Volume 87, Number 32 - February 12, 2002 UPCOMING PROGRAM (February 12, 2002) Tom Mattingly, Daybreak Rotarian and other Daybreak
Rotarians about " Daybreak Rotary 's Medical Mission to INDIA. " Tom will be introduced by DAN HEMAN.PRESIDENT OSCAR HOPKINS, requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BEVERLY
- 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - MARIELLEN NEUDECK; Invocation - SUSAN SMITH; Music - GREG DEASON; and High School guests (McCutcheon), hosted by LINA REEVES-KERNER. PROGRAM (February 12, 2002)    PRESIDENT OSCAR introduced
GIL SATTERLY, who in turn introduced Rotarian JOANN CHANEY who provided some background on Purdue's Educational Tours Program. JOANN noted the three foundations of the
tours: 1). Never too old to learn; 2). Students and adults make a good mix, become like family; and 3) Strength of the programs lie in the tour leaders who are Purdue
University instructors. JOANN then introduced Professor Reto Giere, Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences who led the Central Alps tour last year
and will lead this same tour again this year. Prof. Giere provided a most interesting presentation, with transparencies about this tour. Rotarian BILL HINZE gave a
testimonial regarding this trip. JOANN then introduced Rotarian GORDY YOUNG, Associate Professor of History (Ancient Near East and Mediterranean History) who
made a most interesting presentation about the Heart of the Mediterranean World Tour that he will be leading again this year. For more information regarding these
and other tours, please contact JOANN or Professors Giere or YOUNG.VISITING ROTARIAN: Ken Decker, South Bend Downtown. MAKE UPS: BILL HATFIELD, Three times in Hickory, NC; BOB GRIFFITHS, Punta
Gjorda, FL. VISITORS: Ralph Johnson, guest of MILLARD PLUMLEE; Bill Kealey, Stuart & Branigin, Guest of STEVE PENNELL; and Shawn Borga, Sign Experts, guest of BOB FEUER.
WEST LAFAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VISITORS LAST WEEK (2/5/2002) Jessica Gall and Lawrence Lee, and today from HENRY HARRISON HIGH SCHOOL, Alison Ruhl and Christopher Carpita were guests of the Club and both were hosted by LIZ
SOLBERG. President OSCAR presented certificates of recognition, brochures about Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships, and a Rotary Travel Mug (4-Way Test on
it) to Jessica and Lawrence last week and to Alison and Christopher today. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - FRED ANDERSON and JIM FOSTER; Invocation by JIM HANKS; Greeting by MIKE PIGGOTT; Singing led by GREG
DEASON; Rotary piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals Drawing - CHRIS FUNK and DON HUFFORD. Thanks to JO WADE, on her birthday, who assisted at the Secretary's table.
CLUB CONCERNS DEEPEST SYMPATHY to the family of ARNI COHEN, who died Thursday a.m.,
February 7th, 2002 at St. Elizabeth Medical Center. A eulogy will be offered to ARNI by FRITZ COHEN at the Club meeting on Tuesday, February 26th, 2002. Many,
many quotes were in "JC' and "Leader" regarding ARNI's contributions to the Greater Lafayette Community. ANNOUNCEMENTS
ROTARY INFORMATION SESSION FOR PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS (all prospective members must attend such a session) by JANE TURNER, Information
Committee, 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 26th, Board Room, University Inn and Conference Center. Please let GRIFF know ahead of time if you are proposing a
prospective member so that information materials may be prepared for the meeting. GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE (GSE) OPPORTUNITY: Date of arrival, names, and
vocations of the GSE Team are now available. This information will be provided in "Ripples" during the next few weeks so that hosts with similar vocations may be located and established.
DISTRICT 6560 CONFERENCE, April 26, 27, and 28, 2002 at French Lick, IN. The Conference will be with District 6580 (Southern third of the State). Registration
forms and other information will be available at the Secretary's table. For the past several years the Conference has been held in the District, but this year it will be at
French Lick. Overnight rooms at the French Lick Hotel are $89.00 and a block of rooms will be held for the Conference until March 15th, 2002. LAFAYETTE ROTARY CLUB "SERVICE ABOVE SELF" VOCATIONAL SERVICE
AWARD NOMINATION � announced today by ELSA JANLE, Member "Vocational Service Award Committee": Nomination forms are available from Committee members (STAN MITHOEFER, Chair; ELSA JANLE; JAN GRIFFIN KOEHLER;
TOM SCHMIDT; and JENNIFER SHANAHAN; or at Secretary's table). Criteria set forth by the Rotary Declaration of those in businesses and professions:
- Considers his/her vocation/profession to be another opportunity to serve;
- Is faithful to the letter and to the spirit of the ethical codes of his/her vocation, to the laws of his/her country, and to the moral standards of his/her community;
- Do all in his/her power to dignify his/her vocation to promote the highest ethical standards in his/her vocation;
- Is fair to his/her employer, employees, associates, competitors, customers, the public, and all those with whom he/she has a business or professional relationship;
- Recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful to society;
- Offer his/her vocational talents; to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in his/her community:
- Adhere to honesty in his/her advertising and in all representations to the public concerning his/her profession; and
- Neither seeks from, nor grants to a fellow Rotarian (or business person) a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship.
