Club Meeting

Meets at Timber Greens Country Club
6333 Timber Greens Blvd.
New Port Richey, FL 34655

Time: Friday at 12:15 PM

Club Officers

Amber Ashford
Club President
Lorraine M. Cesare
Vish Singh
Club President-Nominee or VP
Sarah Alonso
Katie McQuillan
Club Bulletin Editor
Club President-Nominee-Designate
Rebecca Bennett
iPast President
District Governor Nominee Designate
Stefanie A. Pontlitz
Club Administrator
Club Director
Club Treasurer
Christina Volkle
Club Treasurer
Paul Jay Friedlander
Club Sergeant-at-Arms
Jamie Mick
Club Director
Club Membership Chair
Geoff Balkcom
Club Rotary Foundation Chair
Julie Brelsford-Rogers
Club Youth Programs Chair
Inez Kay Leigh
Club Director
Club Public Relations Chair
Kimberly Ann McPherson
Club Service Chair
Kimberly J. Altrui
Satellite Director at Large
Demetrios Thomas Dellis
Satellite Club Chair
Diane Mitchell
Satellite Club Treasurer
Wayne R Selk
Satellite Club Secretary
Mark Alan Shelton
Satellite Chair - Elect
Carol L. Kinnard
District Assistant Governor AG


Ian M Thomas
January 11th
Stefanie A. Pontlitz
January 16th
Eyimife Dudte
January 20th
Chuck Philips
January 21st
Vish Singh
January 21st
Julie Brelsford-Rogers
January 30th
Jamie Mick
January 30th
Cheryl Alvarez Herny
February 5th

Club Anniversaries

Wedding Anniversaries

Virginia Pierce
January 28th

Years of Service

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Presenting Sponsors

A Great Thank you to our Vintage Vegas Gala Sponsors.....

The High Rollers
Charter Members
Dr. Ken Martin, Rich Balkcom, Ann Addino,
Laurel Robinson, Dr. Doug Hasell
Welcome back to your original Gala Roots!!

In The News

In The News

Trinity Friday Lunch Meeting

1/13-Charlie Rogers-Rotary Foundation
1/20- Kymone Hinds- Life Coach
1/27-Service Project
2/3-/Lisa Richardson- PHSC Foundation
2/17-Don Anderson-Homeless Coalition of Pasco
2/24-Service Project
2/25- Chili Cook Off- Dr Dougs, time TBD
3/10 Marchman Lunch
3/17-General Assembly-St Patricks Day
3/18-Satellite Club 0.5k Run
3/24-Sertoma BBQ-No Meeting Chasco Kickoff
3/31-Service Project

Satellite Club

All Satellite Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday @ 6:15 PM.
Phi Delta Kappa House
11301 Phi Delta Way
Odessa, FL 33556

1/25- Wine Social @ PDK House 6-8
Facebook event link:

Planning is going on now for the Pasco 0.5 Biggest Little Run Ever on Saturday, March 18th 2023....See Mark Shelton to get involved

Speaker of The Week

Welcome Charlie Rogers from Rotary Foundation

Thank you to our Amazing Speaker last week!!

Thank you to Chuck Anderson from United Way for all the information on the great things
United Way is doing for our non-profits

And to Kurt Conover for being an amazing Board Member of United Way!!

District Activities

In Our District News:

EVENTS for EVERYONE - including some new ones

1/14- PETS 1 for PEs, VPE PE Designate, Membership Chair, and Foundation Chair at PHSC Register ASAP
3/2-5-FL PETS - Orlando for PE's
4/29 -Club Leadership Training + New Member Bootcamp
5/18-21 -District Conference @ Saddlebrook (think "spring weekend")
6/24-Year in Review Celebration! + Awards

Trinity Rotary Social

Satellite Clubs Wine Social January 26th at the PDK house from 6-8pm.
Facebook event link:

Chili Cook Off 2/25/2023 @ Dr Doug's time and address coming soon ;)

Rotary Picnic @ Anderson Park
***Coming in 2023***

More details to follow ;)

Life is Short Run The Race

Saturday March 18, 2023

2nd Annual Pasco 0.5 K - The Biggest Little Run Ever.

Thank you Phi Delta Kappa Florida Alpha Lambda chapter for having the Phi Delta Kappa - Banquet Hall as the start of the Pasco 0.5 K Run.
Thank you Big Storm Brewing Co. - Odessa for having your location be the mid point of the Pasco 0.5 K Run.
Signup today for "The Biggest Little Run Ever".

Rap House Cook For Kids

Cook For Kids at the Youth and Family Alternatives!!
Thank you to Kelly Brown for organizingheart!

Rotary License Plates

Reserve your Rotary License Plate Today!! Continue doing good while driving :)

Pre-Order Your Florida Rotary Tag NOW!

The tag is available for pre-purchase at your local tag agency or by visiting the online portal from anywhere in the state of Florida.


Attention Friends of Rotary in Florida

The NEW Florida Rotary Tag is AVAILABLE for Pre-Order Online!

We need to sell a minimum of 3,000 pre-sale vouchers for production.

Are you ready to show off your Rotary pride on your vehicle?

After seven years of hard work by Rotary District Leaders across the state of Florida, on September 19, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed a long-awaited bill that effectively created a new Florida specialty license plate featuring the Rotary logo.

The new tag will help fund Rotary Youth Programs across all Florida Rotary Districts and it is already available for pre-purchase. Click on the link bar below to buy your tag voucher online or visit your local tag agency in-person to purchase it directly through them throughout this state of Florida.

Image of Florida Rotary Tag

The Florida Rotary tag design has been approved by Rotary International and by the Florida Highway Patrol to ensure it meets visibility standards.

You can already pre-order it at your local tag agency throughout the state of Florida.


Amazon Smiles

If you use Amazon like most of us please add Trinity Rotary Charitable Foundation as your Charity of Choice! Last year we raised $108. Just think what we could do this year if we all participate :)

How to log in to Amazon Smile

To get started with Amazon Smile, visit on your web browser and sign in with your credentials. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search for the charity of your choice. Select your charity and start shopping! To join Amazon Smile from the mobile app, open the app and find "Settings" in the main menu. Tap on "Amazon Smile" and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on Amazon Smile on your phone.

Pure Water for the World

By Barry Poppel

Amazing News Please Read!!
Barry Poppel is putting together a club/district PWW Honduras trip from 10/22-10/28, 2023. We expect the trip to be full and space will be limited. The total cost will probably be slightly more than $2000. depending on the airfare. A spot on this trip can be held with a $500 deposit. Anyone interested should contact:
Barry Poppel
Our club is amazing and so are our leaders!! Ty Barry for putting this together.
Yours In Rotary Service,
Katie McQuillan