Volume 87, Number 41 - April 16, 2002 UPCOMING PROGRAM (April 23, 2002) Group Study Exchange (GSE) Team from District 920 LESOTHO and
SOUTH AFRICA. The GSE TEAM consists of Rotarian Co-Chairs, Mike Frudd, professional accountant, and Menzintando Maboyi, a lawyer; Chiara Chiumkya, a bank inspector; Ingrid Landman, medicine; and Tawery Gladys Moyana, a
lawyer. Program Co-Chairs are JEAN JACKSON and LINA REEVES-KERNER.PRESIDENT OSCAR HOPKINS, requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: ED PAGE (LEW RUNNELS reported that
ED and MARGARET PAGE are now in Room #401, George Davis Manor, 1051 Cumberland Avenue); Jay Wiley, son of JAY WILEY (JAY reported that his son is a little better with some movement in his right hand); JOHN and EUDORA MC
KEE; REX KEPLER (REX had a scan and everything turned out okay); BETTY DOVERSBERGER (BETTY at Rotary today, it was good to see her); GORDON KINGMA reported that BARBARA is home from the hospital.
WELCOME NEW MEMBER WILLIAM "BILL" KEALEY with classification LAW was introduced by his proposer, STEVE PENNELL. BILL is a partner in Stuart &
Branigin with office at 300 Main Street, Suite 300, Lafayette, In 47902 - telephone 423-1561 with special thrust in three areas, i.e.,1) intellectual property, 2 & 3) commercial and environmental
law. BILL resides at 313 Leslie Avenue, West Lafayette - telephone 743-2061.
ANNOUNCEMENTS DAYBREAK ROTARIANS Tom Mattingly, Midge Keller, Connie Lux, and Mike Wadsworth went on a medical mission to INDIA. They were hosted in INDIA by Dr.
Shubha Dubey and his spouse, Awadh. While there this team assisted with several different phases of life styles in INDIA and Tom performed several laser eye
surgeries to remove cataracts. Dr. and Ms. Dubey will be visiting with the Daybreak Club during the next few days. And, the Daybeak Club is having a reception for Dr.
Dhubha Dubey and Awadh on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at Judi's Catering from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Midge Keller, visiting Rotarian from Daybreak, invited members of our
Club to attend this special reception. Daybreak would appreciate advance knowledge if you plan to attend this reception and meet this very prominent eye
surgeon from INDIA. If you would like to attend, please call Connie Lux's office at 477-9222 as soon as possible.NEW MEMBER RECEPTION: Reception at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17,
University Inn, for New Members and their spouses or significant others and their proposer(s), Board members (Club and Foundation) and spouses or significant
others. Reception will consist of hors d'oeurves, wine, and fellowship. 86th ANNUAL DINNER with the Purdue Varsity Glee Club under the direction of
BRIAN BREED will be held Tuesday, May 7, 2002, in the Grand Ballroom of the University Inn Conference Center and Suites � Cash Bar at 6:00 p.m. and dinner at
6:30 p.m. A significant part of the Club's costs related to the Dinner are the cost of meals provided to the Glee Club and spouses of deceased Rotarians, and
Ambassadorial Scholars. Please consider financial assistance to sponsor one, two, or more of the Club's guests even if you are unable to attend the Dinner on May 7th.
Your support is needed and appreciated. Celebrate Rotary! Tickets for the 86th Annual Dinner are $25.00 per person. JOHN TROTT, Assistant Treasurer and
probably DALE MC HENRY will be selling tickets outside the regular Club meeting room on each Tuesday until May 7th. Please participate and/or sponsor some of
the Club's guests. GRIFF will reserve tables of eight if names provided. PLEASE NOTE: ANNUAL DINNER COMMITTEE MEETING: BETTY SUDDARTH,
Vice President and Chair, Annual Dinner Committee has scheduled a meeting for this Committee for Tuesday, April 30th, at 1:00 p.m. in the Tailgate Lounge,
University Inn. Committee members include: BREED (or PMO representative); L. COHEN; HANKS; GRIFFIN-KOEHLER; MC HENRY; K. MEEKS; MURPHY; NAPIER; PARKHUSRT; SIMPSON; STUCKEY; and ZIEMER.
