refugees stranded at the border. Volunteer hosts can sign up through an online form and specify how many people they can house and for how long. Begun as an initiative to help fellow Rotary members leaving Ukraine, it’s now being used by Rotaract and Rotary members all over Europe to offer help.
A tool on the site links a demand for goods with available supplies. It was created within 48 hours after a team of 60 members from 10 countries met by videoconference about how to meet the most urgent needs.
Ukraine Ukraine has 62 Rotary clubs, 6 satellite clubs with about 1,100 members, and 24 Rotaract clubs with 300 + members. • District 2232 (Ukraine and Belarus) formed a committee to help people affected by the crisis. It has launched an appeal to Rotary members worldwide for funds to provide basic necessities.
The city of Lviv has had an influx of people displaced from other cities around Ukraine. The Rotary Club of Lviv International, working with local authorities and major hospitals, created an online spreadsheet of relief items that can be accessed by people who want to help. Members arrange for the donated items to be delivered to hospitals and coordinate storage with local warehouses.
Poland Poland has taken in over 1 million refugees; Rotary clubs across the country created a central account for donations. • The Rotary Club of Olsztyn is collecting and managing donations for more than 150 Ukrainians who are staying at Ostróda Camp, a conference and recreation center. Most of the occupants are unaccompanied children whose parents stayed in Ukraine. • Members of the Rotary Club of Zamosc worked with a member of the Rotary Club of Wolsztyn, who owns a medical supply distribution company, to coordinate a partnership with other organizations to collect supplies. The Rotary Club of Gdansk Centrum is providing accommodations for four refugee families, and members who own businesses are offering them work.
Other countries that border Ukraine • The Rotary Club of Kisvárda, Hungary, is coordinating contributions and mobilizing members to donate necessities and deliver the items to where they’re needed. • Rotary members in Romania and Moldova have created a central fund for contributions and set up WhatsApp groups that organize food donations and coordinate shelter for refugees. • In Slovakia and the Czech Republic, clubs have partnered with a railway and cargo company to offer transportation to nearly 2,300 refugees.
For more information and to help go to: (https://www.rotary.org/en/rotarys-network-enables-rapid-humanitarian-relief-for-ukrainian-refugees)
UKRAINIAN REFUGEE DISASTER RELIEF Please consider donating toward the Ukrainian Refugee Relief Efforts of Rotary and/or ShelterBox:
• Click HERE https://my.rotary.org/en/disaster-response-fund for information on donating to Rotary International’s Disaster Relief Fund |
2022 PRESIDENT ELECT TRAINING WAS A BLAST!!President Elect Alain Baker of Bloomington, PE Carolyn Frey of Bloomington Sunrise, Lance Eberle, DGE and Joy Harter, Assistant Governor for Area 4 by Lance Eberle, DGEAfter two years of being on-line, the 2022 President Elect Training was held in-person on March 19-20. You could feel the electricity as two hundred Rotarians gathered from four different districts in Effingham, Illinois for fellowship and interactive training.
The training was built on the Rotary Action Plan: to increase our impact, expand our reach, enhance participant engagement, and increase our ability to adapt. Using this framework, the President-Elects gathered in small groups where they exchanged ideas on how to address the needs of their communities and to move Rotary forward into the future.(l to r) Mandy Lohrum, DGDN; Shanon O'Tool, DGN; Jennifer Jones, Rotary International President Elect: Lance Eberle, DGE; and Kirk Bouchie, DG The President-Elects were also fortunate to receive inspirational messages from Miss Illinois 2021, Isabelle Hanson; Rotary International Director Elizabeth Usovicz; and Rotary Foundation Director Larry Lunsford. The highlight of PETs was the was the visit by RI President-Elect Jennifer Jones who challenged us to “Imagine Rotary” and reminded us “that in order to live in a society that you want, you have to help build it.”Lance Eberle, DGE
Lance Eberle District 6580 Governor-Elect 2021-2022 1405 N. College Ave. Bloomington, IN 47404 812-360-0357lance.district6580@gmail.com
2022-2023 District Grant Applications due May lst Thank you for working to help your communities and your world!by Bettye Dunham, District Grants Chair District grant applications for the 22-23 grant year are due May lst, 2022. (Sorry, no exceptions.) Please email these in word format to Bettye Dunham (bdunham@rauchinc.org) along with the additional forms: MOU, Transferring Custody of a Bank Account, Grant Management Compliance Questionnaire Forms can be found on rotary6580.org under the Foundation tab. For the 22-23 grant awards there will be $39,240 available with a maximum request of $3000 and a minimum request of $250. As detailed in the grant training, all grant request amounts must be matched by the club. Remember: The amount of grant money available is determined by the amount of Foundation money donated to The Rotary Foundation three years ago from our district. Fifty percent of that is returned to the district and fifty percent of that is available for district grants.
