2025 Camas/Washougal Rotary Trades & Apprenticeship Scholarship Application
This application must be completed fully in order to be considered. We may contact you if further information is needed. You will need to complete this form along with photos/portfolio of work samples and recent unofficial transcripts no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, April 18, 2025.  Thank you for your for interest in our scholarships and we wish you luck.
gcapacci@gmail.com Switch account
The name, email, and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form
Applicant Information
By filling out this form I verify that the information contained within this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I give CW Rotary permission to contact the references and counselor listed to verify information and gain other information as needed.
Applicant's full name *
Attending High School *
Date of birth *
Best contact phone number with area code *
Email address (personal not school) *
Your mailing address (include city, State and zip code) *
Your parent or guardian's mailing address (include city, State and zip code) *
High School Counselor's Name *
(Personal reference): Full name, full address, phone number with area code and email address of someone  who can speak to your skills and abilities related to the trades. *
Are planning on attending a Trade School or Apprentice Program? *
If you answered "yes" above, what is the name and location of the Trade School or Apprenticeship Program you plan on attending? (If you answered "no" above, skip to the next question)
If you answered "no" above, what are you planning on doing related to the trades that would require the money from this scholarship?
Please provide a written statement that speaks to your career goals within the trades and why you have chosen this career opportunity. Please include information about how these scholarship funds will help you in achieving your goal. *
Please provide a list items that will be required of you that will impact your success at your Trade School or Program. (i.e. tuition, tools, PPE, housing, etc) *
What activities and community service activities (such as clubs, volunteer or work experience, etc.) have you been involved in during high school (past 4 years)?
How does your community service involvement relate to the mission of the Camas/Washougal Rotary? *
Recent Unofficial Transcript: Please name this file as follows: first.last name-transcript. *
Add file
If you have photos or a powerpoint/slideshow of projects or your work related to the trade you intend to pursue, please upload those here. *
Add file
Remember to submit your application with all necessary uploaded documents no later than April 18, 2025.
If you are have difficulty uploading your photos/slideshow and transcripts through this form, please email them in PDF files to cwrotaryscholarship@gmail.com no later than 5:00 PM on April 18, 2025 to be considered. Hard copies will not be accepted.
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