Volume 87, Number 6 - August 7, 2001 UPCOMING PROGRAM (August 14, 2001) Rotarian TRACIE HUGHES, Underwriting Coordinator, and Daniel Skinner, Manager, Radio Station WBAA, Purdue, will provide a
program entitled, "WBAA - Public Radio." TRACIE, Program Coordinator for the month of August, and Daniel Skinner will be introduced by DAVID BOUGH, President Elect and Chair, Program Committee.
MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - KIRK CLARK, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and CHRISTY SMITH, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - SANDY ALLENDE; Invocation - JOHN SORENSEN; and Music - BOB MEYER.
Prior to the invocation today, President OSCAR HOPKINS (President OSCAR), requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers:
LEW RUNNELS back following open heart surgery on Monday, July 16th , only three weeks; it was good to see LEW back at Rotary. ANNOUNCEMENTS SMALL GROUP DINNER on Thursday, September 5th, with KEN EWING, still
some openings; please contact JANE TURNER or GRIFF if you are interested in "dining with KEN."ROTARY/PMO HABITAT HOUSE: JOHN HUIE, Chair, Volunteer Sign-up, had
sign-up sheets at tables today and these sign-up sheets will be at tables for the next few Tuesdays. Work on the Habitat House will start Friday, September 21st,
and go until Monday, October 8th. JON HUSTON and BOB VERPLANK will be Site Supervisors, the following is the date/job schedule:
- September 21st and 22nd - framing;
- September 22nd and 24th - cleanup;
- September 24th - plumbing rough-in;
- September 25th - drywall, insulating and vapor barriers, and siding;
- September 25th and 26th - cleanup;
- September 26th, 27th, and 28th - drywall finish;
- September 27th and 28th - cleanup;
- September 29th - drywall sand and paint;
- September 29th and October 1st - cleanup;
- October 1st - garage door, guttering and downspouts, and vinyl floor preparation;
- October 2nd - vinyl floor installation;
- October 2nd and 3rd - cleanup;
- October 3rd - trim and doors;
- October 3rd and 4th - countertops, cabinets, and vanities;
- October 4th - doors hardware;
- October 4th and 5th - cleanup;
- October 4th and 5th - plumbing finish;
- October 6th - landscaping and mirrors;
- October 6th and 8th - cleanup; and
- October 8th - carpet.
Surely something that everyone can do, i.e., seven cleanup spots - PLEASE SIGN-UP IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS!
PLEASE CONTINUE to be on the lookout for Lafayette Adult Reading Academy (LARA) space; LARA is in need of 12,000 square feet and at least 100 parking
spaces. If you have any ideas regarding this amount of space, please contact JoAnn Vorst at 476-2920. MAKEUPS: CARA CARREON, Frankfort; ELAINE ELLISON, Daybreak (two
times); DAVID FILMER and CHRISTA KECK, Gore Bay, CANADA (three times each); SUSAN SMITH, Daybreak (two times) and Lebanon. AUGUST BIRTHDAY TABLE: DICK HOLST announced that Rotarians with
birthdays in August contributed $1,714.00 to the Lafayette and RI Foundations; DICK is expecting additional contributions.
- Minutes of the June 13th meeting were approved as distributed;
- DAVE LANDGREBE, LRF Treasurer, report for 4th Quarter, 4.1.01 - 6.30.01, reviewed and tabled until the August meeting;
- Upon recommendation of the Funds Request Committee and the Club Board of Directors, the LRF Board looked favorably upon the Mid-Land Meals,
Inc.'s request for up to $1,500.00 to purchase a new freezer, cooler, hood, or other equipment for the new central kitchen to be built on Concord Road,
south of Henry Poor Lumber, but no decision to fund will be made until LRF's financial status has been more clearly determined, hopefully at the August Board meeting;
- President OSCAR reviewed the July Club Board meeting; and
- "Non-profit Organization Authorization For Cash Accounts" document for Merrill Lynch, authorizing STEVE THOMPSON, LRF President, and KEITH SMITH, Chair, LRF Investment Committee, to have signature authority for
LRF was approved.
