Volume 87, Number 29 - January 22, 2002 UPCOMING PROGRAM (January 29, 2002)
Honorary Rotarian SONYA MARGERUM will make a "State of the City-West Lafayette" presentation. DAVID BOUGH, President
Elect and Chair, Program Committee will introduce Mayor MARGERUM. (BILL HATFIELD is January program Coordinator, BILL is in Hickory, NC).MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - DONYA LESTER -
11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and PAUL ZIEMER - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - JOE MICON; Invocation - FAYE COLE; Music - KATHY MEEKS; and Vocational guests from Ivy Tech State College and/or Indiana Business College.
PLEASE NOTE: GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE COMMITTEE MEETING (Committee members listed on back of "Ripples"), JEAN JACKSON and LINA REEVES-KERNER, Co-Chairs, 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 29, 2002 in Tailgate
Lounge, across from the registration desk, University Inn Conference Center and Suites.SEVERAL PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS were awaiting an Information Session by
the Membership Education & Information Committee. As soon as a session is scheduled, proposers and prospective members will be notified. REMINDER REGARDING THE AGRICULTURAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FISH
and location have changed to Saturday, February 2, 2002, at Cumberland Place Exhibition Center. According to Purdue's "The Exponent", Bob Dole will be speaking
last and discussing the challenges that arise from unprecedented political and economic changesSINGING FOR GREATER LAFAYETTE (SFGL), a benefit concert for scholarship
and citizenship awards, recognizing high school seniors who have consistently exercised principles of good citizenship and achieved exceptional scholastic
records is scheduled for Saturday, February 9, 2002, at Cumberland Place. Tickets for the performance by the Purdue Musical Organizations (PMO) and other
participating County High School choral departments (Henry Harrison, Jefferson, and West Lafayette High Schools) have already agreed to participate. There are three levels of tickets:
- Level one - $75.00 for dinner and performance ($35.00 for dinner/performance and $40.00 designated as a contribution to the Lafayette Rotary Foundation);
- Level two - Tickets are $20.00 ($10.00 for the performance and $10.00 designated as a contribution to the Foundation); and
- Level three - Tickets are $15.00 ($5.00 for the performance and $10.00 designated as a contribution to the Foundation).
DALE MC HENRY, Club Treasurer will be selling dinner/performance tickets at the Rotary Club meetings for the next few weeks. Please plan to support this SFGL
activity by purchasing a dinner/performance ticket or other level of tickets. Tickets are also on sale at Arni's, PEFCU, or Hall of Music and Loeb Play House Ticket Offices.
The Lafayette Rotary Club International Foundation Committee: JIM TURLEY, Chair, and CHRISTA KECK, Vice Chair, urged each Rotarian to make a year-end gift to
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Use a contribution of $100.00 to add to your Paul Harris Sustaining Membership, or complete a Paul Harris Fellow.
Please call DAVE BOUGH, CHRISTA KECK, or JIM TURLEY for more information. Make your checks payable to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International and
provide specific information in the memo section of your check. Send to DAVE LANDGREBE who will record the contribution and send check on to Rotary International.
SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING REPORT: DAVID LANDGREBE, Treasurer, Lafayette Rotary Foundation, reported via e-mail, Wednesday, January 16th, 2002:
December 5th - contributors - $1,462.50; December 12th - 37 contributors- $2,695.00; December 18th - 42 contributors- $3,315.00; December 31st � three
contributors - $210.00; January 9th - 19 contributors - $1,370.00; January 15th - two contributors - $225.00; amount from kettles on December 8th - $3,554.00; total
to date $13,156.50. If you have not made a contribution and would like to do so, there is still time. VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS: TOM SCHMIDT, Chair, Vocational Scholarships
Committee, has forwarded letters and four copies of the Vocational Scholarship application form to BETTY DOVERSBERGER, Chancellor, Ivy Tech State College,
and GREG REGER, Executive Director, Indiana Business College stating, "The Lafayette Rotary Club, through their continuing generosity to students in our
community, is offering scholarships for vocational students. Four scholarships of $400.00 each will be awarded on Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at the noon meeting of
the Club." These scholarships will be given to students from Ivy Tech State College and Indiana Business College. An application copy, if desired, may be acquired from either TOM or GRIFF. PROGRAM (January 22, 2002)
PRESIDENT OSCAR introduced DAVID BOUGH, who in turn introduced Debra Elsner, Executive Director, American Red Cross
(Red Cross) - Tippecanoe County, made a most interesting presentation about the history of the Red Cross. And, also provided information/statistics about income and services provided
by the Red Cross related to the September 11th terrorism attack in New York and Washington, DC. Debra closed with a Q & A session. MAKE-UPS: Hugh Baker, District 6560 District Governor Elect, Indianapolis; BILL
HATFIELD, three make-ups in the Hickory, NC community; and BRUCE OWENS, Punta Gorda, FL. VISITORS: Dorotha Miller, mother and guest of BERTIE BUCHANAN; Shawn
Borga, Sign Experts, guest of BOB FEUER; Ahmed Alsoffi, Owner, Cafe Moka, Villlage, West Lafayette, guest of JIM FUNK; Ronda J. Walsh Schwab, Edward
Jones Investments, guest of GRIFF; Pat Annis, Retired nurse at George Davis Manor, guest of BETTY SUDDARTH; Sally Frost-Mason, Provost, Purdue, guest of
PHIL SWAIN; Susannah Hall-Justice, Attorney, guest of LINDA SIIMUNEK; Wayne Newcomer, Ancom Construcion, guest of MAURI WILLIAMSON. CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS: Agnes Fusiek and Luke Alting,
guests of the Club and hosted/introduced by TERRY WEST. President OSCAR presented certificates of recognition, brochures about Rotary Ambassadorial
Scholarships, and a Rotary Travel Mug (4-Way Test on it) to Agnes and Luke. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - DONYA LESTER and JIM FENN substituting for PAUL ZIEMER; Invocation by CAROLYN JONES; Singing led by
KATHY MEEKS, Rotary piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals Drawing - BUD BAUGH and DICK SMIITH. Thanks to JO WADE who assisted at the Secretary's table.
ADDENDUM Since JIM HANKS can recite poetry, Editor ran across a poem that is very pertinent
to him (Editor).
My Forgetter! My forgetter's getting better But my remember is broke To you that may seem funny But, to me, that is no joke For when I'm "here" I'm wondering If I really should be "there"
And, when I try to think it through, I haven't got a prayer!! Oft times I walk into a room, Say, "what am I here for?" I wrack my brain but all in vain A zero, is my score.
At times I put something away Where it is safe, but, Gee! The person it is safest from Is, generally, me!! When shopping I may see someone, Say "Hi" and have a chat, Then, when the person walks away
I ask myself, "who was that?" Yes, my forgetter's getting better While my remember is broke, And it's driving me plumb crazy And that isn't any joke. CAN YOU RELATE???