If your club has questions about whether a potential grant project would be considered please get in touch with Administrative Assistant, Bettye Dunham, at bdunham@rauchinc.org or 502 609 1923.
The process for review of grants will be as follows: As grants are received there may be calls made to the individuals listed on the contact page of the grant application to clarify information. Grants will be reviewed and scored by the District Grants Foundation team. Clubs may be recommended for all or partial amounts of their request based on the scoring and the total amount of funding requested. At this point, the clubs will be notified of the RECOMMENDED amount of their award by the District. Once this is completed, all grants, with recommendations, will be forwarded to The Rotary Foundation for their review. The Rotary Foundation may contact the district to ask additional questions or clarifications. Once we have heard back from TRF, we will contact the clubs and let them know the results. We then must wait until RI forwards the funding to the district before sending the check out to the clubs. We usually anticipate this process will be completed around the end of July or first of August. |
Rotary Club of Brown County recognizes a Local Hero with a Paul Harris Fellow RecognitionRotarians Jenny Johnson and Mike Laros present Todd Fisher with Paul Harris Fellow recognition for his bravery. . by Jaydene Laros, Brown County Rotary Club Brown County Rotarians were honored to award Jackson Township Volunteer firefighter and Indiana State Highway Department employee, Mr. Todd Fisher, with a Paul Harris Fellow recognition for his contribution to the community exemplified by the heroic rescue of a lone female trapped in a submerged automobile at Lake Lemon in mid-December 2021. Todd jumped into the very cold water, swam to the sinking auto, pried open a door, and guided the terrified victim safely to shore. Bystanders quickly wrapped the chilly but unharmed individuals in blankets. Todd is truly a local hero and an example of “Service above Self.” |
SAVE THE DATE!! 2022 Ryder Cup for the Rotary Foundation scheduled for June 16th
by Bob Browning, Center Grove Rotary ClubGood morning! We are again hosting the 2022 Rotary Ryder Cup for the Rotary Foundation and battling District 6560 for golf supremacy. It is the same format as last year with the proceeds going to the Annual Fund of the Rotary Foundation. If you recall, 50% of what we raise will come back to our District to be use for programs such as District Grants. The event is June 16 at Hickory Stick Golf Club in Greenwood. The goal is for each district to field 36 players (18 two-person teams). We will take teams on a first come first serve basis but we will need teams on stand by in the event a team cannot make it the day of the event.
If you are a golfer, it is a wonderful event and I can guarantee you will have fun. I have attached this year's flyer which explains the rules and the costs.
If you think you want to field a team, please respond to me http://bobbrowningcpa@gmail.com, so we can get an idea as to the number of players we will be able to field.Here's the scoop:
Districts 6565 and 6580 will meet each other at Hickory Stick Golf Club in Greenwood on Thursday, June 16th. Shotgun start will be at noon.- Format is a modified Ryder Cup where two-person teams from District 6580 and District 6560 will play each other.
- Scoring will be match play with no carryovers. When a team wins a hole, it is awarded a point. If the teams tie a hole, the point is split. The team reaching 9 ½ points first wins the match and earns a match-point for their district.
- You do not have to possess great golfing skills to participate, just a desire to have fun playing golf with fellow Rotarians. You can find a fellow Rotarian to be your partner and enter together or we will assign a partner to you.
- Opposing district teams will be matched up based on combined team handicaps so that matches are as competitive as can be without a lot of handicap strokes. (If you don't have a USGA handicap, we'll work with your average score in order to calculate a handicap.)
- The event is intended to raise money for the Rotary International Foundation. Cost is $100 per golfer with a large portion of that going to RIF.
Join Bloomington's Rotary Clubs in 'Empowering Girls through Service' project from column in Bloomington Herald Times by Jessika Hane Whether we’re talking India — or Indiana — it’s hard to be a girl anywhere in the world today. So, at Rotary we’ve made “Empowering Girls” one of our four major initiatives for 2021-22, and I am proud to serve as Rotary’s program ambassador for our seven-state zone.
Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta of India encourages our 1.3 million members in 35,000 clubs and in 200+ countries to prioritize projects that improve the health, well-being, education, and economic security of girls in our communities and around the world. Rotary asks us to develop a club-based initiative or grant that engages members of our community in a project that will protect and empower girls.
Girls and women face inequities in areas including health and education, and they experience significant violence and disproportionate poverty. Some facts to consider: • In many cultures there is a preference for sons and that sometimes leads to “sex selection” through abortion and infanticide • In countries with available data, girls ages 10-14 are more likely than boys to spend 21 hours each week on household chores • In recent years, the proportion of girls ages 5 to 19 who are overweight has grown from 9% to 17% • One in five girls throughout the world marry before 18, and complications during pregnancy and child birth are among the world’s leading cause of death in girls ages 15-19 • 60 million girls worldwide have no access to basic education and, of the 960 million who are illiterate worldwide, two-thirds are women
While it’s difficult to address these issues, there’s one area that’s relatively easy and inexpensive: The lack of “period product supplies” which leads to school absenteeism in Bloomington and throughout the world. A good education goes a long way toward giving us what we need to prepare for jobs that pay higher wages, helping us prevent an adult life of poverty.
