Volume 83, Number 27 – January 5, 1999
Dr. Linda A. Simunek, Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy, and Head and Professor, School of Nursing, will make a presentation about "The Nursing Center for Family Health.' Dr. Simunek came to Purdue University in 1998 and has a B.S.N. (1962) from Philippines; a M.S.N. (1968) from DePaul; and a Ph.D. (1978) from Loyola. And in addition, Dr. Simunek is scheduled to be introduced by JIM FENN, MARA WASBURN, or GRIFF, as a new Lafayette Rotarian. PAUL ZIEMER, Program Coordinator for the month of January, will introduce Dr. Simunek for her program presentation.
MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - GENE HILLS, 11:15 to 11:45, and SALLY WATLINGTON, 11:45 to 12:15; Greeter - CHRISTY SMITH; Invocation - EARL PARK; Music - STEVE MOTT; and host of high school guests (Harrison) - JON HUSTON.
PLEASE NOTE: Today there was a cloak room problem someone mistakenly took
Dr. Stephen Byrn’s, today's speaker, overcoat and left their overcoat. The word mistakenly is highlighted as Dr. Byrn
felt that the overcoat left was much better than his - even had a pair of leather gloves in the pocket. This problem has only
happened two or three times in the past few years; however, often does pose a problem, i.e., Dr. Byrn wasn't going to wear the coat,
even with the very cold temperature, until he was prevailed upon to wear it for health reasons. This is just a reminder to
check carefully to be sure you have your own coat.
CLUB CONCERNS: Prior to the invocation today, Vice President GENE COURTANEY (Vice President GENE), substituting for President BOB GRIFFITHS (President BOB), requested members to remember the following in their thoughts and prayers: JERRY COLE who had lung surgery at the Mayo Clinic and is now at home; LINDA EWING, spouse of KEN; CONNIE GRIFFITHS, spouse of President BOB, who had heart surgery, had a relapse, and was taken by President BOB to Indianapolis yesterday, Monday; they, as reported by David McGaughey, President, Daybreak and a colleague of President BOB's at Merrill Lynch, were still in Indianapolis today; and MARGARET HALL who had quadruple heart bypass surgery is now at home.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING: ANN PIECHOTA (ANN), Chair, and JERRY MC CARTHY (JERRY), Vice Chair, reported that "Rotarian Bell Ringers' collected $5,073.62 at the kettles on Saturday, December 19, 1998. DAVE LANDGREBE (DAVE), Treasurer, Lafayette Rotary Foundation, reported that as of today, Tuesday, January 5, 1999, Rotarians had contributed $10,160.00. The total of these two: Kettles, $5,073,62, and Rotarian contributions, $10,160,00, amounts, thus far, to $15,233,62; GRIFF received additional Salvation Army envelopes today and they were forwarded to DAVE for an official report. ANN and JERRY will have an official report within the next two or three weeks; Salvation Army Committee's goal was to have 150 members or 56%, make a contribution, thus far, prior to Tuesday, December 29,1998,112 or 41%, have participated. THERE IS STILL TIME TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION!
VOCATIONAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE (Committee): ELAINE CUE, Chair, announced that Vocational Service Award nominations are due by Tuesday, January 19, 1999. Nomination forms, i.e., criteria for making a nomination, nomination form (on reverse side of criteria for making a nomination), and a listing of past winners, are available from Committee members, see back of "Ripples', or from GRIFF. PLEASE MAKE AN EFFORT TO NOMINATE AN INDIVIDUAL FOR THE VOCATIONAL SERVICE AWARD.
NEW MEMBERS RESERVED TABLE (S) for Tuesday, January 12, I-1999.
VICE PRESIDENT GENE announced today that the collection on Tuesday. December 15th, for University Inn and Conference Center dining room personnel amount to $420.00 - THAT IS TERRIFIC! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION.
NEW "RIPPLES" FORMAT due to weather, not available until next week.
NEW E-MAIL ADDRESSES or CORRECTIONS/CHANGES should be forwarded to DAVE LANDGREBE for a January update; DAVE's e- mail address is dlandgrebe@earthlink.net. LAST CALL!
ANNUAL DINNER COMMITTEE MEETING, DAN TEDER, Vice President and Committee Chair, immediately following the regular Club meeting, Tuesday, January 12, 1222, Boiler Board Room, University Inn and Conference Center.
A HANDSOME CALLIGRAPHIC II" x 15" CERTIFICATE WITH ROTAFIY SEAI- "Declaration of Rotarians In Business And Professions” is available from the Vocational Avenue of Service Directors (STEVE MOTT, Senior Director, TOM SCHMIDT, and JAN GRIFFIN KOEHLER). These are suitable for framing and may be seen at GRIFF's table - cost is 75 cents each.
DECEMBER 100% CLUB: (Includes make ups for Bell Ringing) Number indicates months of continuous attendance, no number indicates one month. ADAMS (79); ANDERSON, F.-, BARRETT (16); BIDDLE; BOWERS (4); BROCK (54); CARPENTER (2); CHISCON, AL (108); CHISCON, MARTHA (100); CLARK, N.; COHEN, F. (36); COLE; COURTANEY (17); CUE; DIESSLIN (42); EWING (42); FEUER (192); FILMER (35); FOSTER (40); FRAMPTON; FREY, H. (136); FULLER (177); FUNK, C.; FUNK, J. (8); GARRISON (15); GRIFFITH, H. (239); GRIFFITHS (39); HALL, M. (94); HALL, Y. (477)-, HAMMEL (3); HANKS (7); HANSE@N (6); HARDING (3); HATFIELD (216); HEMMER (6); HILLS (11); HOBBS (58); HOPKINS (41); HUGGINS; HUNT (3); HYCHKA (18); IRVIN; ISMAIL (6); JACKSON (36); JANLE (1 7) - balance next week.
VISITOR: Jim McGlothlin (Greater Lafayette), guest of PAUL ZIEMER (Jim is Associate Professor, Health Sciences).
BOB FORD, Chair, January Birthday Table, announced names of Rotarians with birthdays in January and had those in attendance stand for recognition.
JOHN CARPENTER left for Naples, FL a few days ago, hope he and ESTHER avoided the icy roads in TN.
PAUL ZIEMER introduced Dr. Stephen Byrn (Dr. Byrn) who made a most interesting presentation. This plus Rotarians' astute questions and Dr. Byrn's understandable answers, made it an outstanding program. Sorry the weather kept so many away - only 76 in attendance. Dr. Byrn noted that over the years three things have driven drug regulations (these as strict as airline regulations) - safety, efficacy (efficient/does it work), and control of manufacturing; Center's main function is to act as an intermediary between pharmaceutical companies and the FDA in order to speed up the approval process; the Center has two programs, i.e., one with 12 pharmaceutical companies ($25,000.00 each) and the government ($50,000.00), and one with MIT, invent sensors to monitor drug manufacturing, privately funded ($1 million). Also, spent some time discussing difference between innovator and generic drugs. In summary, Dr. Byrn noted three thrusts/positives of the Center: (1) Relationship with pharmaceutical companies, (2) Rewarding, and (3) Endeavors to speed drugs to markets.
INVOCATION by STEVE MOTT, singing led by STEVE MOTT (going to teach us the second verse of R-0-T-A-R-Y so that we will be ready for BRIAN BREED and the Glee Club at the Annual Dinner – Tuesday, March 23, 1999, University Inn and Conference Center), and Rotary piano by REX KEPLER.
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