Volume 85, Number 35 - March 13, 2001 UPCOMING PROGRAM (March 20, 2001) Dr. Gebisa Ejeta, Professor of Agronomy, will speak on "An
'Out of Africa' Story." Dr. Ejeta joined the staff at Purdue in 1984, and has a B.Sc. degree (1973) from Alemaya (Ethiopia), a M.Sc. (1976) and a Ph.D. (1978) from Purdue. Dr. Ejeta will be introduced by CHRIS
JOHANNSEN, Program Coordinator for March 13th and 20th. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - JIM FOSTER, substituting for BOB GARRISON, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and DAVE WILLIAMS, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.;
Greeter - FRANCIS PRITSCHER; Invocation - BARB DOSTER; Music - GREG NAPIER; and High School Guests (West Lafayette) hosted by LINA REEVES-KERNER. CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President DAN TEDER requested members/spouses to
keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BOB HIATT; JOHN MC KEE; CAROL REW, spouse of CARL; Dirk Reif, son of BARB; FAE SPURLOCK; and BEV STONE. OSCAR HOPKINS, President Elect, attended the President Elects' Training Seminar (PETS) at Hamilton Southeastern High
School, Fishers, on Saturday, March 10, 2001. PETS is designed to help incoming club presidents prepare for their successful year leading their club. The major thrusts of PETS are: (1) The new
Rotary International (RI) theme; (2) Encourage president elects to begin planning for their year; and (3) Provide valuable skills to help navigate through 52 weekly meetings and 12 board meetings.
LAFAYETTE ROTARY FOUNDATION NEWS: Congratulations to CHRISTA KECK who has reached the Gold Service Level of
participation (Those having given more than $1,000.00 but less than $2,500.00) in the Foundation.
NOTE FROM STEVE MOTT�Back at the Thursday a.m. Club again today. I've been proposed for membership, so will be just a
few weeks and I'll record visits til then�You could take me off mailing list (YMCA and home) now�Thanks for all you do for Rotary. I'll stay active with Rotary here!
ELDON ORTMAN retiring May 31, 2001 after 28 years with the School of Agriculture, first as head of the Entomology Department and now as the Associate Director of the Agricultural Research Programs.
"SHOTS NOT SPOTS", Tippecanoe County Inoculation Program for kindergartners and 1st graders is scheduled for Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at the Tippecanoe
Fairgrounds in the same building as usual. Volunteers are needed - PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS - for the following time slots: (1) 10 a.m.-Noon - Filled with BOB ADAMS; JIM BUESCHER; JAN GRIFFIN KOEHLER and Madison
Koehler; HANLY HAMMEL; and MIKE KOSMAN (Help professional staff set up tables and chairs); (2) Noon - 2 p.m. - Need three volunteers, have one (KATHY
MEEKS); (3) 2 - 4 p.m. - Need one volunteer, have three (BARB HANSEN; BILL PAPE; and FRANCIS PRITSCHER); and (4) 4 - 6 p.m. - Need three volunteers,
have two (LEONA and FRITZ COHEN (Help the professional staff take down tables and chairs). A sign-up sheet will be available at the next Club meeting. Please plan
to "Service Above Self" with this worthwhile project by volunteering for the needed slots noted above. ROTARIAN-OF-THE-YEAR (2001) AWARD nomination forms will be on the
luncheon tables the next two weeks and available from Selection Committee (Committee) members - Senior Directors of the four Avenues of Service, i.e., JIM FOSTER, Chair (Club); BARB DOSTER (Community); ROB GALBRAITH
(International); and JAN GRIFFIN KOEHLER (Vocational); President DAN; Immediate Past President GENE COURTANEY; and Executive Director/Secretary
GRIFF. Members of the Committee and Executive Committee, i.e., Club officers and Treasurer, Lafayette Rotary Foundation, are not eligible for nomination.
