
Club of

Club Meeting

Meets at:

KROC Center
586 East Wigeon Way
Suisun City, CA 94585

Time: Tuesday at 12:10 PM

Club Officers

Gerald E. Raycraft
William K Wesley
Kimber Smith
Cathy Ritch
iPast President
Dale Eyeler
Bulletin Editor
Club Director
Thomas Gregory Giugni
Club Director
Club Youth Protection Officer
Youth Services Chair
Natalie Hicks
Club Director
Richard G. Lubman
Club Director
International Service Chair
Doriss Panduro
Club Director
Public Relations Chair
Joe Scholtes
Club Director/Membership Chair
Carl Vinson
Club Director
Princess Washington
Club Director
Community Service Chair
M. Kendall Hillman
Rotary Foundation Chair
Jon R. Hilliard
Assistant Governor

District Leaders

Suzanne Bragdon
District Governor
Claire Sammon Roberts
Daniel J. Geraldi
Carol Landry
Chief of Staff
Jerry Wilkerson
DCO-District Comm. Officer
Jonathan R. Dwyer
District Rotary Foundation Chair
Sheila D. Hurst
International Services Chair
Marsha Brown Ed.D.
Membership Chair
Heather Vilhauer
Training Coordinator
Robert Jehn
Youth Service Coordinator


9th - Ken Brummel - History of Pandemics
16th - Lisa U'ren & Bart Bright- Marijuana & Mental Health
23rd - Evan Lessler
The Gold-Blooded Campaign

6th - Dr. Jowell LaGuerre
Rotary's continuing efforts in Haiti


8th - Meals on Wheels
13th - Contra Costa-Solano Food Bank
15th - Meals on Wheels
19th - Board Meeting
22nd - Meals on Wheels
29th - Meals on Wheels

5th - Meals on Wheels


Joseph Michael Dingman
August 10th
Karen Smith
August 12th
Brian C. McEvilly
August 15th
Zach Powell
August 22nd
Bradley Ritch
August 25th
Gail Zick
August 28th
Ralph Buss
August 30th
Joan Karen Gaut
September 3rd
Michael G. Fadden
September 5th


Rotarians throughout the club alter dress wear converting everything to "shorts" to meet President Raycraft’s strict demands and reduce fineable offenses. Bulletin editor will not be caught with long-legged pants again.

Raycraft & PP (Past President & Widely Renowned Traveler) Lovell brought down the hammer on membership. Members keeping up to date by reading this incredibly informative newsletter will receive a call from the President – get to the meeting or zoom in so that Gerry can get 30 attendees at lunch. Lovell gave us an informative minute on our process of joining the club. Joan made it easy – come to the meetings, complete the paperwork and enjoy a fun group of people. Speaking of which…anybody recall Darcy Coulter who came to our club the week prior? Membership Chair Scholtes is in contact and confirmed Darcy was in flight last week so couldn’t make it (recall her position as flight refueler for Travis). She will be back!

Table discussion – Greve/Powell/Eyeler (where the heck was Ogan-probably with the golf crowd) all stood around to discuss the latest real estate trends. Anyone want some vineyard property? Apparently Greve wants dirt with vines but he also wants water. Zack not quite sure she can come up with the H2O but has the vines. There’s always something missing in the real estate equation. Every once in a while it all comes together.

Did you notice a difference in the Bulletin last week?? That’s right our newest member Princess Washington stepped up and spent a few minutes jotting down the club’s activities from the prior week to give your day to day editor a moment’s rest. What was different about her bulletin you ask? How about that it actually contained content involving happenings at the meeting. Thanks to Princess for keeping us informed rather than filling up this paper with whatever comes to the author’s mind which may or may not have anything to do with Rotary.


Check this picture out – PPKRP (that’s past president Kely Roads Postin) got on me for misspelling her name last week.. So luckily I was able to correct that here and capture this pic of her earning her Rotarian of the Month award for keeping us straight on our Zoom culture. Way to go Kely for the award – let me know if your arm gets tired. Hey I noticed you’re wearing shorts for Raycraft. Way to show the team spirit.

Tom Meyers talked about his scarecrows at the Pumpkin Patch and how he thinks this is his last year with the contest. Keep thinking Tom and when you get done with the scarecrows I’m sure you’re thinking about writing for the bulletin 1x a month!

