Volume 85, Number 22 � December 5, 2000
PLEASE NOTE: There is NO CLUB meeting on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2000 and TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001.
UPCOMING PROGRAM (December 12, 2000) Dr. Deborah W. Knapp, Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Purdue, will speak on
"Comparative Research on Cancer." Dr. Knapp joined the staff at Purdue in 1989, and has a B.S. degree (1980) from North Carolina State; a D.V.M. degree (1983) from Auburn; and a M.S. degree (1988) from Purdue. Dr. Knapp
will be introduced by KIRK CLARK, Program Coordinator for December.MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors � HOWARD DIESSLIN, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and LARRY TIPTON, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter � CHRISTA
KECK; Invocation � CHRIS FUNK; Music � BOB VERPLANK; and High School Guests (Harrison) hosted by GIL SATTERLY.
CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President DAN requested members to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: YB HALL;
BOB HIATT; JOHN MC KEE; FAE SPURLOCK, who according to BOB BROCK had successful surgery in TN for a ruptured artery; and BEV STONE. CORRECTIONS to "OCTOBER 100% CLUB" in last week's "Ripples": (1) CHRISTA
KECK and DAVID FILMER each had 58 months, and JAN GRIFFIN KOEHLER had 112 months of 100% attendance at the end of October. ELECTION of CLUB and FOUNDATION OFFICERS/DIRECTORS was held today; upon motion, second of
motion, and carried by Club voice vote, the following were elected: President � OSCAR HOPKINS; President Elect � DAVID BOUGH; Vice President � BETTY SUDDARTH; Secretary � HARLEY GRIFFITH; Treasurer � DALE MC HENRY;
Assistant Treasurer � KEITH SMITH; Town Directors (Three-Year Term � July 1, 2001 � June 30, 2004) � JON HUSTON and ELSA JANLE; Gown Directors (Three-Year Term � July 1, 2001 � June 30, 2004); and Foundation Director
(Five-Year Term � July 1, 2001 � June 30, 2006) � BETTY NELSON. These Officers/Directors will be certified by the Club Board at its meeting Monday evening, December 11th, and forwarded to District #6560 and Rotary
($8.00/$5.00 Senior/$3.00 Student/$20.00 Family) to "Holiday Fanfares!", a Christmas Celebration with The Bach Chorale, will be on sale next Tuesday, December 12th, by JOHN BARRETT. The performance is 4:00 p.m., Sunday,
December 17th, at the Long Center for the Performing Arts.YWCA's ANNUAL WOMEN'S SHELTER HOLIDAY PROJECT (FRITZ COHEN, Chair, Community Service Projects Committee) has the following Rotarian volunteers: Friday,
JOHN TROTT; and SALLY WATLINGTON); Saturday, December 16th � 1 � 4 p.m. to deliver gift boxes (JIM FOSTER; JIM MC GLOTHLIN; and BOB TAYLOR); and Sunday, December 17th � 1 � 4 p.m. to deliver boxes (JON HUSTON; GORDY
YOUNG, and GRIFF). Thanks to all of you for your "Service Above Self" efforts on behalf of the very worthwhile Greater Lafayette Community project. SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING: JERRY MC CARTHY, Vice Chair,
Salvation Army Committee, noted that there are still 14 spots that need to be filled for "Bell Ringing" on Saturday, December 16th, by Rotarians, spouses, children, friends, and/or acquaintances; the spots that need to
be filled are later in the day. There are 12 locations (West Lafayette � K-MART; MARSH; OSCO; and WAL-MART, and Lafayette � JC PENNEY; K-MART; KOHLS; LS AYRES; MARSH SUPERSTORE; SAM'S CLUB; TARGET; and WAL-MART) with
time slots (10 - 12 a.m.; 12 - 2 p.m.; 2 � 4 p.m.; and 4 � 6 p.m.). If you can help fill one of these spots, please call JERRY at 474-8057, or sign-up at next Tuesday's Club meeting. The Sign-Up Sheet
is on this website. 2000 BELL RINGER CAMPAIGN ENVELOPES (Special Envelopes) for individual contributions were enclosed with "Ripples" last week to the membership. These Special Envelopes, if needed, lost, or misplaced, can be acquired at GRIFF's table each Tuesday.
Click here
for more information about the historical relationship between the Lafayette Rotary Club and the Salvation Army.President DAN brought applications back from the Mid-Year Presidents' Meeting and Foundation Seminar to
acquire a "Rotary International MasterCard Credit Card"; these will be on the luncheon tables Tuesday, December 12th. Rotary International will receive $50.00 for each completed credit card application and every time a
purchase is made with the Rotary International credit card, MBNA America Bank will make a percentage contribution, at no additional charge, to The Rotary International Foundation.
MAKEUPS: KIRK CLARK, Bendigo, Victoria, AUSTRALIA. PROGRAM (December 5, 2000) KIRK CLARK, Program Coordinator for December,
introduced Katie Gaff and Amy Sarah, Seniors in Dietetics, Department of Foods and Nutrition at Purdue; Katie then introduced their Instructor, Barbara Mayfield, and Teaching
Assistant, Michelle Braun and Amy introduced fellow students, Julie Crow; Abby Hamm; Amy Kallenberger; Jenny Kieffer; Kathy Sagarsee; and Julie Vanderpool. Katie's and Amy's topic was "Don't Balloon Up � Healthy
Holiday Eating." They spoke about two current topics in the field of Foods and Nutrition, satiety and the influence of fluids on the diet. Amy and Katie concluded
that a well-rounded diet that includes protein is most satisfying and that fluids add to caloric intake and are often unregulated in the diet. These two topics should be
kept in mind during the holiday season. At the end of their presentation, Katie and Amy demonstrated how to make an Apple Brownie Crisp with drizzle melted
caramel over the top, a recipe that they developed which can be cut into 16 4 x 4 pieces with each piece having 173 calories, 4 Fat grams, 4 Dietary Fiber grams,
and 2 Protein grams. Their fellow students, noted previously, circulated among the members with samples of the Apple Brownie Crisp. Booklets with the Apple
Brownie Crisp recipe were on the luncheon tables. Anyone wanting a copy should contact GRIFF. VISITORS: Tim Schooler (Commercial Loan Officer, Fifth Third Bank), guest of
SANDY ALLENDE; and Barbara Reif (Retired and former Peoria, IL Rotarian), guest of MARGERY ISMAIL. CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS: Tiffany Andrzejewski and Martin
Schap were guests of the Club and hosted/introduced by TOM SCHMIDT. President DAN presented certificates of recognition, information brochures about
Ambassadorial Scholarships for future reference, and Rotary travel mugs (Four-Way Test on them) to Tiffany and Martin. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors � HOWARD DIESSLIN and LARRY
TIPTON; Greeting by CHRISTA KECK; Invocation by BETTY SUDDARTH; Singing led by BOB GRIFFITHS; Rotary piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals - JEAN JACKSON and DAVID SMITH.