Volume 85, Number 40 - April 17, 2001 UPCOMING PROGRAM (April 24, 2001)
Dr. Alastair M. Morrison, Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Purdue, will talk about the hospitality and tourism
industry from a global perspective. Dr. Morrison came to Purdue in 1985, and has a B.A. (1972) from Stratclyde (SCOTLAND), a M.B.A. (1974) from Michigan State, and a Ph.D. (1993) from
Purdue. Dr. Morrison will be introduced by RAY KAVANAUGH, Program Coordinator for the month of April. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - GENE HILLS, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m.,
and GORDY YOUNG, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter- SCOTT RUMBLE; Invocation - JIM HOBBS; Music - JANE TURNER; and since this is the last
Tuesday of the month, there will be a guest from the Indiana Business College or Ivy Tech State College.
Prior to the invocation today, President DAN TEDER (President DAN) requested
members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BOB HIATT; JOHN MC KEE; Dirk Reif, son of BARB; CAROL REW, spouse of CARL; FAE SPURLOCK; and BEV STONE. ANNOUNCEMENTS
DUES for dues period, May 1, 2001 through October 31, 2001, are due by Monday, April 30, 2001! VOCATIONAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE's "Business Site Visit" (Visit) scheduled
for immediately after the Tuesday, April 24, 2001 Club meeting. The Visit is with GH LLC (manufacturer of items for visually impaired students), 3000 Kent Avenue, West
Lafayette (Purdue Research Park). Only a limited number of 15 can attend; contact STAN MITHOEFER or GRIFF if you would like to participate. DIRECTORY UPDATES:
CARA CARREON now Director, Marketing, Mulberry Lutheran Village, 502 West Jackson, Mulberry 46058 - telephone 296-2911. Mike Madrid and Christopher Smith have resigned from Rotary.
SEVERAL ROTARIANS elected new Board members and appointed to the Executive Committee of the Greater Lafayette Progress, Inc. (GLPI), a not-for-profit
economic development corporation: One-year board term - STELLA BATAGIANNIS; ED EILER; and DON GENTRY; and Executive Committee - BOB GRIFFITHS; DANA SMITH; and GARY SUISMAN.
JIM BUESCHER elected as Vice President, Tippecanoe Arts Federation (TAF), and HANS NAUMANN and DAVE SATTLER are Trustees of TAF. 85TH ANNUAL DINNER (Dinner) with the Purdue Varsity Glee Club under the
direction of BRIAN BREED is Tuesday, May 8, 2001. DALE MC HENRY, or designee, will be selling tickets, $25.00 per person, outside the meeting room next
week. Your support is needed and will be appreciated. Remember, no regular Club meeting, the Dinner takes the place of the regular meeting. Celebrate Rotary! PROGRAM (April 17, 2001)  President DAN introduced LINA
REEVES-KERNER, Chair, GSE Committee, who then introduced Sandra Golinelli, GSE Leader, who in turn introduced the GSE Team members: Artur Roberto Huf; Andre Sanches Nunes; Marcio Sanches Nunes; and
Abel Raimundo Morais Silva. The GSE Team, all accomplished musicians, then performed a musical number. Host families are ELSA JANLE and spouse, HARRY POTTER; LINA REEVES-KERNER and
spouse, GEORGE; and WARREN STEVENSON and spouse, JUDY. Their schedule of activities: Wednesday, April 18th - Visit Glen Acres Elementary School; attend a Purdue Musical Organizations' rehearsal; tour Loeb Playhouse;
tour Elliott Hall of Music; and picnic that evening at LINA's and GEORGE's home; Thursday, April 19th - Attend Daybreak Club meeting and trip to Chicago; and
Friday, April 20th � meet at Bioanalytical Systems and go to Kokomo Rotary. ![]() President DAN introduced MARK RUSSELL, Chair, Scholarship & Citizenship Committee (Committee),
who explained briefly that: (1) Today's Scholarship & Citizenship Program (Program) represents recognition by Rotary of the two top seniors from the five Tippecanoe County high schools (Central
