Volume 87, Number 8 - August 21, 2001 UPCOMING PROGRAM (August 28, 2001) Marianne Rose, Director, Marketing and Public Relations,
United Way of Greater Lafayette, will speak about the "2001 United Way Campaign and Where the Money Goes." Ms. Rose will be introduced by TRACIE HUGHES, Program Coordinator for the month of August. MEETING FUNCTIONS:
Money Collectors - KIRK CLARK, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and CHRISTY SMITH, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - SANDY ALLENDE; Invocation - MARK RUSSELL; Music - GREG NAPIER; and Vocational Student Guest from Ivy Tech State
College or Indiana Business College. CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President OSCAR HOPKINS (President OSCAR), requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: JIM FENN (Fell and broke
his hip; had successful surgery, i.e., one long pin and plate with four pins to hold hip together; went home Sunday, August 19th; and up and walking some, but recovery is day to day); BOB FIELDS; BOB HIATT; JOHN and
EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; Dirk Reif, son of BARB; CAROL REW, spouse of CARL; FAE SPURLOCK; and BEV STONE.BILL HINZE is the Club's 193rd recipient of a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) Award. He has chosen not to have the
certificate, medallion, and lapel presented at a Club meeting; therefore, those emblems of a PHF recognition have been mailed to him. DALE MC HENRY has resigned as Club Treasurer, effective June 30, 2002, not June 30,
2001; therefore, still plenty of time for someone to volunteer to become Club Treasurer and have time to train with DALE. PICTORIAL DIRECTORY may be available for distribution at the Tuesday, August 28th Club meeting.
Jim Buescher has resigned from Rotary. ANNOUNCEMENTS ROTARY/PMO HABITAT HOUSE: Work on the Habitat House starts Friday, September 21st, and lasts until Monday, October 8th; JON HUSTON and BOB VERPLANK will be Site Supervisors. To
make it easier to sign-up, sign-up sheets will be mounted on poster board and on easels for the next few Tuesdays; please volunteer to help with this special "SERVICE ABOVE SELF" project: Tuesdays.
September 21st and 22nd - framing; September 22nd and 24th - cleanup; September 24th - plumbing rough-in; September 25th - drywall, insulating and vapor barriers, and siding;
September 25th and 26th - cleanup; September 26th, 27th, and 28th - drywall finish; September 27th and 28th - cleanup; September 29th - drywall sand and paint; September 29th and October 1st
- cleanup; October 1st - garage door, guttering and downspouts, and vinyl floor preparation; October 2nd - vinyl floor installation; October 2nd and 3rd - cleanup; October 3rd
- trim and doors; October 3rd and 4th - countertops, cabinets, and vanities; October 4th - doors hardware; October 4th and 5th - cleanup; October 4th and 5th - plumbing finish; October 6th
- landscaping and mirrors; October 6th and 8th - cleanup; and October 8th - carpet. Surely something that everyone can do, i.e., seven cleanup spots - PLEASE SIGN-UP IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS!
DAYBREAK'S "THE GREATEST AUCTION EVER!!" FUND RAISING EVENT: Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 16, 2001 at Camp Tecumseh YMCA Convention Center with free lunch and viewing 1:00 p.m.; auction begins at 2:00 p.m.
100% of proceeds to five charities: Adult Reading Academy; Habitat for Humanity of Lafayette; Food Finders Food Bank, Inc.; Lafayette Urban Ministry; and Women's Shelter. Also, free children's activities, childcare, and
a Wildlife Exhibition by Carol Blacketer, Wildcat Wildlife Center. Sample of all new items include: 36" TV; Rototiller; Trip to Washington, D.C.; Monthly bouquet; 10" Skill saw; CD player/boomboxes; BMW remote control
car; $500.00 jewelry store credit; Antique car and driver for a day; Mountain bike; Fishing trips; Nanny for four days; Many dinner-for-two-certificates; Chain saw; Weed eater; and 70 more items.
PROGRAM (August 21, 2001) PRESIDENT OSCAR opened today's
"all-service club" meeting with normal procedures; following this, he introduced Lori Janssen, Girls Volleyball Coach, Harrison High School, and asked GREG NAPIER to come back to the podium and lead the group in singing
"Hail Purdue".  President OSCAR then introduced MORGAN BURKE, Director,
Intercollegiate Athletics, who: (1) Introduced the non-speaking guests, i.e., Jay Cooperider, Communications Director, Intercollegiate Athletics; Jim Vrugginik, Director, Special Events
(University Relations) who administers the JumboTron (football scoreboard), Hall of Fame, and special banquets for Intercollegiate Athletics; and Jan Winger,
Administrative Assistant, Intercollegiate Athletics; (2) Made a few remarks regarding the status of the remodeling of athletic facilities, i.e., work being done on the golf
courses, renovations to the football stadium, and that the new aquatics center is now open; and (3) Introduced Jeff Hulsmeyer.
Coach Hulsmeyer, third-year Head Coach, Purdue Women's Volleyball Team, then
reviewed: Team makeup; Individual team members and positions some would be playing; New recruits, Team schedule; and Closed by inviting everyone to attend the volleyball games.
Coach Hulsmeyer then introduced Joe Tiller, fifth year Head Coach, Purdue Football Team who also reviewed various aspects of the team: Strength should be in
defense, most of this unit returns this season; Pleased with the progress of the offensive line; Running game should be better; Expressed concern about the
opening game on a Sunday at the University of Cincinnati on artificial turf; and closed by also inviting all to attend the football games.
VISITING ROTARIANS: Selene Phillips, North Forks, ND, also last week - August 14th. VISITORS: Several Rotarians brought guests to today's meeting, but it was so
hectic the Secretary was unable to record all of them; therefore, rather than risk omitting someone, chose not to list anyone. Several groups did write and indicate
that they would be in attendance: Daybreak Rotary Club; Exchange Club; Girl Scouts; Kentland Rotary Club; Kokomo Rotary Club; Lafayette Noon Kiwainis; and Lafayette YMCA.
MAKEUPS: BOB FEUER, Daybreak; and TOM SCHMMIDT, Hart, MI (two times). MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - KIRK CLARK, and JOHN TROTT,
11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and SCOTT RUMBLE, substituting for CHRISTY SMITH and FRED ANDERSON, 11:45 am. to 12:15 p.m.; Invocation by JIM HANKS; Singing led by GREG NAPIER; and Rotary Piano by REX KEPLER.
PREVIOUS PROGRAM (August 14, 2001)
There was not sufficient space in "Ripples" for TRACIE HUGHES's comments regarding "Public Radio from Purdue." TRACIE noted:
- Public Radio provides Alternative programming; In-depth news reporting; Cultural programming; Issue oriented talk shows; A window on the world; and Entertainment;
- Public Radio from Purdue offers: WBAA AM 920 - "News all day, Jazz all night", i.e., 24-hour broadcasting; "Morning Edition"; "All Things Considered";
"Car Talk"; "Marketplace"; Informative talk shows; and more; and WBAA FM 101.2 - "Your Classical Music Station", i.e., 24-hour broadcasting; classical
music; "Performance Today"; classical variety (opera, "Schnickele Mix", "Weekend Radio", "Record Shelf", and more); and
- WBAA funding from - Purdue University (studios, office space, utilities, and staff salaries; Listener contributions (programming); CPB (Corporation for
Public Broadcasting) Grant (programming and operating costs); and Business underwriting (programming and operating costs).
TRACIE closed by indicating public radio is a partnership between the listener, the radio station, and the University, and thanked everyone for listening to WBAA and
making public radio in Greater Lafayette possible. |