District Leaders | L. Kirk Bouchie District Governor | | Lance Eberle District Governor Elect | | Laura J. Carie Vice Governor | | Kim Ingalsbe Assistant Governor | | Sara G. Laughlin Assistant Governor | | Charles Miller Assistant Governor | | Pepper Mulherin Assistant Governor | | Scott Peyton Assistant Governor | | Lacretia Ulery Assistant Governor | | Randall D. Wheeler District Secretary | | Shanon Kae O'Toole DGN |
| | CORRECTED NEWSLETTER (please disregard the last one) June is Fellowship Month in the Rotary World!!!
Featured in the June 2022 Newsletter:*Governor Kirk's June message *Scenes from Kirk's May visits *Join us for the 2022 Changeover Ceremony: June 18th *The Rotary Club of Washington has SUCCESS with Corporate Membership *IF YOU ARE GOING TO THE RI CONVENTION in HOUSTON *We’re doing SO MUCH MORE than eradicating polio! IMPROVING HEALTH CARE *Vincennes Rotary Club awards $24,500 in Scholarships to 21 Local High School and College Students *Major Donor Dinner recognizes ‘newest’ Major Donors in District 6580 – Darren and Ann Patterson of the Rotary Club of Jasper *The Rotary Club of Bloomington Focuses District Grant funds to help Educate Young Children on Different Cultures *FIND A ROTARY FELLOWSHIP FITTING YOUR INTEREST....OR….. START A NEW ONE!!! *Rotary Club of Greensburg 'Serves to Change Lives'....Dogs included!! *Find Your Passion in Rotary: RLI Classes Return!! *Do you have Rotary members interested in, or working in, Disaster Response???? *Report from Rotary's Council on Legislation is now available!! *What’s Coming up on the 21-22 District Calendar????
Do you know any stories of Rotary's work in your community to share in this newsletter? Please contact Bettye Dunham, bdunham@rauchinc.org. |
Governor Kirk's June message: Greetings Rotarians! The arrival of June 2022 marks the official opening of summer. Family vacations, swimming pools, cook outs, outdoor sports, no school and hopefully some time for relaxation. With 11 months of this Rotary year behind us, I want to tell all of you how proud I am of our D6580 Rotarians this year. Much success has been achieved in all of our clubs. But, the year is not complete! Recently, I attended a Rotary meeting where the discussion centered on the question, “What is Rotary?” I heard the best and most succinct definition I have ever heard. Rotary is a MEMBERSHIP driven organization that does good in our communities and the world. Without members our ability to do service projects and donate in support of our foundation work would not exist. For several years we have struggled with increasing membership in Rotary in the USA. Many factors have contributed to this trend, including a worldwide pandemic in 2020/2021/2022. I am very proud to report that our district numbers were up slightly last year and are presently up at this point at the 11 month mark. I congratulate and thank all of you for keeping membership as the top priority. After visiting (in person) all 36 of our clubs (including Rotaract) I can tell you the most pressing issue across the district is member engagement and new member recruitment. We love Rotary and what we stand for. Please continue to share the Rotary story and opportunities with others in your community. I know there are folks out there just waiting to be ask to join our team. Because we are a MEMBERSHIP driven organization our biggest strength is our personal relationships with each other. Please take some time to consider making the ask of someone you know. Thanks!
Best wishes to all of our clubs and club leaders as you plan for the transition to new leadership on July 1. Rotary is most likely the largest organization in the world that changes leadership every year. With this many challenges arise, but, also many opportunities to welcome new ideas for even more success as an organization. Thanks and best wishes to all of our new leaders as they set goals for a great 2022/2023 Rotary year! Thanks to every Rotary member in our district for your efforts to serve to change lives. Southern Indiana is certainly blessed to have 1500 or so Rotarians that care.
Rotary International District 6580 Governor 2021-2022 PO Box 749 Vincennes, IN 47591 812-887-7681 kbouchie@vinutilities.com |
Scenes from DG Kirk's May Visits
DG Kirk attends Terre Haute South's Annual Meeting
Terre Haute South Rotarians and Scholars!