On Saturday, April 9, Rotarians from the 34 clubs throughout southern Indiana — including the three Bloomington-based clubs — will gather at the Indiana Memorial Union for our first “in person” district conference in three years. For our service project, we will assemble “period positivity pouches” for Girls Inc. of Monroe County.
To fill those pouches, we need pads, tampons, toothbrushes and notecards. And, of course, we welcome financial contributions that will enable us to buy these materials.
At the District Conference on April 9th participants can drop off pads, tampons and other supplies for the project. Bloomington residents can drop off supplies at Teachers Warehouse, 524 N. Fairview, Street, Bloomington, on the following days and times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-6:00 and Saturday from 9:30-12:30.
If you’d like to make a small tax-deductible contribution, send a check payable to “Bloomington Rotary Foundation” and write “Girls” on the memo line. The address: Bloomington Rotary Foundation P.O. Box 2026 Bloomington, IN 47402 In addition to “packing the pouches,” we will write affirming messages to be shared with the girls on the note cards. To learn more about how Rotary is stepping up to address the challenges that girls face worldwide, you can watch a video of my recent talk at Bloomington Rotary: Celebration of Service - February 22, 2022 - YouTube. Jessika Hane of Bloomington Sunrise Rotary is “Empowering Girls” ambassador for Rotary Zone 30. |
New Albany Rotary Club celebrates Past Presidents Day
We’re doing SO MUCH MORE than eradicating polio!
PREVENTING DISEASE By Vanessa Glavinskas Photography by Andrew Esiebo, TRF Polio vaccination campaigns are difficult to carry out in northern Nigeria, where the Boko Haram insurgency has displaced millions of people, leading to malnutrition and spikes in disease. When security allows, health workers diligently work to bring the polio vaccine and other health services to every child, including going tent to tent in camps for displaced people. The health workers pictured here are in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno, where the insurgency began 10 years ago.
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), of which Rotary is a spearheading partner, funds 91 percent of all immunization staff in the World Health Organization’s Africa region. These staff members are key figures in the fight against polio — and other diseases: 85 percent give half their time to immunization, surveillance, and outbreak response for other initiatives. For example, health workers in Borno use the polio surveillance system, which detects new cases of polio and determines where and how they originated, to find people with symptoms of yellow fever. During a 2018 yellow fever outbreak, this was one of many strategies that resulted in the vaccination of 8 million people. And during an outbreak of Ebola in Nigeria in 2014, health workers prevented that disease from spreading beyond 19 reported cases by using methods developed for the polio eradication campaign to find anyone who might have come in contact with an infected person.
Children protected from polio still face other illnesses, and in Borno, malaria kills more people than all other diseases combined. Worldwide, a child dies of malaria every two minutes. To prevent its spread, insecticide-treated bed nets — such as the one Hurera Idris is pictured installing in her home — are often distributed for free during polio immunization events. In 2017, the World Health Organization, one of Rotary’s partners in the GPEI, organized a campaign to deliver antimalarial medicines to children in Borno using polio eradication staff and infrastructure. It was the first time that antimalarial medicines were delivered on a large scale alongside the polio vaccine, and the effort reached 1.2 million children. Rotary and its partners also distribute soap and organize health camps to treat other conditions. “The pluses vary from one area to another. Depending on the environment and what is seen as a need, we try to bridge the gap,” says Tunji Funsho, chair of Rotary’s Nigeria PolioPlus Committee. “Part of the reason you get rejections when you immunize children is that we’ve been doing this for so long. In our part of the world, people look at things that are free and persistent with suspicion. When they know something else is coming, reluctant families will bring their children out to have them immunized.” Rotarians’ contributions to PolioPlus help fund planning by technical experts, large-scale communication efforts to make people aware of the benefits of vaccinations, and support for volunteers who go door to door. Volunteer community mobilizers are a critical part of vaccination campaigns in Nigeria’s hardest-to-reach communities. The volunteers are selected and trained by UNICEF, one of Rotary’s partners in the GPEI, and then deployed in the community or displaced persons camp where they live. They take advantage of the time they spend connecting with community members about polio to talk about other strategies to improve their families’ health. Fatima Umar, the volunteer pictured here, is educating Hadiza Zanna about health topics such as hygiene and maternal health, in addition to why polio vaccination is so important. Nigerian Rotarians have been at the forefront of raising support for Rotary’s polio efforts. For example, Sir Emeka Offor, a member of the Rotary Club of Abuja Ministers Hill, and his foundation collaborated with Rotary and UNICEF to produce an audiobook called Yes to Health, No to Polio that health workers use. |
How do I promote Rotary to the General Public?Promoting Rotary to the general public can be as simple as wearing your Rotary pin or as elaborate as organizing an integrated marketing campaign. By increasing the public's understanding of Rotary, we're strengthening our ability to make an impact in communities around the world.
