Volume 87, Number 13 � October 2, 2001 The Tuesday, October 16th regular club meeting has been moved to Thursday, October 18th, in order to be a part of the all-service clubs meeting in the grand ballroom, University
Inn Conference Center and Suites. Noon Kiwanis is host, which will have coaches Gene Keady and Kristy Curry as speakers. If you do not plan to attend the October 16th meeting and/or will be having guest(s), please
contact Griff by no later than Monday a.m., October 5th with a number - office 494-7218 or residence 494-5596.
UPCOMING PROGRAM (October 9, 2001) Mikhail J. Atallah, Professor of Computer Science, Purdue, will speak on "Detecting computer Crime." Prof. Atallah joined the staff
at Purdue in 1982 and has a B.E. (1975) degree from American-Beirut (1975) and M.S.E. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Johns Hopkins. Professor Atallah will be introduced
by DICK BARTHOLOMEW, Program Coordinator for the month of October.MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - TOM FREY, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and JIM FOSTER substituting for BOB GARRISON, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter �
GENE HILLS; Invocation - AL CHISCON; Music - BOB VERPLANK; and High School Guests (West Lafayette) hosted by EARL PARK.
CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President OSCAR HOPKINS requested members and
spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BOB HIATT; JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; Dirk Reif, son of BARB; CAROL REW, spouse of CARL; FAE SPURLOCK; and BEV STONE.
CONGRATULATIONS to ED HEMMER and VIRGIL ST. JOHN -BOB BROCK reported that each were awarded a Sagamore of the Wabash, from Governor O'Bannon, at the Greater Lafayette Symphony Orchestra's season opening
concert, Saturday, September 29th at the Long Center for the Performing Arts. VIRGIL ST. JOHN, as reported by BOB BROCK and JIM HANKS, having some health problems. VIRGIL and RUTH flying to Phoenix, AZ soon.
TRACY HUGHES has a new residence address: 3150 CIRRUS COURT DRIVE; WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906-6866- not sure whether telephone stays the same. ROTARY DUES STATEMENTS for the DUES period of November 1, 2001 Through
April 30, 2002 were taken to the Post Office this a.m. Membership cards are now only issued once a year and your membership card should be enclosed with this
dues statement. If your membership card is not with your dues statement, please contact GRIFF and a new one will be issued. Please pay YOUR DUES PROMPTLY. ANNOUNCEMENTS ROAR/PMO HABITAT HOUSE: JON HUSTON reported today that work on the house is going very nicely. Six to eight workers are needed for Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday of this week to work on cleanup, trim, paint the garage, etc. If you can help, please report o the house. Thanks to Jane Turner for this photo.COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS COMMITTEE
Meeting - FRITZ COHEN, Chair, would like a meeting of the Committee at 11:15 a.m., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9TH, Tailgate Lounge (across from the registration
LEW RUNNELS, JOHN SANDERSON; WARREN STEVENSON; BETTY SUDDARTH; and LARRY TIPTON). Fritz indicated that committee members should have a copy of the report sent to the club board of directors. In addition, please
submit for discussion your ideas on additional projects. In order to save time, please keep in mind the criteria for community projects. Fritz apologizes for calling
a meeting so far into the year, but travels and calendar have made it difficult to find a convenient time. Next weekend should be his last out-of-town trip (a reunion with
comrades from WWII) for some weeks. Please let him know that you will attend, and what ideas you expect to bring to the discussion. Fritz thanks you for your cooperation.
PICTORIAL DIRECTORY for the 2001-2002 Rotary Year were available for distribution. Special thanks again this year goes to CHRIS FUNK for the many
hours spent in taking pictures and compiling, editing, and arranging the Directory information. And, to DAVE LANDGREBE for the many hours spent during the year
maintaining the Club database. Upon receiving your copy, please review and get corrections/changes, hopefully there aren't any, to GRIFF so that next year's can be even more accurate.
PLEASE NOTE: The Board of Directors reminds Club members that the Directory is NOT to be used commercially or for any non-Rotarian solicitation. The Directory is
for each member's private use in contacting fellow members, developing acquaintances, or for conducting Rotary business. It is NOT to be used as a
business mailing list nor is it to be loaned to other groups. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. PAST CLUB BOARD MEETING NOTES and PAST FOUNDATION MEETING
NOTES will be covered in future issues of "Ripples."
PROGRAM (October 2, 2001) THANKS to DR. DAVID C. VAN SICKLE, Professor, Basic
Medical Sciences School of Veterinary Science, Purdue, who gave an interesting and informative talk and slide show on "Why joints last only 70 years.."VISITING ROTARIANS: ED ELLIOT, NAPLES, FL.
MAKEUPS: JOHN BARRETT, Snowmass Village, CO (seven times); and BILL FULLER, not sure where as make-up card did not indicate, and GORDON KINGMA, Daybreak VISITOR: GREGG DONAT (JUDGE, Superior Court #4)
CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS: Theresa Braltz and Brad Gates, guest of the Club and hosted/introduced by JOHN SANDERSEN. President OSCAR
presented certificates of recognition and a Rotary Travel Mug (4-Way Test on it) to Theresa and Brad. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - TOM FREY and FRED ANDERSON
substituting for BOB GARRISON; Invocation by JAY WILEY; Singing led by JANE TURNER; Rotary Piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals Drawing - TED BRUNNER and JOHN SORENSEN.