PROGRAM (August 7, 2001) PRESIDENT OSCAR introduced District Governor McFadden, who
recognized Past District Governors Jerry Erskine -- 1999-2000 and BILL HATFIELD -- 1998-1999, thanked them for their mentoring, and MARY ELLEN LOVELL, long time family friend. District
Governor McFadden, during his power point presentation, stressed the following:
- Membership - a) Challenged everyone to do somebody a favor, invite someone to be a Rotarian (recent survey indicated that 99% of those individuals who were asked why they weren't Rotarians, responded
that they were not asked); and b) Why join Rotary? - Friendship; Business Development; Personal Growth and Development; Leadership Development;
Citizenship in the Community; Continuing Education; Fun; Public Speaking Skills; Citizenship in the World; Assistance when Traveling; Entertainment;
Development of Social Skills; Family Programs; Vocational Skills; Development of Ethics; Cultural Awareness; Prestige; Nice people; Absence of an "Official Creed"; and Opportunity to Serve;
- Public Relations - Wear Rotary pin every day; and Speak about and promote Rotary to community groups;
- The RI Foundation - Composed of programs and fund raising; Promotes worldwide peace, goodwill, and understanding; Eradicate, via PolioPlus, polio worldwide by 2005; and Continuing the film canister program to
encourage Rotarians to contribute $100.00 (a quarter every day plus two on meeting days in film canister) - goal is $230,000.00, 920,000 quarters, from the District;
- Gift of Life � Program which brings a child from the third world to St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, for heart surgery, cost is $5,000.00 per surgery,
physicians do not charge, and District goal is 10 children;
- Group Study Exchange (GSE) - This year the GSE visit will be with District 9210 in AFRICA (Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe);
- Youth Exchange Program - Hopeful the Club can become involved in this Program again; and
- District Conference, Friday through Sunday, April 26th, 27th, and 28th, 2002, French Lick Springs Resort and Spa, in order to encourage
attendance, the District will be divided into two divisions, i.e., clubs of 50+ membership and 49 or less membership, the club in each division that has
the greatest net increase in membership between July 1, 2001 and March 31, 2002, will receive six free registrations, each worth approximately $180.00, to the District Conference.
District Governor McFadden closed by noting that:
- Membership and promotion go hand-in-hand and that two District agencies had been established to assist clubs: District Membership Chair, and Speakers Bureau and Film Library; and
- District's web site is
VISITING ROTARIAN: William McFadden (District Governor McFadden), Carmel (District Governor, Rotary International (RI) District #6560); Judy Ford, Carmel
(spouse of District Governor McFadden); Jerry Erskine, Lebanon (Past District Governor - 1999-2000); Allen Milburn, Lebanon (Deputy Governor representing
District Governor, McFadden with our Club, and also represents District Governor McFadden with the Attica-Williamsport, Flora, and Daybreak Clubs); Craig
Lysinger, President, Daybreak, and Wick Rimert, Daybreak; and Selene Phillips, Grand Forks, ND. Selene Phillips exchanged banners, North Forks, ND, with President OSCAR.
VISITORS: MARY ELLEN LOVELL, spouse of BILL; Roger (Attorney, Alexandria, VA) and Alex Parkhurst, son and grandson of PARKIE; Ralph (Retired Purdue
Professor) and Nina Davis, father and daughter of MARK; Ted Wolfe (Administrative Director, Oncology Institute, and Rotarian from Monroe, LA), guest of the Club and
introduced by GRIFF; and Sherm Kessler (New Ross farmer and former Purdue Trustee), guest of BETTY NELSON. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - KIRK CLARK, and CHRISTY SMITH;
No Greeter Today; Invocation by LARRY HUGGINS; Singing led by GREG NAPIER; Rotary Piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals Drawing - JIM ANDREW and GENE HILLS.