THS Rotary Treasurer, Bill Allen with Grace Kidwell, recipient of the RHS Rotary Mary Cornelius Scholarship
l to r: IPP Keith Madley, PHF recipient Stacy Stuck, DG Kirk Bouchie
l to r: IPP Keith Madley, PHF recipient, Ryan Bridge, DG Kirk Bouchie
DG Kirk Visits District 6560 District Conference
l to r: 6580 DG Kirk Bouchie, Indianapolis Motor Speedway President Doug Boles, 6560 DG Ray Kramp |
Join us for the 2022 Changeover Ceremony June 18th at 11:30 am University Club in the Indiana University Memorial Union 900 E. 7th St Bloomington, IN
TO REGISTER: Go to https://www.dacdb.com/index.html?EventID=77586911 Please register no later than June 11th
Cost: $25
NOTE: Bloomington Rotarians please select: 'bill club' Parking will be $1.50 per half hour at IMU.
The Rotary Club of Washington has SUCCESS with Corporate MembershipBy Teri Kelso, immediate Past PresidentThe Rotary Club of Washington is happy to share with other clubs the success they have had with ‘corporate memberships’. Last year, when Washington updated their bylaws, they introduced a new corporate membership program.
The corporation/business can either have one primary member at $175 for six months, $300 per year, with 3 alternate members for free, OR they can have 2 primary members at $350 per six months, $750 per year, with 3 alternate members for free. Note: Regular individual membership is $200 per year. Since this has been introduced, they have already had 11 corporate members (one at level 2 and a few Rotarians converted over to the corporate program), so a potential of 36 alternative members. We're hoping some alternate members become interested enough in joining as individuals (or bumping up to level 2.) There are several other business organizations that have expressed an interest in joining soon. (See corporate member form here: https://www.dacdb.com/Rotary/Accounts/6580/assets/Rotary%20Corporate%20Membership%20Form%20%204July2021.docx
Corporate primary members are considered members with RI and are able to run for club office and serve on the board. The alternate members are not considered members at the RI level; i.e. clubs do not pay RI dues on alternative members, nor can they be officers or on the board. All, however, are able to participate in other functions of the club, such as service projects and events.
We also present a plaque to the new corporate member and, so far, all the corporate members have proudly displayed their plaques in their businesses (it's usually the first thing I see when I enter their business!)
We've been very excited by the interest in our corporate membership program. I was really lucky that when I was President and wanted to transition from having zoom meetings to hybrid meetings, that I was able to work something out with my friend Bill Bobe, who owns Bobes Pizza. His business only opens during the evening hours for dinner, so it's really nice that we have the entire restaurant to ourselves each week. Club members are able to enjoy an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet with a salad & a drink for only $10. We made Bill an honorary member and presented him with a Rotary plaque which he promptly displayed in his restaurant. It's been a win-win for all of us.
I am happy to share any information with other Rotarians who are interested in learning more about Washington’s corporate membership program. It's still a work in progress and we will probably be tweaking a few things when we move into the new Rotary year. Overall, we've been very happy with the positive results of having a corporate membership program.
Warm regards, Terri
Terri Kelso iPast President Rotary Club of Washington terrikelso@att.net |
If you are attending the RI Convention in Houston and you have NOT heard about ‘our’ DISTRICT GET-TOGETHER on Sunday night, please contact Bettye Dunham, bdunham@rauchinc.org, right away!!
Polio update from Jim Gislason, Polio Plus Chair We have good news to share with you this month, and unfortunately, some not so good news as we have another new Polio case in Pakistan. Once again, Rotary will jump into the breach and vaccinate children in a 75 mile radius around the site of the latest outbreak.
Polio is keeping its ugly head looking for more victims. Rotary, you and I, are making sure there is enough money to keep the local volunteers in Pakistan and Afghanistan with adequate supplies of the precious polio vaccine. If you can, please send a check to The Rotary Foundation, marked for PolioPlus. We’re doing SO MUCH MORE than eradicating polio! IMPROVING HEALTH CARE By Vanessa Glavinskas Photography by Andrew Esiebo, TRFIn Maiduguri, Falmata Mustapha rides a hand-operated tricycle donated to her by Rotary’s Nigeria PolioPlus Committee. She is joined by several health workers for a door-to-door immunization campaign, bringing polio drops to areas without basic health care. UNICEF data show that polio survivors like Mustapha have a remarkable success rate persuading reluctant parents to vaccinate their children — on average, survivors convince seven of every 10 parents they talk to. In places where misinformation and rumors have left people hesitant to vaccinate, the survivors’ role in the final phase of the eradication effort is critical. “Since working with the team, I have seen an increase in immunization compliance in the community,” Mustapha says. “I am well-regarded in the community because of my work, and I am happy about this.”
