Volume 85, Number 15 � October 17, 2000 UPCOMING PROGRAM (October 24, 2000)
Rotarian MARTIN JISCHKE will be the speaker. He became Purdue University's 10th President in August 2000. A Chicago
native, he received his bachelor's degree in physics with honors from the Illinois Institute of Technology, and earned his master's and doctoral degrees in aeronautics and astronautics from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A prominent American higher-education administrator and advocate, he formerly was President of Iowa State University, Chancellor of the University of
Missouri-Rolla, and faculty member, Director, Dean, and interim President at the University of Oklahoma. President JISCHKE was introduced as a Lafayette Rotarian
at the September 5th Club meeting by STEVE BEERING, President Emeritus, and his spouse, PATTY, was introduced as a Lafayette Rotarian at the October 10th
Club meeting by BILL LOVELL; both transferred from the Ames, IA Rotary Club. TOM ROBINSON, Vice President for Student Services, will introduce President JISCHKE.
CLUB CONCERNS Please keep the following in your thoughts and prayers: YB HALL; BOB HIATT;
JOHN MC KEE; BEV STONE; and MARJORIE WALKER, spouse of DICK.GROSS ERROR in OCTOBER 3RD ISSUE OF "RIPPLES": Sincerest apology to LINDA ANDREWS, Executive Director, Hanna Community Center, who, in the
"WELCOME NEW MEMBERS" portion of the October 3rd issue was listed as LINDA MILLER. Thanks to CHRIS FUNK who called this to the Editor's attention. In
the 20+ years of doing the "Ripples" each week for at least 51 weeks a year, this is the first time that such an error was made. This issue was brought up on the
computer, correction was made, corrected copies placed in files, and a corrected copy was mailed to LINDA. LINDA, sorry that error happened to you. LINDA's
Rotary committees are Vocational Projects (TOM SCHMIDT, Chair), and Youth Committee (TOM GREGORY, Chair). NEW MEMBERS and OTHER ROTARIANS, you may or may not be aware that the
Club has a superior website, lafayetterotary.org/, managed by CHRIS FUNK which features items of Rotary information, locally and internationally, categorized for convenient usage. One of these features is "Ripples" which is forwarded
electronically to CHRIS each Tuesday evening. CHRIS adds pictures, in color, of new member(s), speaker(s), and Rotarian(s) receiving special recognition, and
places "Ripples" on the web site; it is very attractively done. New members and other Rotarians who prefer to receive "Ripples" electronically should contact GRIFF
so that they can be removed from the bulk mailing list. Each Rotarian preferring to receive "Ripples" in this manner saves the Club 18.6 cents per issue. Currently,
according to the Editor's records, 80 issues are being received electronically and 220 are being bulk mailed. The 220 bulked mailed issues, sorted by zip code, costs
the Club $41.51 in postage each week. Should you wish to return to bulk mail, contact GRIFF, the change can be made. CORRESPONDENCE from JOHN MC KEE�Today for the first time in 61 years of
Rotary membership I received my first bouquet of flowers for being ill, particularly from Rotary. A surprise and great appreciation from an organization that I have
admired so much in my life�Sorry to have missed so much, but hope I can return some day in the future. Diabetes has caused my legs to become weak and hurting,
so transportation to and from the dining room is via an electric cart - a person feels so helpless. The flowers helps one to think that others remember you which causes
one to become lonesome�Had 23 relatives come in for a 90th birthday party (JOHN enclosed a picture of the group) on Saturday, September 30th�I appreciate the "Ripples" and other Rotary information�Most sincerely E-MAIL REPORT from LEW RUNNELS, Coordinator, to FRITZ COHEN, Chair, Community Service Projects Committee�This is a summary of the Hanna Center
Project, Tuesday, September 19th, with the following Rotarians involved: JOHN CARPENTER; FAYE COLE; JERRY COLE; STEPHANIE HYATT; FRANCIS PRITCHER; and me. We arrived at 8:00 a.m., helped clean tables and chairs, and
then served breakfast, prepared in the Hanna Center kitchen by Shirley Myers, to a group of 23 seniors. After breakfast we cleared tables, setup and ran the bingo
game, and finished just before 11:00 a.m. � everything went smoothly. ANNOUNCEMENTS Leadership Lafayette is seeking enrollments for THE SPRING 2001 LEADERSHIP CLASS. Leadership Lafayette has been preparing community leaders since 1982.
Develop your leadership potential and discover new opportunities by participating in Leadership Lafayette�a 9-week training program where the community is your
classroom. A new class is forming now and will meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons from mid-February through mid-May. Class space is limited. Call for
enrollment materials by November 8th. For more information, call Leadership Lafayette at 772-9115 or attend an open house on Wednesday, November 1st, from 5:15 to 7:00 p.m. at the Big Four Depot, Riehle Plaza.MESSAGE from FRANK J. DEVLYN, PRESIDENT, ROTARY International (RI): The Board of Directors of RI, with concurrence of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation,
recently approved a new credit card in the U.S. that will bear the name and emblem of Rotary International. All royalties generated from purchases using this officially
approved credit card will go directly to The Rotary Foundation. Application forms are available from either the District Governor or District Foundation Chair, or by following a link provided at the RI web site www.rotary.org. Hopefully GRIFF will
have applications available at meetings. Additional information regarding the new Rotary International Credit Card Program can be found on Page #12 of the October 2000 issue of The Rotarian.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO INDIA FOR TEN DAYS IN DECEMBER FOR A MEMORABLE ROTARY ADVENTURE? On December 14th-15th, President Frank Devlyn will be in Kanpur, INDIA to dedicate the Rotary Dick Collings Memorial Eye
Care Center (This described by Jerry Erskine, Immediate Past District Governor, at the Club meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd). This modern surgical facility will provide
1,000 free cataract operations per year. On December 7th, a delegation of friends from District 6560 will depart for INDIA. In addition to the celebration in Kanpur,
there will be a whirlwind tour of tourist sites and other Rotary projects in Delhi, Agra (Taj Mahal), and Varanasi. Most in-country travel will be by train. Return home on
December 17th with total expenses expected to be in the neighborhood of $2,500.00. If interested contact Tom Branum, 16230 Seminole Road, Noblesville
46060, home telephone � (317) 773-8691; business telephone (317) 841-7500 extension 604, FAX (317) 773-0360; E-mail at.
PROGRAM (October 10, 2000) NELLIE LECHMAN on Tuesday, October 3rd, introduced Rene' Thomas, Director, Black Culture Center (Center) who made a
presentation about the Center. Ms. Thomas noted that: (1) Center established at Purdue in 1969 and the new facility opened in October 1999; (2) Today, the Center is nationally recognized and
acknowledged as one of the best Centers of its kind; (3) Two of the Center's two most treasured resources are its extensive library (More than 6,000 books and subscribes to more than 40
periodicals, and its art gallery (Extensive collection consisting of over 100 pieces and is on display throughout the Center for visitors to enjoy); and (4) Has four
performing arts ensembles, i.e., Black Voices of Inspiration; Haraka Writers; Jahari Dance Troupe; and New Directional Players. Two other functions stressed by Ms.
Thomas were the 2000 Cultural Arts Series for the fall semester and the increasing of an outreach program that responds to community needs. For more information:
Black Cultural Center, Purdue University, 1100 Third Street, West Lafayette 47906-2897 � telephone (765) 494-3092; webstie at at www.purdue.edu/BCC.