Club Meeting

Meets at Tacoma Country & Golf Club Via Zoom:
13204 Country Club Dr SW
Lakewood, WA 98498-5300

Time: Friday at 12:00 PM


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October 14, 2022
Lara Paige
Update from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on Polio Eradication
October 21, 2022
Superior Court Commissioner Clint Johnson
Pierce County Mental Health Court
October 28, 2022
Nicole Gates
Living a Healthy Life, Even If You're Old
November 04, 2022
Denny Sapp, Blue Angels Solo Pilot
Flying with the Blue Angels

Club Leaders

Jason Whalen
Mary Jane Horn
Gregory J. Rediske
John M. Lowney
David Swindale
Public Image Chair
Carl Bronkema
Membership Chair
Barlow J Buescher
Community Service Chair
Thomas George
Club Service Chair
Kendra Leeann Riconosciuto
Youth Services Chair
John James Rooks Jr.
iPast President
Anne M Enquist
World Affairs Director
Tony Camoroda
Assistant Governor


Thomas J. Sadler
October 17th
Gordon L. Quick
October 25th
Mark Herr
October 28th
Mary Jane Horn
October 29th
Mike Zaro
October 30th
Angela Connelly
October 31st
Bill Allen
November 3rd

The Bull on Bates

By Donn Irwin on Sunday, October 9, 2022


President Jason Whalen (PJW) once again tooted his own conch shell at the appointed time of 12:30PM and the Rotary Club of Lakewood’s weekly meeting was launched.

A surprised Chris Kimball did a great impromptu invocation; Rob Erb led us in the Pledge.

Terry Roarke was then called upon to let us all know that our friend and fellow Rotarian, Duncan Cook, passed away earlier in the week. Duncan was a dedicated Rotarian. He was always there to help and to get us set up right.

Above: Terry Roarke delivered a nice eulogy for Duncan Cook

Rest in peace Duncan, we will miss you.

Above: Duncan Cook

PJW then recognized all the hard-working Rotarians that help put this meeting together every week: Tom George, James Osundwa, the esteemed Rob Erb, Wynn Hoffman and a special mention for Duncan Cook in honorarium. Donnnnnn Irwin had pen in hand to write down what he could. Awesome Treasurer, his eminence John Lowney, was among us to record fine money. The irreplaceable woman with the winning smile, Kendra Riconosciuto (Kendra R.) took our money at the Foundation desk. A whopping $1160.00 worth. You people are awesome!! The Man with the Camera was not Charles Bronson but was our own Walt Richardson.
Visiting Rotarians: Bob Lawrence from Clover Park.

Not a good way to start: I was in the supermarket one morning picking through the red peppers, when over the intercom a recorded voice announced that day’s specials. It ended by cheerfully imploring us to “Have a nice day!”. An older man by the cucumbers mumbled, “Too late for that”. (Reader’s Digest)
After that the meeting got a little blurry. This writer couldn’t keep up with who was being introduced as a guest or a visiting Rotarian or a prospective member. There was an introduction of a wonderful young lady by the name of Ellie Wilson (I think that is the correct name/spelling). Ellie is the Chair of Lakewood’s Promise Advisory Board.

Jim Bisceglia stood up and introduced Gordy Quick. I guess Mr. B was just excited to see Gordy back with us. Welcome back Gordy!!

Our leader (PJW) – remember him? – then called out his main man and fellow Rotarian John Caulfield and thanked him for showing up to a meeting. He let everyone know that John has been very busy working on the Lakewood City budget. Since John is the City Manager it is kinda important that he does such things.

James Osundwa introduced his wife, Shiru, who had joined us via Zoom.

PJW then introduced Lt. Col. Bernard West of the 2/2 Stryker Brigade. Lt Col West made the announcement that 3300 of the 2/2 Stryker Brigade are being deployed to South Korea. Lt Col West thanked the club for our support of the military.

Confusing – My husband, a veteran, called a national cemetery to arrange for plots for the two of us. “Is this for the active serviceman section or the inactive section?” asked the man on the other end of the line. My flummoxed husband responded, “Lord! I hope they’re all inactive.” (Reader’s Digest)

Somehow, somewhere along the line, someone gave the microphone over to John Lowney. He announced that he had had an epiphany and that most of us in the club didn’t know much about our newest Honorary Member, Ralph Lockhart; ergo, he called Mr. Lockhart to the microphone. Evidently Mr. Lockhart isn’t afraid of a microphone as he shared with us some of his fond moments in Rotary. Ralph reminded us that the Rotary Club of Lakewood was chartered and came into existence on March 16, 1956. The reason he remembers the date is because he was married the next day. He joined Lakewood Rotary in 1970 and left in 2005 to become a charter member of the Gray’s Harbor Club. He had 43 years of perfect attendance. Ralph recalled the start of the Pancake Breakfast that used to be – starting in a bowling alley and then moving to Clover Park High School. He brought up the beginning of the Sportsman’s Dinner and the charter of Clover Park Rotary, which Ralph and Lakewood Rotary helped to charter.

