Volume 87, Number 18 - November 6, 2001 UPCOMING MEETING (November 13, 2001) Past District Governor - 1997-1998 William "Bill" G. Batt
will make a presentation about The Rotary Foundation. Past District Governor Batt will be introduced by BETTY NELSON.MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - JACK HATCHER, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and MARGARET
HALL, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - MARTHA CHISCON; Invocation- KEN EWING; Music - SUSAN SMITH; and High School Guests (Jefferson), Hosted by GIL SATTERLY. CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today, President OSCAR HOPKINS, requested members/spouses
to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BOB HIATT; JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; BEV STONE; and HARLAND WHITE.CORRESPONDENCE from VIRGIL ST. JOHN�Certainly have enjoyed the beautiful
floral arrangement and have appreciated all of the cards, thoughts and prayers during my recent surgery and convalescence. �Thank you so much. VIRG COMMENT(s) from GRIFF�Thanks so much for the chrysanthemum (and
thanks for computer spell check or it would have been a mum) plant sent during my recent health setback� It's sitting on the front porch to remind me each day how lucky I am. Also, thanks so much for the cards, positive
thoughts, and prayers. GRIFF ADDRESS CHANGES
- CHERYL NORRIS: Country Squire Court; D; West Lafayette, In 47906-5430 - assume telephone and e-mail remains the same.
- BERTIE BUCHANAN: 840 Main Street; Lafayette, In 47902-1460 - assume telephone is the same.
- BYRON ANDERSON headed for FL - new address there: 8410 Abbington Circle; A16, Naples, FL 34108-7727
WELCOME NEW MEMBER DAVID LAHR (DAVE) with classification COMMUNITY SERVICES�Lafayette Board of Zoning Appeals, sponsored by
MICHAEL HUNT and introduced by GRIFF. DAVE and spouse, SANDY, reside at 822 Kossuth Street, Lafayette 47905-1448 - telephone 742-6905. DAVE is a retired electrician after 45 years,
worked most recently for Huston Electric.
ANNOUNCEMENTS JIM BODENMILLER reminded everyone about the Museums At Prophetstown's " A Harvest Celebration of Bluegrass Music" at Cumberland Place Exhibition Center at
6:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 10th (Disaster Action Team, The Lonesome River Band; and Jett Williams, daughter of Country Legend Hank Williams and frequent
guest on the Grand Ole Opry at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 11th (Blue Night; Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver; and Jim & Jesse and The Virginia Boys, Long Time
Grand Ole Opry members. Tickets for both performances are $25.00 and may be ordered by telephone (765) 497-9515 or purchased at the Cumberland Place ticket office on days of the performances.
SALVATION ARMY "BELL RINGING": ANN PIECHOTA, Co-chair, along with JERRY MC CARTHY, Salvation Army Committee announced that 'Bell Ringing" will
be on Saturday, December 8th, and that signup sheets will be available at next week's Rotary meeting. ANN also noted that this is the same day as a PMO
CHRISTMAS SHOW and suggested that individuals should sign-up for an early 'Bell Ringing " time in order to be free for the PMO CHRISTMAS SHOW. GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE (GSE) TEAM: JEAN JACKSON, Co-Chair, GSE
Team Committee announced: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is accepting applications for the U.S. 2002 GSE Team Leader and Members. GSE is
a program that facilitates exchange visits of teams of young professional and business people between paired countries. IN 2002 our District 6560, will be paired
with District 9210 and visit Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Zambia. The purpose is to promote international goodwill and understanding, share knowledge of the US and
experience the customs and cultures of South Central Africa. Criteria for Team members include: U.S. citizen, 25-40 years old, good health, employed full time,
not directly related to a Rotary Club member, and must reside in District 6560. The team Leader must be a Rotarian from District 6560. The trip will take place April 25
� May 26, 2002. The deadline for submission of applications is November 20, 2001. For more information or an application contact JEAN JACKSON at 497-0653 or jackson@cs.purdue.edu. More information is available at
http://www.rotary6560.org/group.php or http://www.rotary.org/foundation/educational/gse/index.html. SEPTEMBER 100% CLUB: CORRECTION - LARRY LANE's name was not listed in the 100% grouping two weeks ago and should have been. LARRY has 478
months of continuous attendance. PROGRAM (November 6, 2001) PRESIDENT OSCAR introduced JIM TURLEY, Program Chair,
who in turn introduced Col. Don Bloodgood (Retired) Senior Representative for the Employers in support of the Guard and Reserve Programs who made a presentation about this.
MAKE UPS: TOM SMITH, NAPLES NORTH, FL (Two times); VIRGIL ST. JOHN, PHOENIX, AZ (Two times) and Phoenix West, AZ. VISITING ROTARIAN: Nancy Jo Trafton, Fort Gratiot, MI Rotary Club (new
marketing director for the Journal and Courier) introduced by GARY SUISMAN. Nancy Jo and President OSCAR exchanged banners. VISITORS: Sarah Martinez, Accountant, Girardot Strauch & Co., guest of DICK
BARTHOLOMEW; Shawn Borga, Sign Experts, guest of BOB FEUER; John Burgner, Professor of Biology, Purdue, guest of DAVID FILMER; Will Jordan, Professor of Naval Science, NAVY R. O. T. C., Purdue, guest of the Club and
introduced by JERRY MC CARTHY; Bob Hawkins, Director, Indiana Veterans Home, and Randy Fairchild, Veterans Service officer for Tippecanoe County, hosted
and introduced by JIM TURLEY; Jim Almond, Vice President for Business Services, Purdue, guest of BILL LEWELLEN. MC CUTCHEON HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS: Brian Liggett; Drew Kochert; Kelsey
Burton; and Jennifer Gilmore, guests of the Club and hosted/introduced by BARB DOSTER. Four McCutcheon High School students this week as their school was
dismissed on Tuesday, September 11th. President OSCAR presented a "Rotary Travel Mug" (4-Way Test on it) to Brian, Drew, Kelsey, and Jennifer.
MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors- JACK HATCHER; Greeting - ELSA JANLE; Invocation - FRITZ COHEN; Rotary singing led by JANE TURNER and BOB VERPLANK; Rotary Piano by REX KEPLER. Thanks to BARB REIF and JO WADE
for helping at the Secretary's table again today.