Club Meeting

Meets at Tacoma Country & Golf Club Via Zoom:
13204 Country Club Dr SW
Lakewood, WA 98498-5300

Time: Friday at 12:00 PM


Sponsors Reames

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November 18, 2022
John Nance
December 02, 2022
Angela Connelly, Lakewood Rotary Member
Author - The Crowded Table

Club Leaders

Jason Whalen
Mary Jane Horn
Gregory J. Rediske
John M. Lowney
David Swindale
Public Image Chair
Carl Bronkema
Membership Chair
Barlow J Buescher
Community Service Chair
Thomas George
Club Service Chair
Kendra Leeann Riconosciuto
Youth Services Chair
John James Rooks Jr.
iPast President
Anne M Enquist
World Affairs Director
Tony Camoroda
Assistant Governor


Ronald G. Irwin
November 11th
David Bowen Covey
November 13th
Kris Peterson
November 13th
Thomas George
November 18th
Edward John Shannon
November 19th
James Osundwa
November 21st
Rachel Mazoff
November 22nd
John James Rooks Jr.
November 22nd
Faaluaina Pritchard
November 22nd
Robert E. Cammarano
November 24th
Monica L. Cordell
November 25th
John S. Korsmo Jr.
November 25th
Nicole C.B. Hancock
November 25th
Ralph Lockhart
November 26th
Frederick W. Selden
November 30th
Robert Peterson
December 4th
Dwight S. Williams
December 6th

It's a Mystery!

By Gayle Selden on Monday, November 7, 2022

The November 4th meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood was called to order by President Mayor Jason Whalen blowing the conch.
Bob Peterson gave a lengthy invocation and we were led in the Pledge of Allegiance by someone who is completely a mystery to me.
Jason thanked the helpers of the meeting: greeting us with Holiday party invitations were Stephanie Wilcox and Sharon Selden; Eric Warn was at the foundation desk; Mark Edgecomb manned the raffle table and acted as Sergeant at Arms. The Setup Team included Rob Erb, David Swindale, Terry Roarke and Rick Selden. Photographer: Walt Richardson and scribe: Gayle Selden.

We welcomed visiting Rotarians Matt Schellager (a little guess on the spelling from the scribe) from La Jolla California (San Diego area) who is just moving to Port Orchard and looking at the local Rotary clubs. Guests included Elizabeth Foster, a local real estate agent; James Armstrong, the Enquist’s new neighbor and a graduate of Seattle U Law School; Partners Sharon Selden and Stephanie Wilcox were in attendance as well as Denny Sapp, our speaker.

Linda Disney held the puffin proudly.

President Mayor Whalen then attempted to present Scott Buser with a Paul Harris Society recognition. Scott has pledged to donate $1000 to the foundation yearly. Scott was on zoom but away from the screen when the award was presented. Where did Scott go? It’s a mystery.

Student of the Month:

Leanna Albrecht introduced us to Tucker Clark. A Clover Park High School senior, Tucker Clark is the Lakewood Rotary Student of the Month. First one awarded in person in quite a while. It is no mystery why. Tucker is an only child in a military family, and his father is currently stationed in Greenland. He ranks first in his senior class with a GPA of 3.98. Through his actions and attitude, Tucker demonstrates the Four Pillars of Student Success: character, collaboration, leadership and lifelong learning. Congratulations to Tucker. Thank you to assistant Superintendent Gloria Henderson and the Vice Principal of Clover Park High School for joining us in the recognition of Tucker.


Bill Potter spoke for the Major Projects Committee, stating that the playground was getting a concrete pour for the new slide. He also asked for volunteers for the Bike Build November 12th at LeMay’s Fredericksen plant. Bill Allen raised his hand high so we need 6 more volunteers to set up and put together some bikes. Call Bill Potter NOW!

Stephanie Wilcox announced the Partners Holiday Party on December 2nd. It begins at 5:30 with cocktails, dinner of Salmon or Prime Rib-- $80 per person. Tickets available on the Lakewood Rotary web site. The partners will be collecting Coats for Kids and food for the Little Free Pantries at the event.

Bob Martin and Chuck Hellar handed out 60 pounds of candy at a Halloween Truck or Treat for Lakewood Rotary. There were 700 kids that took part in the activity.