Eighteen million people around the world who would have died or been paralyzed are alive and walking because of the polio eradication campaign. Health workers and volunteers supported by PolioPlus grants have built an infrastructure for delivering health care and collecting data that, in many parts of the world, didn’t exist before. It’s already being used to improve overall health care and to fight other diseases, proving that the legacy of PolioPlus is more than eradicating a deadly disease from the planet — it’s also building a stronger health system that provides better access to lifesaving interventions for the world’s most vulnerable children. |
Vincennes Rotary Club awards $24,500 in Scholarships to 21 Local High School and College Students
by Gary Hackney, President
The Vincennes Rotary Club recently completed their annual scholarship program. This year, scholarships were awarded to 21 local high school and college students totaling $24,500. This amount is the most ever awarded in the history of the scholarship program which began in 1976. Also, this year, the total amount awarded since the inception of the scholarship program went beyond $400,000.
Scholarship recipients were determined through an application process and then scored by scholarship committee members made up of Rotarians. Six different scholarships are given. l to r: Katelyn Hedge, Madisyn Ziegler, Coleton Pfoff, Maddisyn Halter and Danica Dunn Vincennes Rotary scholarships include the Charles R. Cronenwett Scholarship, named after Charles Cronenwett, who was club President in 1950-51 and District Governor 1952-53, and the Steve and Ann LaRoche Scholarship. Both Steve and Ann are Rotarians. Steve served as club President in 1990-91, Assistant Governor from 1998-2002 and District Governor from 2010-2011. Another scholarship named in honor of a past Rotarian is the Harry G. Custred Scholarship. Mr. Custred served as club President in 1964-65. The Custred scholarship is awarded to a student who is pursuing a degree in engineering. There are also scholarships for Service Above Self and Interact and a specific scholarship for students who are planning to attend Vincennes University.
Although some funding for the scholarships is provided through generous donors and endowments established through the local Vincennes Rotary Foundation, the majority of the scholarship dollars are generated by our local 52/52 Rotary Raffle.
Major Donor Dinner recognizes ‘newest’ Major Donors in District 6580 – Darren and Ann Patterson of the Rotary Club of Jasper
By Kirk Bouchie, DGDistrict 6580 would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to Jessika and Bryan Hane for hosting our first Major Donor Dinner on April 30th, 2022 in Bloomington at the Hilton Garden Inn. The event was held to express our gratitude and celebrate the commitment of all of the Major Donors in our district.
Recognized at this event were the newest Major Donors in District 6580; Darren and Ann Patterson of the Rotary Club of Jasper. Their generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation, along with the other Major Donors, are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs throughout the world. We thank them, and all the Major Donors, for making a difference in our world through this donation.l to r: Jerry and Darlene Fox, Jim Bright, Carolyn Frey 'Host with the Most', Bryan Hane |
The Rotary Club of Bloomington Focuses District Grant funds to help Educate Young Children on Different Cultures.
From Bloomington's final grant reportThe goal of the Lotus Blossoms World Bazaar is to introduce local children and their families to world cultures. Created in 1996 with the help of area teachers, the annual World Bazaar has become a tradition in Monroe County schools as well as in our community. The Lotus Blossoms World Bazaar is a free, two-day multicultural arts and education event for children, families, and community members. It took place April 1-2, 2022 at Fairview Elementary School, 500 West 7th Street, in downtown Bloomington.
