Volume 87, Number 40 - April 9, 2002 UPCOMING PROGRAM (April 16, 2002) This will be the Annual Scholarship Citizenship Award Day
honoring two outstanding seniors, one female and one male, from each of the five Tippecanoe County High Schools - Central Catholic, Jefferson, McCutcheon, West Lafayette, and William Henry Harrison. Ten Scholarships
will be awarded: (1) $1,000.00 Frank K. Burrin Memorial Scholarship; (2) $1,000.00 Eric A. Holm Memorial Scholarship; and (3) Eight $500.00 Thomas F. Moran, Sr. Memorial Scholarships. Frank K. Burrin was a Past
President of the Club (1969-1970) and the Rotarian most responsible for starting the Lafayette Rotary Foundation, which funds the scholarships. Eric A. Holm was a Past President of the Club (1975 � 1976) and the
Rotarian responsible for starting this Scholarship and Citizenship recognition program. Thomas F. Moran, Sr. was the first President of the Lafayette Rotary Club (1916-1917) and grandfather and great grandfather of
Rotarians TOM MORAN, Past President (1990-1991) - 75th Anniversary of the Club, and KATHY (MORAN) MEEKS. Invited guests of the Club will be parents of the honored seniors; high school principals, guidance counselors;
and superintendents of the four school corporations. There will be no speaker � the program will be devoted to recognition of these seniors. BARB HANSEN, Chair, Scholarship and Citizenship Committee. Members will be
listed in April 16th program at tables.NOTE: CHRIS FUNK, Club's website master, will be away from the community all of this week; therefore, this weeks' "Ripples' will be bulk mailed to all Rotarians.
CHRIS may put on the web after his return on Friday. PRESIDENT OSCAR HOPKINS, requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: BETTY DOVERSBERGER; JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; REX
KEPLER; BARBARA KINGMA; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; BEV STONE; HARLAND WHITE; and Jay Wiley, son of JAY WILEY. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors � DICK KOHLS - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and JOHN HUIE - 11:45 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter � DONYA LESTER; Invocation � PHIL KLINGER; Music � JOHN OSMUN; and No regular High School Guests.
SALLY FROST MASON with classification EDUCATION�University Provost, was introduced by her proposer PHIL SWAIN. SALLY is Provost, Purdue University. SALLY and her spouse, KENNETH MASON, a Biology professor
at Purdue, reside at 61 Ashcroft Place, West Lafayette 47906.
NEW MEMBER INFORMATION SESSION will be conducted next week, Tuesday , April 16th, by JANE TURNER, Membership Education & Information Committee at
11:00 a.m., Board Room, University Inn Conference Center and Suites (University Inn). All prospective members must attend such a Session. Please let GRIFF know
ahead of time if you are proposing a prospective member so information materials may be prepared.NEW MEMBER RECEPTION: Reception at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17,
University Inn for New Members and their spouses or significant others and their proposer(s), Board members (Club and Foundation) and spouses or significant
others. Reception will consist of hors d'oeurves, wine, and fellowship -- an opportunity to meet other Rotarians. 86th ANNUAL DINNER with the Purdue Varsity Glee Club under the direction of
BRIAN BREED will be held Tuesday, May 7, 2002, in the Grand Ballroom of the University Inn Conference Center and Suites (University Inn) - Cash Bar at 6:00
p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. A significant part of the Club's costs related to the Dinner are the cost of meals provided to the Glee Club and spouses of deceased
Rotarians, and Ambassadorial Scholars. Please consider financial assistance to sponsor one, two, or more of the Club's guests even if you are unable to attend the
Dinner on May 7th. Your support is needed and appreciated. Also, please remember no regular Club meeting on this day, the Dinner takes the place of the
regular meeting. Celebrate Rotary! Tickets for the 86th Annual Dinner are $25.00 per person. JOHN TROTT, Assistant Treasurer and probably DALE MC HENRY will be
selling tickets outside the regular Club meeting room on each Tuesday until May 7th. Please participate and/or sponsor some of the Club's guests. GRIFF will reserve tables of eight if names provided.
DOUG TAYLOR, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity, announced that there were enough funds left over from Rotary's Habitat for Humanity House to build two
homes in Haiti. He will be leading a group to Haiti, May 28th - June 6th to build these homes and has two or three spots for Rotarians who might be interested in
helping. If you are interested, contact DOUG at 423-4590 - office or 296-3975 - residence. REMNDER SMALL GROUP DINNER on Thursday, April 11th, at DAVID and
ADRIENNE BOUGH's residence; 4035 Botanical Lane, Lafayette; 6:00 p.m.; family-style dinner at 7:00 p.m. For map/directions contact MARTHA CHISCON or GRIFF.
PLEASE NOTE: ANNUAL DINNER COMMITTEE MEETINGS: BETTY SUDDARTH, Vice President and Chair, Annual Dinner Committee has scheduled meetings for
this Committee for the following Tuesdays: April 16th and April 30th. Meetings will be held at 1:00 p.m. in the Tailgate Lounge, University Inn. Committee members include: BREED (or PMO representative); L. COHEN; HANKS;
Conference will be with District 6580 (Southern third of the State). Registration forms and other information will be available at the Secretary's table. For the past
several years the Conference has been held in the District, but this year it will be at French Lick. Overnight rooms at the French Lick Hotel are $89.00 and a block of
rooms will be held for the Conference until March 15th, 2002. MC CUTCHEON HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS: ALICIA CONN and AVERY SHEETS were guests of the Club and hosted/introduced by KEN EWING. President OSCAR
noted that certificates of recognition would be mailed, and presented Ambassadorial Scholar brochures for future reference, and Rotary Travel mugs (Four-Way Test on them) to Alicia and Avery. PROGRAM (April 9, 2002)
PRESIDENT OSCAR Introduced BILL FULLER, Program Coordinator who introduced Chancellor Howard Cohen (member of the Calumet Rotary Club), Purdue Calumet (Hammond) Campus, who made a well-organized and most interesting
presentation regarding "Purdue in da Region." Their vision is to: a) Retain and graduate more students; b) be the preferred University in northwest Indiana's
Calumet Region; and c) Engage in regional and economic development. Strategies to accomplish are: 1) Improve student success; 2) Promote and support faculty/staff
excellence; 3) Develop a high performance learning environment; 4) Expand partnership role for advancing positive change & economic growth in the Region.
Chancellor Cohen closed with a Q & A session and requested that a contribution be made to the Foundation. MAKEUPS: LEW RUNNELS, Lahaina Maui, HI.
VISITORS: Don Daniels, candidate for Circuit Judge, guest of JIM HANKS; Wayne Newcomer, guest of MAURI WILLIAMSON; and Chris Ladisch, Associate Provost, guest of CAROLYN JONES.
MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money collectors DICK KOHLS and JANE TURNER substituting for JOHN HUIE; Singing led by JOHN OSMUN; Rotary piano by HARLEY FREY; Free Meals Drawing - DAVE ALEXANDER and BOB FORD.
Thanks to JANE TURNER for assisting at the Secretary's table. |