I caught something in my notes about a Valentine fundraiser for Roteract. Gerry I know you think your Presidential Year is winding down already but let’s not push it. You have a way to go to be thinking about Valentines. In the meantime – we'll keep supporting Roteract.

Pres Gerry talked again about the future asking everyone to show up at the August 16 meeting for the check presentation for the Pal Center District Grant. We all worked hard for this – let show the Pal Center our support!


Hoover took sergeanting over (shorts and all). His first question for the unwitting members involved best batting average. I’m not much of a sports guy but my notes trailed off here so I’m going with Tiger Woods. There were some happy dollars but most were in tears because PP Jerry Wilkerson (pictured) wasn’t sergeant for a 3rd week in a row (or maybe that was happy dollars as well). Speaking of which, Hoover tried to fine Wilkerson several times, but Jerry must have closed down his Zoom portal...almost as if he couldn’t hear anything being said (kind of like that Mute button in reverse).


Jeff turned out to be a concert promoter who had worked for some big names in the area. Jeff mentioned he really liked working with Tina Turner and the Bee Gees to name just a couple of the many entertainers he brought up to speed. Jeff started out as a bell boy at a San Francisco Hotel where he met many of the greats. Here he was able to get Barry Gibbs to sing at a children’s hospital. Jeff warmed up to the Rotary crowd quite well.

How did Jeff get to Fairfield – he started doing marketing for Tower Records in Sacramento. Most of his clients were in San Francisco. Fairfield seemed the natural middle.

Afterward his talk, I asked if he knew a guy I had worked with in Commercial Real Estate from the Sacramento area (also a Rotarian) who had done some entertainment promotion in the 80’s. McLeskey he asked? One of the independents that worked with a ton of groups – Willie Nelson and several others. Knew the guy well. Also connecting with Jeff - Carl Vinson. Great Program!!!


John Robert Anderson
December 28th
Randeep Singh Arora
April 8th
Murray T. Bass
May 10th
Suzanne Bragdon
April 8th
Kevin Burke
November 9th
Ralph Buss
August 30th
Hale Conklin
October 20th
Ben Crombie
July 23rd
David L. Dacus
September 12th
Tara J. Dacus
December 16th
Roderick Dichoco
January 3rd
Joseph Michael Dingman
August 10th
Emily Doran
May 19th
Charles David Eason
July 17th
Dale Eyeler
April 2nd
Michael G. Fadden
September 5th
Kevin Flanagan
May 13th
Cynthia K. Garcia
September 21st
David Gassaway
January 27th
Joan Karen Gaut
September 3rd
Thomas Gregory Giugni
September 14th
Don C Greve
December 27th
Robert Henley
June 20th
Joseph Hernandez
September 24th
Natalie Hicks
February 15th
M. Kendall Hillman
November 28th
Steven R. Hoover
October 13th
Mark David Hostler
June 4th
James D. Inks
November 24th
Jowel Christian Laguerre
February 27th
Steve Lessler
January 23rd
Pamela Loar
February 27th
Roger Loar
April 10th
Joan M. Lovell
November 20th
Richard G. Lubman
October 11th
Mathew R. Lucas
February 18th
Edward Joseph Lydon
January 27th
Chris Matthews
November 9th
Brian C. McEvilly
August 15th
Thomas L. Myers
October 27th
Robert P. Ogan
July 21st
Doriss Panduro
March 6th
Nadine Pieroni
January 15th
James Pierson
April 30th
Zach Powell
August 22nd
Gerald E. Raycraft
March 2nd
Kelly Rhoads-Poston
October 31st
Bradley Ritch
August 25th
Cathy Ritch
June 6th
Cecil F. Ross
June 14th
Joe Scholtes
June 15th
Robert H. Sherman
October 9th
Chris Hoekstra Singer
September 18th
Karen Smith
August 12th
Kimber Smith
November 23rd
Talyon Sortor
September 24th
Richard Tso
April 3rd
Carl Vinson
December 6th
Princess Washington
September 10th
David L. Welch
May 1st
William K Wesley
October 11th
Jerry Wilkerson
October 4th
Wanda Williams
June 12th
Tyler Wilson
November 15th
Charles B. Wood III
January 1st
Barry R. Young
April 27th
Gail Zick
August 28th