Past winners were:
- 1990: Sella LeBrun, Owner, Fifth Season � Converted second-floor space into The Clothes Closet (Stella's Closet) where women victims of various
forms of abuse or personal crisis come from shelters and other temporary housing to "shop " for up to three outfits of wear to court appearances, job interviews, or first jobs;
- 1991: JoAnne Mac Donald, Marjorye Mannering, and Hallie Havrus - English as a Second Language Project;
- 1992: Roland Bixby, Instructor, Elston Community Education Center;
- 1993: Ken Weller, Director, Legal Aid Corporation of Tippecanoe County;
- 1994: Jim Airingdale and Bob Pippitt - received the award on behalf of Habitat for Humanity of Lafayette, Inc.;
- 1995: Rotarian DON GENTRY, Head, School of Technology, Purdue for his exemplary work in the vocational area;
- 1996: Honorable Donald C. Johnson, Judge, Superior Court #1, cited specifically for support of the VIP and CREST programs;
- 1997: Rotarian ARNI COHEN, cited specifically for his long time community support;
- 1998: The Honorable Margaret Hand, Judge, cited for her contributions to the youth in our community, created Court Appointed Special Advocates
(CASA) with 90 volunteers handling 217 cases. Also developed the FOCUS program;
- 1999: Charles Shook, Lafayette businessman because of his continuous service to the community in numerous areas; and
- 2000: Honorary Rotarian Mayor DAVE HEATH; and S. James Smythe, Executive Director, United Way of Greater Lafayette.
CORRECTIONS to the JANUARY 100% Club Report last week: (1) JIM HANKS should have been listed with 44 months of continuous 100% attendance; and (2)
BILL PAPE has 257 months of continuous 100% attendance instead of the listed 27. Sorry JIM and BILL. SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING REPORT: DAVID LANDGREBE, Treasurer,
Lafayette Rotary Foundation reported via e-mail: Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002: Check from Foundation to forward amount from one member, check payable to the
Foundation - $1,000.00; December 5th - eight contributors - $1,462.50; December 12th - 37 contributors - $2,695.00; December 18th - 42 contributors - $3,315.00;
December 31st - three contributors - $210.00; January 9th - 19 contributors - $1,370.00; January 15th - two contributors $225.00; January 16th - three
contributors $325.00; December 8th - amount from kettles - $3,55400; TOTAL TO DATE - $14,156.50. Today, ANN PIECHOTA, Chair, Salvation Army Committee, presented to President
OSCAR a "Bell Ringer Award" card from Salvation Army recognizing the Club's generous service to the community through the Salvation Army Christmas effort.
VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS: TOM SCHMIDT, Chair, Vocational Scholarships Committee, has forwarded letters and four copies of the Vocational Scholarship
application form to BETTY DOVERSBERGER, Chancellor, Ivy Tech State College, and GREG REGER, Executive Director, Indiana Business College stating, "The
Lafayette Rotary Club, through their continuing generosity to students in our community, is offering scholarships for vocational students. Four scholarships of
$400.00 each will be awarded on Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at the noon meeting of the Club." These scholarships will be given to students from Ivy Tech State College
and Indiana Business College. An application copy, if desired, may be acquired from either TOM or GRIFF. VOCATIONAL AVENUE OF SERVICE REPORT, STAN MITHOEFER, Senior
Director: Vocational Service, is the way Rotary fosters and supports the Ideal of Service in all vocations. Inherent in the Vocational Service ideal, is the adherence
to, and promotion, of the highest ethical standards in all occupations. A new Vocational Project this year is designed to heighten the Greater Lafayette
Community's awareness of Rotary and to promote our principles. Our Club and Daybreak are jointly sponsoring a series of bill boards in the Greater Lafayette
Community starting January 21st; four bill boards were put up with a four-way test question on each, located at the following spots:
- 231 South of Beck Lane;
- Concord South of Teal (South of Reihle Brothers);
- Sagamore Parkway North of Brady Lane; and
- Main and Earl Avenue (on Main East of Earl).
The signs will be up for four weeks at a time for four times, i.e., 1/21/; 4/15;/8/12; and 12/9 for a total of 16 weeks. The space is being provided free of charge by
Burkhart Advertising on Navco Drive. ROB MILLER, Rotarian and Burkhart Advertising Vice President and General Manager, is responsible for these spaces. THE VALUE OF THE DONATED SPACE FOR THE YEAR IS $11,600.00. In
addition, 8-1/2 x 11 posters of the Four-Way tests have been prepared and available at Secretary's table. You are encouraged to take one or more and put them in a
prominent space in your place of business. BOB FEUER has provided four, neat colored photographs of the four bill boards, check the bulletin board.
AMBASSADORIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS: TERRY WEST, Co Chair, Ambassadorial Scholars Committee announced today that the Committee is seeking applications for the one Ambassadorial scholarship available to District
6560. There will be two "callouts' for students to learn more about this scholarship at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, 2002 and Thursday, February 14, 2002 in
Room 3201 of the Civil Engineering Building, Purdue. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please direct them. |