DISTRICT 6560 CONFERENCE, April 26, 27, and 28, 2002 at French Lick, IN. The Conference will be with District 6580 (Southern third of the State). Registration
forms and other information will be available at the Secretary's table. PROGRAM (April 16, 2002)

INTRODUCED BARB HANSEN, Chair, Scholarship and Citizenship Committee (Committee) who explained that as a part of its program the Club has established a scholarship and citizenship program to recognize high school
seniors who have consistently
exercised principles of good citizenship and achieve
exceptional scholastic records. This annual Scholarship and Citizenship Awards Luncheon for the top scholars and citizens, one male and one female, in each of the high schools in Tippecanoe County was started in 1945 by
 Rotarian Eric A. Holm. Six hundred eighty-seven young men and women, including those
honored today, have received Rotary Scholarship Awards. The awards consist of: (1) $1,000.00 Frank K. Burrin Scholarship (2) $1,000.00 Eric A. Holm Scholarship and (3) Eight $750.00
Thomas F. Moran, Sr. Scholarships (Thomas F. Moran, Sr. was a Professor of History at Purdue, was the first President of the Club, with the first meeting on May
1, 1916). BARB introduced school administrators in attendance: Richard Wood, Superintendent, Tippecanoe School Corporation; David Worland, Principal, Central
Catholic Jr. & Sr. High School; Medarda Bauer, Principal, Mc Cutcheon High School; Kenneth Siekman, Principal, William Henry Harrison High School; and
Guidance Counselors: Gary Longest, Central Catholic Jr. and Sr. High School; Nate Thomas, Jefferson High School; Kim Howat, McCutcheon High School; Betty
Burkinshaw and Bonnie Crawford, William Henry Harrison High School. And, then introduced the honored students, also noted some outstanding items of their school
and community careers, and their parents: From Central Catholic High School - Luke J. Altman, son of Mary & Phillip Altman, and Elizabeth M. Riddell, daughter of
Kathleen & Robert Riddell; from Jefferson High School - Lisa M. Cupp, daughter of Laura & Doug Cupp; and Grant T. Yost, son of Wilma & Tom Yost; from Mc
Cutcheon High School - Kelsey C. Burton, daughter of Chris & Terry Burton; and Landon S. Newby, son of Deedra & Timothy Newby; from West Lafayette High
School � Kristen M. Forney (Kristen was unable to attend, she was making a college visitation to the University of Virginia) daughter of Nanci & James Forney;
and Matthew J. McConnell, son of Bettina & John McConnell; from William Henry Harrison High School � Holly T. Baker, daughter of Clair & Calvin Baker; and
Wesley A. Jacks, son of Cynthia & Alan Jacks. The $1,000.00 Frank K. Burrin Scholarship was awarded to Matthew J. McConnell (West Lafayette). The $1,000.00
Eric A. Holm Scholarship was awarded to Wesley A. Jacks (William Henry Harrison High School). Each of the others were awarded a $750.00 Thomas F. Moran, Sr.
Scholarship. Great Rotarian attendance today, last week approximately 112, today approximately 160. Special thanks to the staff of University Inn Conference Center
and (ERIC MURPHY, Susan Foresman, Stacy Davis, Amanda Keen, and Valerie Tatum) who hurriedly set up two additional tables at the last minute today.
VISITING ROTARIANS: Midge Keller, Daybreak; and Lee Martin, Tiffin, OH. VISITORS: Wayne Newcomer, guest of JANE TURNER, BEN DAY, guest of FRANCIS PRITSCHER, Mel Hendrickson, guest of BILL FULLER; Brian Garrity,
guest of TRACIE HUGHES. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money collectors DICK KOHLS and JO WADE substituting for JOHN HUIE; Greeter - DONYA LESTER; Singing led by JOHN OSMUN with
vocal assistance by GREG NAPIER, former Glee Club member; Rotary piano by HARLEY FREY; Free Meals Drawing - LINDA ANDREWS and SOL GARTENHAUS. Thanks to JO WADE and TOM MORAN for assisting at the Secretary's table.