On Friday, April 1, 4th graders from Monroe County schools attended the bazaar. On Saturday, the bazaar was open to the public. Community partners from Bloomington (and around the world) presented information and activities about arts, music, language, and international crafts that let attendees get their hands on the world at vibrant, high-energy activity stations. Children and their teachers or families grab a “passport” at the door and go!We had to overcome two hurdles related to the pandemic: (1) an insufficient number of bus drivers were available to transport the students from all the schools to the Bazaar; and (2) a couple of schools were not ready to participate in the event. In consultation with the school system administration, we adjusted our plan as follows: • On Friday, we focused on the Title I (low income) schools. • We created Outreach packets for all the other 4th grade classes and printed and distributed those to the teachers at non-Title I MCCSC schools and as well as the St. Charles school. • We printed flyers to advertise the Saturday Community Day to encourage parents to bring their students on that day.
The Bloomington Rotary Club received a District Grant for this project, which was matched by the club. The club worked in collaboration with Lotus to plan and execute the event and then served as volunteers to help presenters share their experiences with the attendees. Over 1400 people benefited from the project, including 742 attendees and 458 students receiving packets.l to r: Bloomington Rotarians, Michael Shermis, Sara Laughlin (AG),, Jim Bright (Global Scholar Chair) , and Sally Gaskill (President) |
From RI article on fellowships: Rotary Fellowships consist of members who share a common interest in recreational activities, sports, hobbies, or professions. These groups help expand skills, foster vocational development, and enhance the Rotary experience by exploring interests while developing connections around the world.
OVERVIEW • Help participants make lasting friendships outside their own club, district, or country • Advance Rotary’s public image and identity • Serve as an incentive for joining Rotary and for maintaining active membership ORGANIZATION • Function independently of Rotary International by establishing their own rules, dues requirements, and administrative structure. • Are open to Rotarians, their family members, as well as participants and alumni of all Rotary and Foundation programs.
STARTING A NEW FELLOWSHIP If your recreational or vocational interest isn’t represented by Rotary’s current Fellowships: • Join a discussion group or start a new one on My Rotary. It’s a great way to share your interest with other members. • Use Rotary’s presence on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote your idea. • Attend the Rotary International Convention or other Rotary events to network and find others that share your interest.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Visit www.rotary.org/fellowships for additional resources on Rotary Fellowships. Contact rotaryfellowships@rotary.org with questions. EN—(0518) R
Current fellowships:• 4x4 vehicles • Alsace • Amateur Radio • Antique Automobiles • Argentine Culture • Badminton • Bathhouse • Beard and Moustache • Bee • Beer • Bird Watching • Bowling • Camping • Caravanning • Chess • Comedy • Computer Users • Corporate Social Responsibility • Cricket • Cruising • Cultural Heritage • Curling • Cycling • Doll Lovers • Draughts (Checkers) • E-Clubs • Editors and Publishers • Educators • Empowering Women • Entrepreneurs • Environment • Esperanto • Ethics • European Philosophy • Executive Managers • Fishing • Flying • Genealogists • Gin • Global Development • Go • Golf • Gourmet Cooking • Graphic Designers • Healthcare Professionals • Hiking • Home Exchange • Honorary Consuls • Horseback Riding • Hunting • Internet • Italian Culture • Jazz • Kites • Latin Culture • Lawyers • Leadership • LGBT+ • Magicians • Magna Graecia • Marathon Running • Metalhead • Military Veterans • Motorcycling • Music • Old and Rare Books • Palmwine • Past District Governors • Peace Fellows • Photographers • Pickleball • Public Health • Quilters and Fiber Artists • Railroads • Recreational Vehicles • Rotary Global History • Rotary Heritage and History • Rotary Means Business • Rotary on Pins • Rotary on Stamps • Rowing • Rum • Scouting • Scuba • Shooting Sport • Singles • Skiing • Social Networks • Strategic Planning • Surfing • Table Tennis • Tennis • Total Quality Management • Travel and Hosting • Triathlon • Urban Gardening • Vintage Collectables • Wellness and Fitness • Whisk(e)y • Wildlife Conservation • Wine • Yachting • Yoga |
Rotary Club of Greensburg 'Serves to Change Lives'....Dogs incuded!!
by Jenni Hannah, PresidentSix Greensburg Rotarians and one middle-schooler spent Friday afternoon, May 20, walking dogs at the Greensburg Animal Shelter as part of the club's May Service Project.
A lot of dogs got a little exercise and a lot of love and attention from the Greensburg Rotarians!!"It was a great experience, as a fellow dog lover, to get to love on these dogs that are in need of a home," said Rotarian Gracie Maxwell.
