August 31, 2023

R. Gordon R. McInally
RI President 2023-24
Renee DeCoskey
District 7450 Governor

Swarthmore Rotary Leaders

Lori Markusfeld
Jane C Billings
Youth Services Chair
Brian Casey
Club Executive Secretary
Joseph Patrick Lesniak
George C. Whitfield Jr.
Elizabeth Churche
Rotary Foundation Chair
Perri Ann Evanson
Public Relations Chair
Carr Everbach
Membership Chair
David Firn
Service Projects Chair
William Clinton Hale
Jeannine Osayande
Youth Services Chair
Hillard Pouncy
Club Programs Chair
Heather Saunders
iPast President
Joshua Twersky
Club Director
Kenneth J. Wright
Club Director
Maria Michael Zissimos
Club Director
Hillard Pouncy
Assistant Governor

Happy Dollars

pledge $441
2022-2023 $4,231

Rotary Celebrations!


Meltem Pusat Gonnella
September 3rd

Wedding Anniversaries

Maria Michael Zissimos
August 31st
Heather Saunders
August 31st
Sonya Pappas
September 1st
Brian Casey
September 1st

Years of Service

No Years Of Service Found

Guests Last Meeting

Zosia Berneski

Meetings and Events

August 31st, 12:15-1:30 PM
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (TYLER ARBORETUM)
Speaker: Mike Skuja, Tyler Arboretum Executive Director
Subject: Leading Tyler Arboretum Into The future
September 7th, 12:15-1:30 PM
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: Joanne Phillips, Controller, Delaware County
Subject: What The Controller's Office Does for the County
September 14th, 12:15-1:30 PM
Swarthmore Weekly Club Meeting (Inn)
Speaker: hold for Ray Didinger, award winning sports writer
Subject: hold for title

4 Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do
  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Club News

Carr Everbach inducted new member, Marc Berneski, into Swarthmore Rotary. Marc was accompanied by his daughter, Zosia.

Dave Firn requested suggestions about service projects that can be done at the meeting.
Carr asked us to invite potential members to attend the Minglefest on September 28 at Ship Bottom Brewery from 5 to 7:30 pm.
Hillard Pouncy said the well-known Philadelphia sports writer, Ray Didinger, will be speaking at our meeting on September 14. Copies of his latest book will be available for sale. Some of the proceeds of the sale (about $10 per book) will be donated to Swarthmore Rotary.

Last Meeting Summary

We Rotarians understand that we are fortunate to live in a pleasant and relatively prosperous communities such as Swarthmore, Rose Valley, Wallingford, and nearby towns. We also understand that many residents of Delaware County are not as fortunate as we are. They need assistance. Perhaps we would like to help these other residents but don’t know what to do or how to get started. Monika Collins said she can provide guidance. Monika is Vice President for Advancement at the Foundation for Delaware County (FDC).
The focus of Monika’s talk was on how FDC can help us do charitable giving. She said the first step in the process is self-discovery. She would ask the questions: what are your passions? Are there topics or issues that you hear or read about in which you are interested? Do you want to focus on one area or many? Do you want to have an immediate impact or long-term? Monika and her staff would be pleased to assist us in the self-discovery process.
Why work with FDC? Monika explained that the FDC staff has local knowledge of Delaware County’s needs and resources. She and her staff can provide personal service to assist our determining what we want to do. The FDC is very adaptable. Monika gave the example of how the FDC responded quickly to the COVIID-19 pandemiv by donating personal protective equipment, food, and financial assistance to those affected by COVID and the shutdown. Another value of FDC is that it works with non-profit groups to help them get organized and obtain financial assistance. Finally, there are many ways that we can do charitable giving by working with FDC.
Here are FDC’s current priority areas and some programs they are running:

  • Public health – they have organized a program to have nurses visit first time mothers for two years.
  • Racial equity
  • Housing support – they find and pay for housing for families in need.
  • Food security – they administer the WIC program to provide food to mothers and young children.
  • Crisis response – COVID-19 response.
  • Strengthening nonprofits – Center for Nonprofit Excellence helps nonprofits organize and raise money.

While FDC is a worthy recipient of charitable giving, it can also act as a clearing house of our giving in general. Monika said her staff can arrange for distribution of your contributions to a place and at a time of your choosing. For example, FDC can arrange for annual donations to designated charities.

The following, from the Foundation for Delaware County website, provides some background information about the formation of the Foundation for Delaware County.
“When Prospect Medical Holdings Inc. acquired Crozer-Keystone in 2016, the health system was no longer considered a nonprofit organization, and federal law required that the nonprofit assets of the original entity be set aside in a fully separate and independent charity. This paved the way for our opening as the largest community foundation in Delaware County on July 1, 2016.
Since then, the foundation has awarded more than $9 million in grants, scholarships, and charitable support. Additionally, our community health programs have provided direct supportive services for more than 10,000 clients each year.”
It should be noted that the President, Foundation for Delaware County, is Swarthmore Rotarian Frances Sheehan, shown here. ----------------- ------------------