Catholic, Henry Harrison, Jefferson, McCutcheon, and West Lafayette); (2) Awards are divided into two groups, i.e., Scholarship and Citizenship; and  (3) Those in attendance could refer to the program
for more detailed information about the awards, the Program, Lafayette Rotary Club's objective, Rotary's Four-Way Test, and a listing of other Committee members. MARK then introduced (1)
Superintendents ED EILER, Lafayette School Corporation; David Notary, Assistant Superintendent, Tippecanoe School Corporation; and STELLA BATAGIANNIS, West Lafayette  Community School Corporation; (2) Principals David
Worland, Central Catholic; Kenneth Siekman, Henry Harrison; Medarda Bauer, McCutcheon; and Douglas Lesley, West Lafayette; and (3) Guidance Counselors/Nominators Paula Green, Central
Catholic; Bonnie Crawford and Jana Kessler, Henry Harrison; Nate Thomas, Jefferson; Kim Howat, McCutcheon; and Linda Sorensen, West Lafayette. He than introduced BARB HANSEN, Committee  Co-Chair, and they then introduced the honored
students and their parents: Tiffany Andrzejewski, daughter of Richard and Margaret Andrzejewski, and Alexis Gernhardt, daughter of Dennis and Jeanne Gernhardt (Central Catholic); Jacqueline
Stewart, daughter of Terry and Jane Stewart, and John Burgner III, son of John II and Kimberli Burgner (Henry Harrison); Laura Ertmer, daughter of David and Peg Ertmer, and Lisa Howell, daughter of David  and Jill Howell (Jefferson); Katey Clark, daughter of Brian and Lori Siler, and Erin Zimmerman, daughter of Mickey and Christine Zimmerman (McCutcheon); and Stacey Finke, daughter of Roger and Teresa
Finke, and Brian Diekman, son of Patti O'Callaghan and Mark Diekman (West Lafayette). The $1,000.00 Frank K. Burrin Scholarship Award was presented to Brian Diekman; the $1,000.00 Eric A. Holm
Citizenship Award was presented to Stacey Finke; and each of the others received a $500.00 Thomas F. Moran, Sr. Scholarship Award. Robert Peterson, local photographer, took various picture groupings of the
honored students and administrators.
President DAN, introduced WALLY TYNER, who in turn introduced
Dr. Simeon Ehui, here from ETHIOIA to receive recognition as a distinguished Agricultural Alum from the School of Agriculture, who gave a power point update on the Ethiopia Lighthouse Project
(Project) that our Club participated in via a Club, District, and Rotary International Matching Grant in 1999. Dr. Ehui provided a copy of slides, i.e., information (details regarding background,
organization, and milestones and achievements of the Project) and pictures, used in his presentation with GRIFF; a set is available upon request.
MAKE-UPS: MARGARET HALL, Sarasota Bay (two times) and Sarasota Keys (two times), FL; LARRY LANE, Apopka, Maitland (three times), and Winter Park
Breakfast (three times), FL; and VIRGIL ST. JOHN, Paradise Valley (three times), Phoenix, AZ. VISITING ROTARIANS: Charles "Chuck" Bragg, District Governor, Rotary
International District 6560; Rex Fager, Kokomo, District Chair, Group Study Exchange (GSE) Team Program; Sandra Golinelli, Aguas De Sol Pedro, GSE Team
Leader; Bob Dawson, Deer Lodge, MT, exchanged banners with President DAN; and Rachel Johnson, John Polles, and Robyn Wall, Daybreak. VISITORS: JUDY STEVENSON, spouse of WARREN; Charles Stinebaugh, guest
of Visiting Rotarian Bob Dawson; Wanda Piuma, from BRAZIL, and Norma Singley, guests of BILL FULLER; Todd Clark (Veterinarian, Creekside Animal Hospital),
guest of STEVE STUCKY; and Dr. Juhee Kim (Visiting Professor of Nursing from ROK), guest of LINDA SIMUNEK. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - GENE HILLS and GORDY YOUNG;
Greeting by OSCAR SCOTT RUMBLE; Invocation by JIM KLUSMAN; Music by the GSE Team from BRAZIL; Rotary Piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals Drawing - BOB BOUGGY and DEB HOPPES.