"We appreciate what the Rotary Club did today," said Greensburg/Decatur County Animal Shelter board president Sue Feaster. "Rotary coming out today was a huge help for our staff. We always need volunteers and people to come out and visit our animals."
More than a dozen animals got a chance to stretch their legs--some at a quicker pace than others.
"Tyler Williams was able to jog with the dogs a bit better than most of us," laughed Rotarian and Past President Tami Wenning. Tyler is the middle-school aged son of Past President and current Club Secretary Lora Williams.
This effort was the latest service project for the Greensburg Rotary Club, which has been dedicated to doing a different service project each month during the 2022 Year of Serving To Change Lives--animal lives included. |
Find Your Passion in Rotary RLI Classes Return!!
by Shanon O'Toole, RLI Chair, DGNWe are happy to announce the return of RLI in District 6580. We will be starting with RLI 1 online, Mondays in July. July 11,18, and 25. These courses will take place via zoom from 6-8:30 pm. RLI 1 is for EVERYONE! The purpose of the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is to strengthen your club and strengthen your life. Rotary provides an opportunity for all of us to provide service to our community and throughout the world. (Service Above Self) With that service comes a learning experience in the areas of leadership, team building, planning, marketing, communication and organization.
You can register in DACdb at https://www.dacdb.com/index.html?EventID=77590156.
There is a fee of $15 for all 3 RLI 1 classes. District 6580's July classes are limited to the first 24 registraints.
The courses are facilitated, interactive and fun! RLI provides an opportunity to enrich that learning through sharing experiences and ideas with other Rotarians throughout the District.
Questions?? Please contact me.
Shanon O'Toole shanonotoole@originalcompany.com 812 890 4695 |
Do you have Rotary members interested in or working in Disaster Response????During this last year there have been several natural disasters that have happened in states within our zone. When this happens, Rotarians locally and around the world reach out to determine how they can be of help, both with funds as well as other help like supplies and labor. Our district, at the initiation of DG Kirk, is taking the beginning steps of developing a disaster response plan that can help channel funds and manage Rotary volunteers if this might happen in our district. District 6510 has a well-developed plan that supports the work of EMS, FEMA, Disaster Aid (also connected to Rotary) and VOAD and they have graciously agreed to walk us through this, step by step.
If your club has members with expertise or interest in disaster response OR that may work with other organizations that do this AND if they have any interest in helping us in this endeavor, please contact Bettye Dunham through the contact information below.
Bettye Dunham bdunham@rauchinc.org 502 609 1923 |
A report from Rotary's Council on Legislation is now available!!
by Joe Hagedorn, COL District RepresentativeEvery three years, Rotary's Council on Legislation meets to review/revise/add legislation that governs Rotary. There is a representative from all 530 districts in Rotary. Click below to see the report from the Council on Legislation where I represented District 6580. Highlighted are the priority areas for the clubs.
If you have questions regarding this report, please contact me.
https://www.dacdb.com/Rotary/Accounts/6580/Club/3444/2022_Council_on_Legislation_Report_of_Action_EN.pdfJoe Joe Hagedorn, PDG Council on Legislation District Representative Club Visioning Chair 2021-2022 502-727-7182 jhagedorn6580@gmail.com |
What's Coming Up on the District Calendar2022
June 4th - 8th: Rotary International Convention 2022, Houston, TX 16th: District 6560 and 6580 Rotary Ryder Cup Golf Tournament 18th: Changeover: Indiana Memorial Union, University Club's Presidents Room
September 28 - October 2nd: Pathway to Our Future: Zone 30 and 31 International Conference Chattanooga, TN
October 22nd: District Leadership meeting: Location: Peter's Cabin in Mitchell 22-23 RYLA
December 1st: First District Grant Training (There will be two. Two members of your club must attend one of two) 5:00 pm EDT 2023 January 19th: One of two. District Grant Trainings (Two members of your club must attend one of two) 5:00 pm EDT February March
April 22nd: Rotary District Conference 2023, Terre Haute Convention Center
May 27-31, 2023: Rotary International Convention 2023, Melbourne, Australia |