August 10, 2023

R. Gordon R. McInally
RI President 2023-24
Renee DeCoskey
District 7450 Governor

Swarthmore Rotary Leaders

Lori Markusfeld
Jane C Billings
Youth Services Chair
Brian Casey
Club Executive Secretary
Joseph Patrick Lesniak
George C. Whitfield Jr.
Elizabeth Churche
Rotary Foundation Chair
Perri Ann Evanson
Public Relations Chair
Carr Everbach
Membership Chair
David Firn
Service Projects Chair
William Clinton Hale
Jeannine Osayande
Youth Services Chair
Hillard Pouncy
Club Programs Chair
Heather Saunders
iPast President
Joshua Twersky
Club Director
Kenneth J. Wright
Club Director
Maria Michael Zissimos
Club Director
Hillard Pouncy
Assistant Governor

Happy Dollars

pledge $256
2022-2023 $4,231

Rotary Celebrations!


No Birthdays Found

Wedding Anniversaries

Brian Hogan
August 13th

Years of Service

No Years Of Service Found

Meetings and Events

August 10th, 12:15-1:30 PM
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Kim Bernaus, Founder-owner, Unruly Nature
Subject: Who Knew Granola Could Be Wild and Unruly?
August 17th, 12:15-1:30 PM
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Hoffman, Dean of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Subject: A Conversation with Penn Vet Dean Andrew Hoffman
August 24th, 12:15-1:30 PM
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Monika Collins, Vice President for Advancement, Foundation for Delaware County
Subject: Charitable Giving for Today and Tomorrow

4 Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Last Meeting Summary

By Sarah Pita

On July 27, the club was treated to a wonderful presentation by Chris and Ellen Chapman (son and daughter of Heather Saunders, past club president 2022-3) about their gap year in Australia. After graduating from Strath Haven High School in 2022, Chris and Ellen applied for Australian “Work and Holiday” Visas. This category of visa is designed for young people, ages 18-30, with the intent that they come to Australia and fill service-sector and agricultural jobs that hire young seasonal workers. In addition to working, they are encouraged to travel locally (which also benefits local economies.) The visas cost over $400 and there is a requirement that applicants demonstrate that they have sufficient funds in their bank account to get home if necessary.

Chris and Ellen went to Sydney last fall and settled in the beach community of Manly, a short ferry boat ride away from Sydney proper. They lived in a shared room in a hostel, the Manly Hostel, that was popular with other young people, notably many of them from Argentina. They did not line up work before they left the US; instead, they each printed out 20 copies of their resumes and went door to door looking for work at the local restaurants. They worked at separate restaurants in Manly, about 40-50 hours a week. In Australia, servers are paid about $18/hour—more on weekends and holidays. Many of the workers in both restaurants were also on Work and Holiday visas so there was real camaraderie.

They had some great adventures—hiking and camping in the Australian Outback, skydiving, eating exotic Australian meats, and making new friends. Ellen went to New Zealand for almost a month with some friends. At the conclusion of their Australia adventure, they traveled to Southeast Asia, where they visited Bali (Indonesia), Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. From there, they flew to Germany, where they had lived when they were younger, and from there headed home.

Asked who helped them plan this trip, Chris and Ellen explained that family friends had introduced the idea, and their older sister also did a gap year in Australia. They did most of their planning themselves. Travel was planned around cheap airfares. Both agreed that it was a great way to experience growing up and living independently. Chris spoke of how he had to learn to budget to manage funds for living and for future travels, and Ellen added that, while the Australians they interacted with were lovely and friendly, as a general principle, it is always important in settings like these to stay aware of the people around you.

It was an excellent presentation from these two very impressive young people, and the club enjoyed hearing about their adventures. In the fall, Chris will start at Champlain College in Vermont, and Ellen will start at Scripps College in California. Best of luck to both of them. They seem wonderfully well prepared for whatever awaits them there!

Below are photographs provided by Carr Everbach. Heather, Chris, and Ellen are joined by Heather's husband, Eric Chapman, and mother, Janet Saunders.

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Rotary Monument

A friend of ours sent me this photo of this monument in Knoxville, Tennessee. I like our benches outside Borough Hall better. ----------------- ------------------