Greg Rediske announced he has more free passes to Revive Yoga. He celebrated 70 years of age and 40 years in Rotary and paid $100. Terry Roarke spent a couple weeks on the Big Island and paid $20. Greg Horn received his winnings from the raffle of $310 and promptly donated ALL OF IT to the Foundation, on the Polio Plus side. That $310 is matched by the Gates Foundation with $620. So that is $930 going toward polio eradication.
President Mayor Jason Whalen is going to be absent next week so he asked for a volunteer to run the meeting. Hmmm. Do not put all your hands up at once. It’s an unusual move as often the Past President who runs a meeting as President Pro Tem likes to keep it a secret. It will be a mystery until the clock strikes 12:30 on November 11th whom it may be. The Bulletin Committee knows but we want to be mysterious! It will also be our Veterans Day program so prepare yourself to play “who is that man” as the pictures float on the screen.

Above: Our Blue Angel Speaker, Denny Sapp

THE Program:
Greg Horn introduced our speaker Denny Sapp, A Blue Angel Solo Demonstration Pilot from 1975-76. Denny was a pilot for the Navy and did three tours in Vietnam. He was highly decorated. After he left the Naval reserves he flew for Western Airlines, Alaska Airlines and Delta Airlines.

Denny explained his path to The Blue Angels. He was an A-4 Skyhawk pilot with the Navy reserves. He flew missions from the USS Hancock. The A-4 is a single seat plane and that was his preference to fly alone. Denny flew 376 combat missions in Vietnam in the A-4.
At that time the Blue Angels were flying F4 Phantoms. There were a couple of accidents, where pilots and planes were lost. That shifted the Blues from the F4 and into the A-4 Skyhawk.
Denny was well versed in the A-4 and that led him to try out for the Angels. The process of selection as a Blue Angel happens first and then you start training.j After that you are put into position. Denny was selected as Opposing Solo #6.

Training for the Blue Angels takes place in El Centro, Californiia from January to March. They start early in the morning and do two flights a day. The Diamond formation pilots fly first and then the soloists. They start so early they have the afternoons to “relax.” In Denny’s time that meant playing tennis all afternoon. Not the same visual as Top Gun’s volleyball scene.
Denny continued to explain the tricks, turns, photo ops and flights of the Blue Angels. He showed us photos of his flying in the air, low to the ground with landing gear up, and even slightly out of position near Mt Rushmore. He also shared a lot of other stories about planes, flying, and military actions. He could have talked for hours!
Alas, we had to end the meeting and PM Whalen rang the bell. Anne Enquist pulled white with the raffle so the money continues to build.

Above: What’s that saying about even a blind squirrel….


By Gayle Selden too:

Above: The Setup Crew (Gayle Selden photo)

On Saturday a setup crew of Rick Selden, Greg Rediske, Rose Stevens, Mary Horn, Bill Potter, Greg Horn and Sharon Selden joined Kendra Riconosciuto and Gayle Selden at the Weyerhaeuser Chapel to set up the Murder Mystery event. Thanks to John Lowney, Mike Zaro, Bill Potter, Mary Horn and Rick and Sharon Selden for working the event. Shout outs to Mark Blanchard for being the best dressed at the event, Paula Olson to being the Best Female Actor as Dr. Feelgood and Brandi Sharp as being the murderer Ella Vader, although it is believed her husband Garth Vader (Jim Sharp) drove her to it! Congratulations to Mort Peacock (Steve Saafeld) and his team of “It wasn’t Mort” sleuths who solved the crime!

Above: Best Dressed Mark Blanchard

The murder mystery facility was donated by Doug and Gwen Gill, the wine was discounted by Kestrel Vintners of Woodinville, the beer discounted by Wet Coast. Phil Eng and Gary Fulton made donations to help with some of the costs. John Lowney’s new QR code was used by our guests and it appears that about $4K was raised at the event. Plus, we had a lot of fun! Kudos to mastermind Kendra Riconosciuto. Its no mystery that she is fantastic!
Next Lakewood Rotary Fundraising events are Lakewood Rotary Wine Festival Friday, March 24th and Ladies Night Out May 5th.
Help is needed with both events and an upcoming raffle. We are trying to diversify our revenue stream. It takes a lot of people to create and make these events happen. You can be one of them!


Above: Hans, our Danish Exchange Student

Don’t forget to include exchange student Hans in your fall plans! Call host mom, Paula Murtha or Hans to schedule an adventure! Host Mom Paula is reached at 210-722-0768 and Hans' number is 253-993-9261. Make sure to include Paula!
It’s no mystery why this bulletin is so late. Gayle did not take time during the event set up to write it! Sorry for the delay!
Upcoming LR events:
11/12 Bike Assembly Day at Lemay’s (see Bill Potter)
12/15 Wreaths Across America Celebration (see Rob Erb)
12/16 Tom and Jerry Party and President’s Roast
3/24/2023 Wine Festival
5/5/23 Ladies Night Out