Whether you’re new to PR or a professional, we can help. We encourage you to visit the Rotary Brand Center, where you will find a variety of media-ready materials that can be adapted to your needs.
How do I promote my club’s project? Including a public relations component in your project plan will help ensure your club’s projects and events get the attention and support they deserve. The following ideas can help you create a successful campaign.*Know your local media *Before sending stories to a journalist, get to know your audience. Read your local newspaper, listen to the evening news, and follow Facebook and Twitter to identify where a Rotary story might fit. *Consider inviting a local journalist to speak to your club about how to work with the media or invite them to join a service project so they can see firsthand how your club is improving your community.
You could also: *Develop a media list and keep it current. *Get to know local journalists by inviting them to learn more about Rotary, your club, or a specific project. *Contact the media with newsworthy story ideas, being sure to: Know your story and anticipate questions. Send background materials immediately following contact. Be persuasive, persistent, and friendly, but not aggressive. Write a press release that journalists want to read Once you've developed a relationship with your local reporter, help them remember you through regular contact. Share news about your club projects, fundraising events, or the arrival of Youth Exchange students with a press release. You should:
Develop your “news hook,” a persuasive reason for the news media to pursue a story Include the five Ws in the opening paragraph of your press release: who, what, where, when, and why Keep it concise; limit the press release to one page and paste it into the body of your email rather than sending it as an attachment. Decide who will respond to media inquiries and include their contact information. Include visuals when you send to TV stations
More ideas for promoting Rotary There are many ways to promote Rotary. You can hold a special event, start a Facebook page, or place a billboard ad.
You could also: *Advertise on cable and public access TV *Create a public service announcement *Write op-eds and letters to the editor *Distribute club brochures, media kits, and fact sheets *Post on your club website and social media outlets, including blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. |
What is in the HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP at the Rotary International Convention in Houston????
from RI email The House of Friendship is the ultimate destination for Rotarians to gather the tools and resources needed to make an impact around the world. When you’re there you can:
Expand your global network of humanitarians and people of action Share best practices, ideas, and successes for projects and club efforts from around the world Shop a marketplace of wares from Rotary Licensed vendors, local artisans, and Rotary partners Meet Rotary International staff that will provide updates, support, and guidance on programs and services Register for the 2023 Rotary International Convention in Melbourne, Australia Global Network The perfect place to meet up with old friends and make new connections, the House of Friendship offers the opportunity for Rotarians to come together to strengthen and grow your global network. Learn from others best practices, share ideas, and motivate each other to continue the charge to create lasting changes.
Projects, Rotarian Action Groups, and Fellowships Stay informed on the latest updates and successes of Rotary projects and Rotarian Action Groups and find ideas you can implement in your own area. Learn and share the stories of Rotarians efforts worldwide and connect with others that share your interests.
Marketplace Explore the Rotary Marketplace and discover new tools from Rotary partners that make a difference, hand-crafted wares from local artisans for gifts and memories, and Rotary Licensed merchandise to show your support.
Rotary International Hub Rotary International booths: Resource Center, Ribbons, PolioPlus, Virtual Reality, Social Media, Rotaract, YEO, and more, will all have staff on-hand to answer questions, provide updates, and assist you with everything you need to know about Rotary.
Host Committee In addition to these many resources, you will be able to enjoy local entertainment, food, and special events to celebrate the spirit of Rotarians.
2023 Rotary Convention Promotion Visit the 2023 Convention promotion booth to register for Melbourne, book accommodations and purchase tickets to Signature events. Learn what Melbourne has to offer visitors and chat with the Host Rotarians or staff for more information.REGISTER NOW!! |
What’s Coming up on the 21-22 District Calendar????
March 31st: District grant reports (21-22) due
April 8th: PDG meeting and dinner: Bloomington IU Memorial Union 9th: District Conference in Bloomington at the IU Memorial Union
May 1st: District Grants 22-23 Due
June 4th - 8th: Rotary International Convention 2022, Houston, TX 16th: District 6560 and 6580 Rotary Ryder Cup Golf Tournament 18th: Changeover: Indiana Memorial Union, University Club's Presidents Room
September 28 - October 2nd: Pathway to Our Future: Zone 30 and 31 International Conference Chattanooga, TN
October 24th: World Polio Day
November December
2023 January February March
April 22nd: Rotary District Conference 2023, Terre Haute Convention Center
May 27-31, 2023: Rotary International Convention 2023, Melbourne, Australia |