Volume 87, Number 19 - November 13, 2001 UPCOMING PROGRAM (November 20, 2001) Tuesday, November 20th, 2001 is the annual Rotary-Kiwanis
Thanksgiving Week joint meeting; this year Kiwanis has program responsibility. The program will be Rev. Gayle Crowe, Pastor, Elmwood Church of Christ, will talk on "Thanksgiving-American Tradition."MEETING
FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - JACK HATCHER, 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and MARGARET HALL, 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - AL CHISCON; Invocation- MARGERY ISMAIL; Music - SUSAN SMITH; and No High School Guests. CLUB CONCERNS Prior to the invocation today,
President OSCAR HOPKINS (President OSCAR) requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BOB FEUER (BOB had back surgery last Thursday in Indianapolis, talked with him this a.m. and he
reported that he was home, but still very sore); BOB HIATT (See below); JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; BEV STONE; and HARLAND WHITE.REVIEW OF CLUB MEMBERSHIP as of November 13th: Total
membership is 278 � 272 Active and Six honorary: BRIAN BREED; (Mayors HEATH, Lafayette, and MARGERUM, West Lafayette); JOHN MC KEE; BEVERLEY STONE; and HARLAND WHITE. 109 or 39% members in the "gown" category (Purdue,
public school and vocational (Indiana Tech State College and Indiana Business College) personnel, and 163 or 59% members in the "town" category (other than Purdue, public school and vocational personnel) . If important,
there are 267 or 78% males and 62 or 22% females. DEEPEST SYMPTHY to the family to ROBERT "BOB" HIATT who died at 9:00 a.m., Friday, November 9h at St. Elizabeth medical Center. BOB had dealt with cancer
for years and had been a Rotarian since January 1, 1952. BELATED SYMPATHY to TOM ROBINSON whose father, Dr. Paul Robinson, died in Sebring, FL on Thursday, October 18th. William Connors has resigned from Rotary.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS GREGORY J. DONAT (GREGG with classification COMMUNITY SERVICE--Judge - Superior Court #4, GREGG and his spouse,
Mona, are the parents of three children and reside at 710 South 10th Street, Lafayette 47905-1402 - telephone 742-6004. CHARLIE WALKER (CHARLIE), with classification COMMUNITY SERVICE, sponsored by C. VIRGIL ST. JOHN. CHARLIE and his spouse, KATE (KATE is pastor, First United
Methodist Church, West Lafayette), reside at 1848 Garden Street, West Lafayette 47906-2254 - telephone 463-0932.
Community Service Projects Committee (Committee)announced - Our Club will again pack and deliver gift boxes for the local Women's Shelter Christmas project,
Date, Time, and place for packing boxes: Friday, December 7, 2001, from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 11:30 a.m. at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 1005 North 21st
Street, Lafayette (NOT at the Women's Shelter as in previous years.) 15 to 17 Rotarian volunteers are needed. Delivery of gift boxes: Saturday, December 8, 2001,
beginning at 12:30p.m. UNTIL APPROXIMATELIY 4:00 P.M. PICKUP POINT IS AT THE HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH. Six Rotarian volunteers with suitable
vehicles (pickups or vans) are needed. Drivers will be accompanied by high-school volunteers, who will do the heavy lifting. A sign-up sheet will be posted.
SECOND ONE: The Community Service Projects Committee invites Rotary members to make a connection with our veterans at the Indiana Veterans Home
through volunteer and Service learning opportunities. Sign up and work according to your availability. Persons are needed to help with correspondence, reading,
computer assistance, recreation, and other activities. Call Carolyn Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator at 497-8020 or e-mail IVH Volcoor@aol.com..
SALVATION ARMY "BELL RINGING": ANN PIECHOTA, Co-chair, along with JERRY MC CARTHY, Salvation Army Committee announced last week that 'Bell
Ringing" will be on Saturday, December 8th, and that signup sheets will be available at next week's Rotary meeting. ANN also noted that this is the same day as a
PMO CHRISTMAS SHOW. And, suggested that individuals should sign-up for an early 'Bell Ringing " time in order to be free for the PMO CHRISTMAS SHOW.
GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE (GSE) TEAM: JEAN JACKSON, Co-Chair, GSE Team Committee announced: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is accepting applications for the U.S. 2002 GSE Team Leader and Members. GSE is
a program that facilitates exchange visits of teams of young professional and business people between paired countries. IN 2002 our District 6560, will be paired
with District 9210 and visit Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Zambia. The purpose is to promote international goodwill and understanding, share knowledge of the US and
experience the customs and cultures of South Central Africa. Criteria for Team members include: U.S. citizen, 25-40 years old, good health, employed full time,
not directly related to a Rotary Club member, and must reside in District 6560. The team Leader must be a Rotarian from District 6560. The trip will take place April 25
� May 26, 2002. The deadline for submission of applications is November 20, 2001. For more information or an application contact JEAN JACKSON at 497-0653 or jackson@cs.purdue.edu. More information is available at
http://www.rotary6560.org/group.php or http://www.rotary.org/foundation/educational/gse/index.html. PROGRAM (November 13, 2001) PRESIDENT OSCAR introduced BETTY NELSON, substituting for
JIM TURLEY, November Program Chair, who introduced Past District Governor (PDG), 1997-1998, William "Bill" Batt who made a most interesting presentation regarding facets and functions of
The Rotary International Foundation. PDG Bill in lieu of a Rotary Wheel from President OSCAR, requested that $10.00 be given to the Lafayette Foundation. Thanks PDG Bill for the good presentation and the contribution.
VISITING ROTARIAN: Nancy Jo Trafton, Fort Gratiot, MI Rotary Club (marketing director for the Journal and Courier) introduced by GARY SUISMAN; DanDecker,
Patent Attorney, South Bend Downtown; and Jerry Erskine, Past District Governor, 1999-2000, Lebanon. VISITORS: Mariellen Neudeck, Retired from St. Elizabeth Medical Center, guest of
JIM HANKS; Dorothy Morre, professor of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue, guest of ELSA JANLE; Shawn Borga, Sign Expert, guest of BOB FEUER; and Jane Koehler, sister-in-law and guest of JAN GRIFFIN KOEHLER.
JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS: Lauren Eller and Dan Mc Day guests of the Club and hosted/introduced by GIL SATTERLY. PRESIDENT OSCAR presented a "Rotary Travel Mug" (4-Way Test on it) to Lauren and Dan.
MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collector - MARGERY ISMAIL;Ggreeting - MARTHA CHISCON; Invocation - KEN EWING; Rotary singing led by - SUSAN SMITH; Rottary Piano by HARLEY FRY. Free meals drawing: BERTIE BUCHANAN
MARTHA CHISCON; Invocation - KEN EWING; Rotary singing led by SUSAN SMITH; Rotary Piano by REX KEPLER. Free meals drawing: BERTIE BUCHANAN and FRED ANDERSON. Thanks to JO WADE for helping at the Secretary's table
again today.