Volume 85, Number 7 � August 22, 2000 U PCOMING PROGRAM (August 29, 2000) John Huie, Special Assistant to the President (Purdue) for State Government Affairs, and Prof. of Agricultural Economics, will speak
on "Property Reassessment." Prof. Huie has been actively involved with property reassessment as a result of the recent General Assembly mandate to review. SCOTT RUMBLE, Program
Coordinator for the month of August, will introduce Prof Huie. Click here
to see Professor Huie's home page.PLEASE NOTE: The dates in last week's "Ripples" were wrong as they relate to the
meeting where Coaches Keady and Curry will be the speakers; the following dates are correct. There will be no Club meeting on Tuesday, October 17, 2000; this Club
meeting is scheduled for the Thursday luncheon meeting (second of these all-service club meetings), October 19th, with Coaches Gene Keady, Purdue Men's
Basketball Team, and Kristy Curry, Purdue Women's Basketball Team, as speakers. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - LAURIE BROSE, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m.,
and JOE KRAUSE, 11:45 am. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - BILL BAUMGARDT; Invocation - BOB MEYER; and Music - GREG NAPIER.
CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President DAN TEDER (President DAN) requested
members to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BOB HIATT; MARV PHILLIPS; VIRGIL ST. JOHN; BEV STONE; and MARJORIE WALKER, spouse of DICK.
BETTY SUDDARTH was at Rotary today, it was so good to see her after two visits/stays in hospitals over the past few weeks. GREG NAPIER, Chair, Music Committee, today led the all-service club group in a
warm-up for "Hail Purdue" with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" in honor of President DAN's birthday today.
Education & Information Committee will be conducting an Information Session (Session) which will be conducted by BRUCE OWENS and JANE TURNER, 11:00
a.m., next Tuesday, August 29, 2000, Tailgate Lounge (across from the Registration Desk), University Inn Conference Center and Suites (University Inn).
Potential member must attend one of these Sessions to learn more about Rotary and better be prepared to make a choice as to whether to become a Rotarian. There
are nine potential members invited to attend this Session. Should you be considering the sponsorship of a member, attendance at this Session would significantly speed up the membership process.
PICTORIAL DIRECTORY for the 2000-2001 Rotary Year now available at GRIFF's table in back of room. Please review and if there are corrections/additions, please get them to GRIFF. Some noted corrections:
- DAVE SATTLER's home telephone number is 583-0119 instead of the one that is listed. - STEVE BEERING's office zip code should be 47906 instead of 47907 that
was listed in the August 15th issue of "Ripples."
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT GUESTS activity starts Tuesday, September 5th, KEN EWING, Chair, Student Guests Committee (Committee) has communicated with
the guidance departments of Central Catholic, Harrison, Jefferson, McCutcheon, and West Lafayette High Schools, and the Committee is ready to function.
MEMBERSHIP TEAM, consisting of the Membership Education & Information, Membership Retention, and Membership Selection & Classification Committees,
met today at 11:00 a.m. in the Tailgate Lounge. The meeting was chaired by BOB GARRISON (BOB), Chair of the Member Team by virtue of being the second-year
Director of the Club Avenue of Service; CHRIS FUNK is Co-Chair of the Membership Team by virtue of being the first-year Director of the Club Avenue of Service. Today's
meeting was to be centered on three Club thrusts for action suggested by President DAN: (1) Fellowship; (2) Mentoring; and (3) Recruitment.
BOB distributed to the Club Board at its meeting Monday, August 14th, for their consideration, a paper of seven common themes which seemed to evolve from
analyzing the "likes", "dislikes", and "desired changes" the 95 responses from the "Lafayette Rotary Club Summary of the 1999 Membership Survey" which were: (1)
Our membership in general takes great pride in the numerous ways our Club adds value to our local community as well as the international community; (2) The vast
majority of our membership is strong on "Fellowship" and they would like more of our weekly meeting time devoted to "Fellowship" activities; (3) Our senior members
seem to be pleased with our weekly programs, but our junior members would prefer more informative and entertaining guest speakers; (4) A fair percentage of our
members would prefer fewer announcements and less business during weekly meetings; (5) In terms of requests for contributions, our membership feels that for
those projects that we deem "deserving", perhaps we over give, but in general, our members would be happier if there were fewer requests during the year for
contributions and that perhaps more specific criteria might be established to regulate the number of major and minor fundraising efforts each Rotary year; (6)
There appeared to be a somewhat universal appeal for enhancements in our Club's mentoring process, these feelings were expressed by junior members as well as
senior members of our Club; and (7) Generally speaking, our membership feels that we should actively recruit young leaders within our community, and seek ways to
generate greater involvement in Club projects and committee activities across the board. A significant amount of time was spent by the Directors at this Monday meeting
"brainstorming" about things that were pertinent to these seven themes. And, BOB reported that the Membership Team had a very productive meeting today and will be
attempting new things to enhance Club fellowship, mentoring, and recruitment. MAKEUPS: LARRY LANE, Otterbein; DAVE LUHMAN, Kenora, Ontario, CANADA,
Daybreak, and Flora; TOM SCHMIDT, Hart, MI (two times); and SUSAN SMITH, Daybreak. PROGRAM (August 22, 2000)
President DAN convened the all-service club meeting today and following the National Anthem and invocation by DAVID ROQUEMORE, recognized the other visiting service clubs by requesting that they stand. He
then introduced MORGAN BURKE (MORGAN), Director, Intercollegiate Athletics, who spent a few minutes discussing his pride in the accomplishments of the 450 athletes, athletically and academically,
and the status of some of the Athletic Department projects, i.e., Aquatics Center, remodeling of the stadium, etc. MORGAN then introduced Coach Jeff Hulsmeyer,
Women's Volleyball, and Coach Joe Tiller, Men's Football, who each spent time discussing their team's upcoming season.VISITING ROTARIANS: Tim Luzader, Stony Brook, NY; Jay Smith, Daybreak; and Lloyd Orrick, Pekin, IL.
VISITORS: Sylvia Kosman, spouse of MIKE; Michelle Costidakis and Leslie Weaver, guests of FAYE COLE; Andrew Hirsch and Dessa Shinn, guests of CRAIG
IRVINE; Bob Beck and Jeff Buchanan, guests of BILL LOVELL; Matt Lawrence, guest of ROB MILLER; Dortha Parker, guest of JOHN OSMUN; and Chris Smith,
guest of CHIP RUTLEDGE. Truly sorry if any Rotarian's spouse/guest was missed, it was really hectic at the table. If someone was missed, please let us know, we would like to have a record of visitors.
SPECIAL GUESTS: Roger Blalock, Assistant Athletic Director, Purdue; Jay Cooperider, Director, Athletic Communications & Information Services, Purdue;
Colleen Henican, Girl's Volleyball Coach, West Lafayette High School. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money collectors - LAURIE BROSE, TRACIE HUGHES, MARGERY ISMAIL and JOE KRAUSE; Greeting by - JANE TURNER; Invocation by
DAVID ROQUEMORE; Singing led by GREG NAPIER; and Rotary piano by REX KEPLER; and No Free Meals Drawing Today.