Dick Kohls was the epitome of a man who was direct in his word, absolutely honest in his interpretation, and to be I trusted in his advice. His reactions to your inquiries be they legitimate or otherwise, were eloquent and rioht to the point. He was easily understood. Any attempt on your part to try to influence his reaction to your requests were usually met with a blast of inquisitions and accusation, that quickly solved your problems, one way or the other. But you got your answer, and usually a pat on the back and offer to help you in any way that he could. He was your friend and a very definitive counselor.

Raised on a farm up in Newton County, Dick Kohls carried on a lifelong love affair with the land and the provender it produced. He cut fence rows, walked his soybean fields, and tinkered with his old Minneapolis tractor just like all the rest of us lesser beings.

He was the consummate teacher and Ag students usually consided him their best instructor in agricultural economics and marketing. His courses were tough and demanding, but rewarding in their content.

His accomplishments were many. He was Assistant Head of Agricultural Economics, Assistant Academic Vice President, and Dean of Agriculture from I961 to 1986 when he retired with Emeritus Honors. He was the first Hovde Distinguished Professor of Agriculture, was inducted into the Purdue ROTC Hall of Fame, awarded the Certificate of Distinction from the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, and received the prestigious Hovde Award for Excellent Service to Rural Indiana.

Dick was an active member of scores of professional and community including Rotary, and was one of the founders of the West Lafayette Federated Church, sometimes called the Church of the Ag School.

Lt. Kohls served in the Army from 1943 to 1946. He was a captain of military intelligence and was commandant of a Japanese prison camp on Leyte Island, hence his skill in scaring students half to death.

Dick was an unselfish man giving of himself totally to his family, his faculty, his students and his community. He was one of our best actors in the Purdue Ag Fish Fry and came up with lots of ideas that we could not use.

Kohls' real joy was to be completely immersed in a challenging effort that would if effectively accomplished, materially improve his profession and his world.

Dick is survived by his wife of sixty years, Irene, son Mike and daughter Kathy and several Grandchildren.

Dean Richard Kohls was my friend and partner. I trusted him implicitly.

Mauri Williamson -- 13 June, 2006