Nomination forms must be submitted to a member of the Committee by Tuesday, April 3, 2001. The Rotary-of-the-Year Award will be presented by President DAN at
the Annual Dinner, Tuesday, May 8, 2001, University Inn Conference Center and Suites (University Inn).
BOARD MEETING NOTES FROM CLUB Monday, February 12, 2001: (1) BOB GARRISON, Chair, Retention Committee,
reported on the "New Member Survey", i.e., On January 2, 2001, a three-page survey was mailed to 49 members who joined the Club during the past 18 months;
27 completed responses received with following age breakdown, 20-29 - one, 30-39 - four, 40-49 - four, 50-59 - ten, 60+ - six, and unknown - two; Responses
thoroughly analyzed by JIM BUESCHER who provided the Board with the following succinct four point summary: (a) Minimize the minutia, music, memorializing, and
meditation; (b) Mix-em up often; (c) Maximize chat time; and (d) Maximize the weekly program; (2) Significant discussion regarding use of Club meeting time for
introduction/recognition of high school and vocational guests and which Club meeting each month for recognition of each group; Board decision to recognize
vocational students on the 4th Tuesday each month (Not both Indiana Business College and Ivy Tech on the same day) and high school students on other Tuesdays each month when school is in session. To be continued�
PROGRAM (March 13, 2001) President DAN introduced CHRIS JOHANNSEN, who in turn introduced Dr. Jess Lowenberg-Deboer who made a most
interesting presentation about AFRICA. Dr. Lowenberg-Deboer noted that: (1) AFRICA is made up of 54 different countries created in 1984 in Berlin, GERMANY and leads to a problem of
cohesiveness; (2) AFRICA is the most tropical continent, i.e., except for a small portion on the north and south edges, all is in the tropical zone; (3) Subject to tropical diseases with malaria the
most prevalent by far, malaria kills one million people a year, mostly in AFRICA; (4) Most technical development is in the temperate northern and southern areas; (5)
Space is not a problem, vast open spaces, but problem is how to make it productive for agriculture; and (6) HIV is a major health problem, mostly in southern AFRICA;
however, malaria kills far more than HIV. In closing Dr. Lowenberg-Deboer suggested the following "take home" items from his presentation: AFRICA made up
of 50+ countries; Most tropical of all continents with related unique disease, agriculture, and technical growth problems; Lots of land, but little technical support
for improving their lot; however, many are gradually improving their lot (He cited some examples);and Technical assistance can be successful, but must meet AFRICA's conditions.
MAKE-UPS: JOHN CARPENTER and TOM SMITH, Naples Bay, FL; ROB MILLER, Kokomo; and STEVE MOTT, Simi Sunrise, CA. VISITING ROTARIAN: Sharon Pattison, Terre Haute Downtown.
VISITORS: Rex Daisey (Chief Information Officer, Dunn & Hargitt), guest of DENNIS DUNN; Jason Roggenbauer (Graduate Student of JIM MC GLOTHLIN), guest of JIM
MC GLOTHLIN; Dan Hunt (Sales Representative, Edward Don & Company, North Riverside, IL), guest of ERIC MURPHY; and Lynn Secott (Manpower, Lafayette), guest of Visiting Rotarian Sharon Pattison.
CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Cindy Boes and Evan Gutzwiller were guests of the Club and hosted/introduced by SUSAN SMITH. President DAN
presented certificates of recognition, information brochures about Ambassadorial Scholarships for future reference, and Rotary travel mugs (Four-Way Test on them) to Cindy and Evan.
SPECIAL GUEST: Dae-Young Kim, Ambassadorial Scholar from REPUBLIC OF KOREA (ROK), hosted and introduced by his Host Counselor, BETTY SUDDARTH. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - JIM FOSTER substituting for BOB
GARRISON and JOHN TROTT substituting for DAVE WILLIAMS; Greeting by FRANCIS PRITSCHER; Invocation by EARL PARK; Singing led by MAURI WILLIAMSON; Rotary Piano by HARLEY FREY; and Free Meals Drawing �