March 9, 2023

Jennifer Jones
RI President 2022-23
David Houtz
District 7450 Governor

Swarthmore Rotary Leaders

Heather Saunders
Greg Brown
Brian Casey
Club Executive Secretary
Patrick Gunnin
George C. Whitfield Jr.
Jane C Billings
Youth Services Chair
Perri Ann Evanson
Public Relations Chair
Carr Everbach
Membership Chair
David Firn
Service Projects Chair
Betty Ann A. Flynn
Club Director
William Clinton Hale
Past President
Anne C. Hansen
International Service Chair
Kathryn Jones
iPast President
Jeannine Osayande
Youth Services Chair
Hillard Pouncy
Club Programs Chair
Joshua Twersky
Club Director
Barbara Whitaker-Shimko
Rotary Foundation Chair
Kenneth J. Wright
Club Director
Cathleen Darrell
Attendance Secretary
Lori Markusfeld
Richard Shimko
Bulletin Editor
Karen Aleta Mazzarella
Assistant Governor

Happy Dollars

pledge $2,983
2021-2022 $4,476

Rotary Celebrations!


No Birthdays Found

Wedding Anniversaries

No Wedding Anniversaries Found

Years of Service

No Years Of Service Found

Guests Last Meeting

Tamba Brown
David Selaud
Wally Nunn
Nathalie Anderson

Meetings and Events

March 9th
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Dan Cuellar, retired 6ABC Action News reporter
Subject: The state of journalism in America.
March 16th
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Professor Roberta Iversen, Social Policy and Practice, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Subject: What Workers Say about Their Work
March 23rd
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Dr. Marseille, WSSD, Superintendent
Subject: District Update – Ten Year Strategic Planning WSSD 2023-2033
March 30th
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Club Assembly
Subject: Club Assembly

Service Quotation

"As soon as public service ceases to be the chief business of the citizens, and they would rather serve with their money than with their persons, the State is not far from fall." Jean Rousseau

4 Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Club News

Dave Firn said the next volunteer day at Loaves & Fishes food pantry will be Tuesday, April 25.
Jane Billings announced two cleanup and tree planting events in April. Details to follow.
The Swarthmorean will be the third sponsor of the Rotary Arts Program. Ken Wright told us the next RAP event will be March 21. Andrea Packard, an artist and head of the List Gallery at Swarthmore College, will be speaking.
Elizabeth Church and Rotary Moment – If children do not receive adequate nutrition during the first 1000 days of their lives, they can be irreparably impaired for life. The Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group was organized to address this problem by creating guidance documents that help farmers grow nutritious plants. The Group partners with local organizations to educate communities on the nutrient value of their local foods. In Vietnam, the partnership has been successful in reducing childhood malnutrition by 95%.

Last Meeting Summary

Irene Nunn is an artist, a painter. Although her website indicates she paints many subjects, from her talk to us she seems to consider herself primarily a portrait painter.
When doing a portrait, Irene determines the reason the portrait is being painted. It is evident from her website that many of her portraits are official painting of, for example, judges, rabbis, or heads of corporations. Irene said if a client wants the portrait for themselves, then they probably won’t be satisfied. We see a mirror image of ourselves when we look in a mirror. This is not how other people see us. Therefore, the portrait will not look to the subject as he sees himself.
Irene takes a lot of photographs of the subject, as many as 300. While she works off the photos for most portraits, in some cases she feels it necessary for the subject to sit for the painting.
Irene brought snap shots of the stages of a portrait to show how she works. The photo of the subject is in the lower left. The sequence of photos is in the shape of a “W” starting at the upper left. It appears that the subject’s face is developed first. The body gradually takes shape and color of the painting process.

She describes herself as obsessive. She said she reworks the painting many times. A readily observable example of this is the color of the subject’s tie. It starts out as brown, goes through several color iterations during the process, and ends up as red.
This is the final product.

Irene is worried about the future of portrait painting. At present, photos can be sent to painting factories in China for a reasonable quality portrait. She anticipates that AI software will be developed (or has already been developed) that will produce high quality portraits from photos.
Incidentally, if any men reading this feel inspired to surprise their wives with a portrait of themselves, Irene’s advice was “don’t”. She didn’t explain why. That leaves us with an interesting question that husbands and wives can discuss. Why not?
Here are more of her paintings from her website. The first two are described as "informal" on her website, while the last one and the painting above as "formal".

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