
January 17, 2023
RCOP Club Members
Rotarians and Vocational Service
January 24, 2023
Kelly Mosley, Clay District Schools
Career and Technical Education
January 31, 2023
Chris Gent, Head of Strategic Communications & Public Affairs
Georgia Pacific


Mary Fortson
January 19th
Jim Horne
January 20th
Lillian Bell
January 20th
Connie Thomas
January 21st
Jack Arnold
January 27th
Jake Young
January 30th

Wedding Anniversaries

Frank & Maleah Meininger
January 31st

Years of Service

Phil Murphey
7 Years
Ginger Rivers
3 Years
Bob Harrington
2 Years
Patti Holcombe
2 Years


2022-23 #29

Club Program - January 17, 2023

Club Member Spotlights

Member Spotlight- Stephen Ropfogel | Rotary Club of Glendale Sunrise

Don't miss this chance to hear Lillian Bell, Carolyn Krall, Nicole Hepler, and Garland Hudson share how they practice The Four Way Test while working in their chosen professions.

Did you know??

The Genesis of the Four Way Test

In 1932, Herbert J. Taylor set out to save the Club Aluminum Products distribution company from bankruptcy. He believed himself to be the only person in the company of 250 employees who had hope. His recovery plan started with changing the ethical climate of the company. He explained, the first job was to set policies for the company that would reflect the high ethics and morals God would want in any business. If the people who worked for Club Aluminum were to think right, he knew they would do right. What was needed was a simple, easily remembered guide to right conduct - a sort of ethical yardstick- which all of us in the company could memorize and apply to what we thought, said and did. He searched through many books for the answer to his needs, but the right phrases eluded him, so he did what he often did when facing a problem. He turned to the One who has all the answers. He leaned over his desk, rested his head in his hands and prayed. After a few moments, he looked up and reached for a white paper card. Then he wrote down the twenty-four words that changed the history and became synonyms for Rotary evolution.

1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

It is called "The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do."

First testing it out on himself, he realized that the first question, "Is it the truth?" was barely applied in his business' day-to-day operations. After 60 days, Taylor decided to share those principles with the four department directors of his company (each of whom had a different religious faith). Those four directors validated his principles and rolled it out company wide.

In 1932, Taylor's company was on the edge of bankruptcy. Twenty years later, by applying the Four-Way Test, the company repaid its debts and generously paid its shareholders.

Adoption of the Four Way Test by Rotary

In the 1940s, when Taylor was an international director of Rotary, he offered the Four Way Test to the organization, and it was adopted by Rotary for its internal and promotional use. Never changed, the twenty-four word test remains today a central part of the permanent Rotary structure throughout the world, and is held as the standard by which all behavior should be measured. The test has been promoted around the world and is used in myriad forms to encourage personal and business ethical practices. Taylor gave Rotary International the right to use the test in the 1940s and the copyright in 1954. He retained the right to use the test for himself, his Club Aluminum Company, and the Christian Workers Foundation.

Rotary News

Vocational Service - Rotary + Academia: Growing Win-Win-Win Opportunities

Growing Next Generation FARMERS is a project made in partnership between Mission Rotary Club and the Mission Consolidated Independent School District with expert support provided by The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. The FARMERS Program teaches teenagers from a predominantly agricultural community that agricultural careers can expand far beyond the fertile fields of South Texas into new opportunities in technology, science, food security, and social work.

Read the story here.

What's Happening in the Club

January 17th, 24th & 31st


~ Rotary & Clay County School District Science Fair - February 7th

Judges sign-up sheet is "electronic". Please let Lisa Ashworth know if you need assistance signing up. Our lunch meeting will be held at the science fair on that day.

~ PET Workday @ Penney Farms - Saturday, February 25th

We continue to collect shoe boxes used for delivery of PET parts around the globe.

Courses available 24/7 -
Rotary Learning Center

2022-23 Club Leadership