Volume 87, Number 11 � September 11, 2001 UPCOMING PROGRAM (September 18, 2001)   The three area school Superintendents - Richard D. Wood - Tippecanoe County; EDWARD "ED" EILER - Lafayette and STELLA BATAGIANNIS -
West Lafayette will have a forum to answer questions provided to them from the Lafayette Rotary Club. On September 25th, Joe Bumbleburg will speak about Ivy Tech. This month's program coordinator is DENNIS DUNN.MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - HOWARD DIESSLIN, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and GORDY YOUNG, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - GORDON
KINGMA; Music - BOB GRIFFITHS; Invocation - JIM KLUSMAN; and High School Guest (Jefferson) hosted by Ken Ewing.
CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President OSCAR HOPKINS, asked for a moment of
silence for the situation unfolding in the United States today and requested members/spouses to keep in their thoughts and prayers: HARLEY GRIFFITH
"GRIFF" who was in Home Hospital with a possible minor stroke (GRIFF is back home again as of Tuesday PM); BOB HIATT; JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; Dirk Reif, son of BARB; CAROL REW, spouse of CARL; FAE SPURLOCK;
and BEV STONE. DAN TEDER gave a fitting eulogy for BOB FIELDS who died at 2:20 a.m., Monday, September 3, 2001, in Home Hospital. WELCOME NEW ROTARIANS   NEW ROTARIANS: MURRAY BLACKWELDER from Purdue was introduced by SCOTT RUMBLE; TED WOLF from Oncology Institute was introduced by JO
WADE; and MIKE PIGGOTT from Purdue was introduced by JOHN HUIE. We welcome these newest Rotarians to the Lafayette Rotary Club.
SMALL GROUP DINNER on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:00, with BARB REIF. Cost is $8.00 per person and reservations need to be made through JANE TURNER. ROTARY/PMO HABITAT HOUSE construction starts Friday, September 21st; this day and Saturday, September 22nd, are extremely important as the framing must
be done these two days so that the roof can be put on the house on Monday, September 24th. Rotarians are needed for the next two weeks to assist with various
phases of construction, especially cleanup. Sign-up sheets will be available at Rotary each Tuesday, so please check your schedule and volunteer to help with this "Service Above Self" project.
COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT: SANDY PEARLMAN, Vice Chair, Community Project Committee, announces that the next project will be the United Way Week of Caring, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 18th. There is need for 10
volunteers to put resource materials for new parents into plastic bags which are distributed to every new parent who gives birth at Home Hospital (need about 3,000
per year). SUSAN SMITH, President/CEO, Family Services, Inc., indicated that the work will be done at FSI's office, corner of 8th and Main Streets, near Sarge Oak
Restaurant. Sign-up sheet will be on the bulletin board in the back of the dining room. DAYBREAK'S FUND RAISING AUCTION: Mark your calendars for Saturday,
September 16, 2001, to attend the Daybreak activity. Free lunch at 1:00 p.m. and auction begins at 2:00 p.m.
PROGRAM (September 11, 2001) PRESIDENT OSCAR introduced DENNIS DUNN, who was to speak on Successful Parenting, but decided to forego the program
in light of the situation in the United States today. He asked that we remember the families of the victims in today's tragedies.MAKEUPS: PAUL POST, Daybreak; and TOM SCHMIDT,
Logansport. Tom wants the club to be aware the club is not held at the Carousel Restaurant in Logansport as listed in the Ripples. VISITING ROTARIANS: Selene Phillips, Grand Forks, ND.
VISITORS: Ambassadorial Scholar - Kazumi Matsumoto from Japan was brought to Rotary today by TERRY WEST; and Ron Winterfield, retired Veterinary School professor, guest of CHRIS FUNK.
HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS: McCutcheon High School guest called KIRK CLARK and cancelled coming today because of the United States situation. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - HOWARD DIESSLIN, and GORDY
YOUNG; Greeting by TOM FREY; Invocation by CHARLENE SULLIVAN; Singing led by BOB GRIFFITHS; Rotary Piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals Drawing - FRITZ COHEN, (absent) and SCOTT RUMBLE, he donated his money to the
Lafayette Rotary Foundation.