Volume 85, Number 4 � August 1, 2000 UPCOMING PROGRAM (August 8, 2000) Charles F. Bragg, District Governor, Rotary International
District 6560, Fishers Rotary Club, will be the speaker. District Governor Bragg will be introduced by President DAN TEDER (President DAN). District Governor Bragg and his spouse, Karen, an elementary principal and Paul
Harris Fellow, are the parents of three sons; Curt, planning manager of the Duracell plant in Cleveland, TN and a member of the Bradley Sunrise Rotary Club; John, a free-lance photographer in Indianapolis; and Jeff, a
teacher/coach in the Noblesville schools. He holds bachelor and masters degrees from Ball State and a Ph.D. in educational administration, supervision, and curriculum from Purdue; has been a Rotarian since 1979; is past
president of the Winchester and Fishers Rotary Clubs; and has served in a variety of Rotary positions at the Club and District levels. Schedule of activities for District Governor Bragg include: (1) 10:15 a.m. - Meeting
with Club Officers and Directors, Alumni Room, University Inn Conference Center and Suites (University Inn); and (2) Speaker at the regular Club meeting.MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - LAURIE BROSE,
11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and JIM FOSTER, substituting for JOE KRAUSE, 11:45 am. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - BILL BAUMGARDT; Invocation - CARL REW; and Music - GREG NAPIER. CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President Elect OSCAR HOPKINS (President Elect OSCAR),
substituting for President DAN TEDER (President DAN), requested members to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: HANLY HAMMEL, talked with receptionist who reported that HANLY coming to the office a little
bit each day, thinks it might be bursitis of the hip rather than a slipped disk; BOB HIATT; MARV PHILLIPS; BEV STONE; BETTY SUDDARTH, who had surgery a few days ago in Indianapolis; and MARJORIE WALKER, spouse of DICK.
CONGRATULATIONS again to BOB HANNEMANN who was cited in a "Leader" article ("Leader" picture) regarding his retirement from the Arnett Clinic after 38 years of caring for children. CONGRATULATIONS to SUSAN HYCHKA whose spouse, STEVE, made a $1,000.00 contribution to The International
Foundation today at Rotary to provide a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) recognition for SUSAN in honor of her birthday on Tuesday, July 25th. STEVE's card accompanying the contribution read...Darling
Susan...Happy Birthday! Thank you for your patience and practical approach to life and "Service Above Self." The "Devlyn" made me do this!! Love Steve (Editor suspects STEVE is referring to Rotary
International President Frank J. Devlyn's presentation on Tuesday evening, July 18th.)
ANNOUNCEMENTS PICTORIAL DIRECTORY for the 2000-2001 Rotary Year may be available next
week, copy is currently at Laminating Specialties, Templeton, being spiral bound. Special thanks again this year goes to CHRIS FUNK for the many many hours
spent in compiling, editing, and arranging the Directory information. And, to DAVE LANDGREBE for the many many hours spent during the year maintaining the Club
database. Upon receiving your copy, please review and get corrections/changes, hopefully there won't be any, to GRIFF so that next year's Directory can be even
more accurate. If you are unhappy with your picture and you have a photo that you would prefer for the Directory, please get that to CHRIS or GRIFF, as CHRIS has
the capability of scanning the picture, storing in his computer, and returning the photo to you.PLEASE NOTE: The Board of Directors reminds Club members that the Directory is
NOT to be used commercially or for any non-Rotarian solicitation. The Directory is for each member's private use in contacting fellow members, developing
acquaintances, or for conducting Rotary business. It is NOT to be used as a business mailing list nor is it to be loaned to other groups. SHOTS NOT SPOTS, immunization of Tippecanoe County children against
childhood diseases, Wednesday, August 9th, seems to have all the spots filled. FRITZ COHEN, Chair, Community Service Projects Committee, requests that all
volunteers to please be on time. The following are the times slots and volunteers: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (setup) - BOB ADAMS; JIM BUESCHER; HANLY HAMMEL; MIKE KOSMAN; and SANDY PEARLMAN; 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. -
STEPHANIE HYATT; and DAN TAYLOR. SUMMER'S END ROTARY FAMILY PICNIC: VICKI MAYES, Chair, Youth Committee, announced that CHRIS and JACKIE FUNK will be hosting a "summer's
end" Rotary family picnic at their home, Saturday, August l2th. Bring the kids and come early to swim at 2:00 p.m. The cookout starts at 5:30 p.m. Bring a covered
dish sufficient for your family. Please RSVP to CHRIS and JACKIE with number attending, via their e-mail,
chris@thefunkfamily.com, or by calling VICKI at 771-2222.AUGUST BIRTHDAY TABLE: DICK HOLTZ, Chair, reported that Rotarians with
birthdays in August, including SUSAN's PHF recognition, contributed $2,340.00 to the two Foundations. MAKEUPS: LARRY LANE, Zeeland, MI; and LE ROY SILVA, Louisville, KY, New York, NY, Indianapolis East, and Muncie.
PERHAPS INTERESTED in some "Laws for Life & Work" from BOB FEUER's e-mail: (1) Murphy's First Law for Wives: If you ask your spouse to pick up five
items at the store and then add one more as an afterthought, he will forget two of the first five; (2) Salary Axiom: The pay raise is just large enough to increase your
taxes and just small enough to have no effect on your take-home pay; (3) Miller's Law of Insurance: Insurance covers everything except what happens; (4) Kauffman's
Paradox of the Corporation: The less important you are to the corporation, the more your tardiness or absence is noticed; and (5) Lampner's Law of Employment: When
leaving work late, you will go unnoticed, when you leave work early, you will meet the boss in the parking lot. Perhaps more in future "Ripples" when space permits. PROGRAM (August 1, 2000) SCOTT RUMBLE introduced Major Greg L. DeMaio, Commander, 434th Maintenance Squadron (434th), Grissom Air Reserve Base (Grissom), who made a power-point presentation regarding
Grissom. He noted that the 434th: Composed of 1,300 men and women, 25% are civilians; Reservists spend a minimum of one weekend per month and two weeks per year in this activity; 80%
live in 13 cities in the north central area of IN; Takes 35 hours of maintenance for one hour of flying; and Grissom is the 3rd largest employer in the tri-county area. Major DeMaio closed by providing statistics
regarding the KC135 refueling aircraft that flies out of Grissom.VISITING ROTARIANS: Walter Evans, Crawfordsville, guest of GREG NAPIER; Lloyd Orrick, Pekin, IL; and Allen Shepherd, Chadron, NE.
VISITORS: STEVE HYCHKA, spouse of SUSAN; Tom Y. Hall (Vice President for Finance, Atlanta, GA distributor of upholstery fabric) son of YB HALL; Lila Hussein
(Cairo, EGYPT) guest of MARGERY ISMAIL; John Beelke (Director, Personnel, Purdue), guest of BILL LOVELL; and Julie Novak (Director of Extended Community Services, School of Nursing, Purdue), guest of LINDA SIMUNEK.
SPECIAL GUEST: Masayoshi Shino, Ambassadorial Scholar from JAPAN, hosted and introduced by TERRY WEST. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money collectors - LAURIE BROSE and JIM FOSTER,
substituting for JOE KRAUSE; Greeting by - BILL BAUMGARDT; Invocation by BETTY NELSON; Singing led by GREG NAPIER; and Rotary piano by HARLEY FREY; and Free Meals Drawing - JIM ANDREW and GUS GUSTAFSON.