Tony Camoroda then went to the mic to give us a quiz about District Governors. Who was the first Lakewood Rotarian to become a District Governor? Gordy Quick. Who was the second? Dave Sclair. (Bleep---wrong Tony said, because Dave Sclair had moved over to Clover Park Rotary and then became the DG) Next? Greg Horn of course.

PJW (remember him?) then announced that we would skip birthdays and anniversaries and then somehow Greg Horn had the mic and announced that a new District Governor elect-elect had been named and that it is none other than our own Tony Camoroda. Congratulations Tony and thank you for taking on the job! So that will be our club’s third DG!

PJW got in a recognition of the two Puffins that were present. Unfortunately, all I got was Dwight Williams. Maybe the other was sneaky, on Zoom.

Above: Kendra R. announced new fundraiser/fellowship event

Kendra R then announced that there is information coming regarding our upcoming fundraiser on November 5th (mark your calendars). It will be a murder mystery held at the Weyerhaeuser mansion. Sounds like a fun evening.

Bob Lawrence told us about the FAB Festival---Fabulous Films, Awesome Art and Bountiful Books. October 14, 15 and 16 at the McGavick Center. There were flyers on the tables at the meeting. If you need more info you can go to Admission is free.

Jan Gee made an announcement about an event at the First Baptist Church that takes place on 10/31 called Trunk r Treat. Two volunteers are needed to set up, pass out candy and take down our sign. Lakewood PD, West Pierce, ARC and others will participate as well. The event is from 6:30 to 8:00PM.

PJW (remember him?) announced that we would skip the fines today and then tried to start the program but Gordy Quick wanted to give him a check for $50.00 to celebrate his upcoming 91st birthday and say that it was good to be back. Being the good lawyer and community-minded person he is, PJW acquiesced and let Gordy give the club the money. (Please take the shocked look off of your faces).

Above: Tom George pinch hit

Finally, our very own Tom George was called upon to provide us with a program on Bates Technical College. Tom is a Trustee of Bates and wasn’t supposed to be our speaker today. He was called upon to pinch hit as the original speaker had to be at Bates today in order to entertain the First Lady of the United States, Jill Biden – I mean, like we aren’t more important….

Tom did a fantastic job as a pinch speaker. He shared with us that he came from India in 19-9 (I didn’t get that third number there) to learn broadcasting.
He shared that Bates was started in 1940 and is one of 5 technical colleges in the State (of which Pierce County has two). Tom went out into the work force and returned to Bates as an instructor. He was the original broadband instructor at Bates. Experience taught Tom that each student has different needs and that Bates understands this and teaches accordingly. He shared stories about two of his students that illustrated his point and showed him that his initial thoughts on teaching were wrong.

Tom then segued into talking about his Rotary experiences. He joined Fife-Milton Rotary with a self-interested motivation as his reason for joining. Then the Polio eradication program started and Tom’s motivation changed. Tom has been President of several clubs and is a member of several global committees. He ended his presentation with a video about Bates. Tom’s emotional enthusiasm for Rotary, and particularly Lakewood Rotary, was infectious.

In speaking with another Rotarian before writing this Key, I was given his opinion of the speaker – well prepared, no power point presentation. Then he used a big word - loquacious - to describe the speaker and I had to go to the dang dictionary again. He also used a word I understood – witty.

Thank you, Tom, for such a great job of pinch-speaking.

PJW (remember him?) rang the bell (I won’t mention the time) and our new District Governor elect-elect, Tom Camoroda had the right number. He pulled out a white chip worth five bucks.

Above: We just wanted to recognize Lakewood Rotarian, Peter Marsh, who seemingly provides tomato starts to half of Lakewood. Those are Peter’s tomatoes.

For those that care, on this date in history:
3761 BC: The epoch (origin) of the modern Hebrew calendar (Proleptic Julian calendar).
1714 People riot due to beer tax in Alkmaar, Netherlands
King George III of Great Britain issues Proclamation of 1763, closing lands in North America north and west of Alleghenies to white settlement
1971 "The French Connection" starring Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider and Fernando Rey premieres in the US (Academy Awards Best Picture 1972)
1985 Lynette Woodward chosen as 1st woman in Harlem Globetrotters
1995 Mariners rally from 5-0 to force Game 5 of Division Series vs Yankees
1996 – Rupert Murdoch launches Fox News
2001 - U.S. invasion of Afghanistan starts with an air assault and covert operations on the ground
Edgar Allen Poe, Leo Durocher and Clarence Birdseye all passed away on 10/7
Desmond Tutu and John Cougar Mellencamp were born on 10/7.

Upcoming LR events:
10/21 Putt-Putt Golf Fundraiser at Harkness Furniture (Tacoma South Rotary)
10/22 “Make a Difference Day”- Playground Fix Work at Fort Steilacoom Park
11/5 Murder Mystery fundraiser at Weyerhaeuser Chapel
12/16 Tom and Jerry Party and President’s Roast