
November 22, 2022
Pat Partridge
Six Generations of Well Drilling in NE Florida
November 29, 2022


Don Holcombe
November 1st
Vaughan Rivers
November 2nd
Michele Riley
November 4th
Timothy Howells
November 7th
Dave Faraldo
November 13th
Jim Kaelin
November 17th
Pat Partridge
November 19th
Teresa Harrington
November 22nd
Larry Klaybor
November 25th
Bob Harrington
November 30th

Wedding Anniversaries

Joe & Selena Barbieri
November 17th
Bill & Kathy Nipper
November 21st
Bo & Colette Norton
November 27th
Dave Mosborg & Holly Fulton
November 28th
Carlyle & Gayle Martin
November 29th

Celebrating in November!!

Kyle Abshire
46 Years
Kirk Young
36 Years
Don Holcombe
31 Years
Cindy Bosnyak
19 Years
Lillian Bell
18 Years
David Tarkington
3 Years
Michele Riley
3 Years
Roland Mastandrea
2 Years
Jennifer Bradley
1 Year
Douglas Fuzzell
1 Year
Wendell Davis
1 Year


2022-23 #21

Club Program - November 22, 2022

Partridge Well Drilling

Pat Partridge, Chairman

Pat Partridge is the fifth generation and chairman of Partridge Well Drilling Co., Inc. Pat is a licensed water well contractor in Florida and Georgia. He is also a licensed septic tank contractor in Florida. He is a past president of the Florida Ground Water Association, and also a member of the National Ground Water Association.

History of Partridge Well

PWD in the year 1934

Jacksonville 1934

Partridge Well Drilling was established in 1892. At that time, drilling rigs had masts that were made of wood. They were assembled and disassembled for each job and mobilized from site to site on a horse-drawn wagon and the power came from steam. Since 1892, Partridge Well has encompassed six generations of the same family.

Rotary News

Rotary Peace Fellowships Impact Thousands

by Alejandra Rueda, 2008-10 Rotary Peace Fellow, University of Berkeley

When I became a Rotary Peace Fellow in 2008, the presidential theme was Make Dreams Real. My dream was to support the Colombian countryside by improving the quality of life of farmers and, in turn, to achieve a more responsible use of nature and the ecosystem services it provides. I also wanted to help resolve the social conflict that Colombia has experienced. Or at the very least, to contribute to the development of projects that would spur economic and social recovery in areas that sorely needed it.

I was already envisioning a new professional focus in my life, through my pursuit of a master’s degree in Energy and Resources from the University of California, Berkeley. But coupled with the Peace and Conflict Resolution program, I was touched by a totally exciting new topic: sustainability. I knew that sustainable practices would be needed across the globe. As a peace fellow, I learned valuable tools to have an impact and make a difference in diverse communities.

During the last decade, I have been able to interact with hundreds, if not thousands, of farmers in Latin America. Nearly 4,500 farmers have been impacted by the programs that we, at NES Naturaleza, have developed. The Rotary Peace Fellowship started a chain of positive impacts. A chain of light which we have been able to continue and bring to the farmers.

Rural people have gained access to knowledge and been trained in sustainable practices in very remote areas of Latin America. Some of them have already been certified in existing sustainable standards. Unmistakably, without the Rotary Peace Centers program, this would not have been possible.

The knowledge I gained, I was able to spread to thousands of people. Farmers who in turn conveyed it to their relatives. Entire families were impacted. Thanks to Rotary and my experience through the peace fellows program, many of these farmers are now entrepreneurs. Those who did not know very well their markets or their potential, now have a completely different vision, not only of their farm as a business, but also of the surrounding natural ecosystems that complement them.

Nevertheless, there is still work to do.

This year’s presidential theme, Imagine Rotary, returns us to a spirit of dreaming and doing. We are being invited to act for a better and more sustainable world where the pillars of sustainability become the philosophy that drives each one of us.

Our planet can no longer wait. We have seen it, we have heard it, and we have lived it. We know the Unites Nations Sustainable Development Goals. But in our daily lives, we have not yet appropriated them. It would be great to go back to basics. By knowing the definitions of social, environmental, and economic responsibility, we will clearly understand what they entail.

Imagine Rotary is imagining our world because Rotary is in every corner of our planet. Rotary embodies thousands of people always committed to giving something more. Thousands of people who, through Rotary Foundation programs like the Rotary Peace Fellowship, have positively impacted the lives of thousands of others. It is this chain of positive impacts that shines brightly every time someone in the community dreams and acts and connects to someone else.

For this and much more, I thank you Rotary.

Club News
Reminder - Wear your Rotary Bling and receive two tickets for the free lunch drawing!!!

Rtn. Muhammad Aslam Chishti from Rotary Club of Downtown Rawalpindi RID-3272 Pakistan
aka "Pin King of Rotary"

What's Happening in the Club

November 22nd & 29th


~ Wreaths Across America, Saturday, December 17, 2022 @ 12:00pmPlease consider making a donation to our RCOP Sponsorship Group by November 27th. If you wish to participate in the laying of wreaths on Saturday, December 17 at Memory Gardens cemetery in Orange Park please let Geraldine Hartin know.

COLLECTIONS (bring items on Tuesdays and we'll get them delivered!)
~ Orange Park High School Outfitters
New or gently used hoodies and college t-shirts.

~ PET Project
Shoeboxes used for delivery of PET parts around the globe.

~ Rotary Polio Plus - Jaguars vs Tennessee Titans on January 8th
Please contact John Linge to order tickets, $60.00 per ticket

~ Rotary Disaster Relief
Donations are always welcomed by
Rotary's Disaster Response Grants fund.

~ Shelterbox contributions
Those wanting to help communities around the world after natural disasters may also consider donating to Rotary International partner

Courses available 24/7 -
Rotary Learning Center

2022-23 Club Leadership