Volume 87, Number 47 - May 28, 2002 UPCOMING PROGRAM (June 4, 2002) SHARON SMITH THEOBALD, Owner, Appraisal Associates
International, will talk about " Purdue University Collections: Treasures on Campus." Ms. Theobald will help members gain a fresh appreciation for the richness of the University's collections and share her experience as
an international appraiser.MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - MILLARD PLUMLEE - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and FRED ANDERSON - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter - JOHN COREY; Invocation - CORKY MITCHELL;
Music � RAY PEETERS; no high school guests- (high schools are dismissed for the summer). Thanks to KEN EWING and the Student Guests Committee (CLARK; DOSTER; PARK; REEVES-KERNER; SATTERLY; SCHMIDT; SUSAN SMITH; SOLERG;
and WEST) for their assistance with this program this year. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT FROM JIM TURLEY, CHAIR, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE: the Rotary International Year ends on June 30th. The Lafayette Rotary Club International Foundation Committee is
asking each Rotarian to consider a Rotary Year-end gift to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Use a contribution of $200.00 to add to your Paul Harris Sustaining membership, or to complete qualification for
a Paul Harris Fellow.Make checks either of two ways:
- Preferred way is to make them payable to the Lafayette Rotary Foundation and provide specific information in the memo section of your check, i.e., Paul Harris Sustaining Membership or Paul Harris Fellow Award; or
- Make checks payable to The Rotary Foundation of R. I. and provide specific information in the memo section of you check, i.e., Paul Harris Sustaining membership or Paul Harris Fellow Award.
Regardless of to whom you make the check payable, it is important that the check(s) be mailed to DAVID LANDGREBE, Treasurer, Lafayette Rotary Foundation, 1633 Western Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47906. If
checks are made payable to The Rotary Foundation of R.I., it will be recorded in the Lafayette Rotary Foundation data base, and forward directly to The Rotary International Foundation, and if the check is made payable
to the Lafayette Rotary Foundation, the check will be recorded in the Lafayette Rotary Foundation data base and forwarded to The Rotary Foundation of R. I. Please try to do his before June 25th to give DAVID time to
assemble the checks and information to forward to Rotary International (R.I.) in time to get Rotary year-end credit for you and our Club. Remember, your gift to this Foundation funds international programs including
PolioPlus, International Scholars and Group Study Exchange, to mention a few. Also included are contributions to fund matching grants, such as the Dubey Eye Clinic and others. SMALL GROUP DINNER, Wednesday,
June 12th, at FRITZ and LEONA COHEN's residence, 2102 Old Oak Drive, West Lafayette. Cost is $8.00 per person; if you are interested, please contact MARTHA CHISCON for reservation(s). MARTHA will have maps at next
Tuesdays' meetings. PROGRAM (May 28, 2002) PRESIDENT OSCAR introduced KEN EWING, May Program
Coordinator, noted that his theme for this month's program was " Where in the world are you going?" and to continue this theme invited RUTH MORAN to talk about what/how to pack and how to
react. RUTH's presentation was very interesting as she told about several personal situations, which always makes a presentation more pertinent. My notes could not possibly list all of the valuable
information that was presented, so will list some and hope those listed reflect, to some degree, her thoughts:
- She started by indicating that travel since September 11th has become more challenging and asked the group how many had traveled by plane since September 11th to raise a hand, it seemed that about one-third had.
- RUTH noted that at a TWA training program (this was before TWA merged with American) she had attended it was stressed that clothing be rolled prior
to packing, but it seemed she was not too favorable toward this technique. She stressed that men look for "wrinkle free" items and women look for knitted, dark colored items of clothing.
- She displayed a legal size carry on case and cited dimensions that the carry on should be 7" to 8" wide and 22" from wheels to top in length. And
also stressed that everyone should have a small carry�on case and put everything in this that you have to have and also stressed that this would be
handy to rest feet on while flying to lessen feet swelling and make the trip more comfortable.
- She strongly urged that an individual only take what you could carry and not wear tennis shoes or regular shoes that have metal inserts. Wear comfortable clothes, wear something loose and easy to manipulate.
Carry-ons should contain necessary items i.e., makeup, toiletries, no metal as those items will be taken. She noted that we are lucky as Indianapolis is one of the easier terminals to depart from.
- RUTH closed by stressing that when you arrive at a strange destination be friendly and happy to the extent possible and if help is needed � ask for it.
- She also noted some terminals that are more difficult, i.e., Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., sometimes Chicago, and noted that international terminals may require one to go through one or more check out lines.
RUTH closed with a Q & A session and requested that a contribution be made to the Lafayette Foundation in lieu of a brass Rotary Wheel.
VISITORS: FAYE EWING, spouse of KEN; FRAN MEEKS, spouse of ROY; Ben Day, guest of FRANCIS PRITSCHER; and Bill Smith, former Purdue agriculture staff person and now from Irving, TX, guest of MILLARD PLUMEE.
MAKE-UPS: CARA CAMERON (not sure where as make-up card did not list the Rotary Club); SUSAN SMITH, Daybreak and Monticello; and WARREN STEVENSON, Punta Gorda, FL.
CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS, Kristen Hubertz and Russell Trudeau on Tuesday, May 14, 2002, hosted and introduced by BARB DOSTER, and WEST LAFAYETTTE HIGH SCHOOL GUESTS, Anne Marie Bianculli and Daniel
Becker, hosted and introduced by TERRY WEST. President Elect DAVID BOUGH indicated to Kristen and Russell of Central Catholic High School that certificates of
recognition would be mailed to them and presented each a Rotary travel mug (Four-Way Test on them). And, President Elect DAVID BOUGH also presented
certificates of recognition and Rotary travel Mugs to Anne Marie and Daniel of West Lafayette High School. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors � GIL SATTERLY and FRED
ANDERSON substituting for PHIL SWAIN; Invocation by JOE MICON; Singing - CORKY MITCHELL, Rotary piano by REX KEPLER; and Free Meals Drawing - MARK DAVIS and JIM HOBBS. THANKS to DAVID SATTLER for assisting at the
Secretary's table.
OSCAR HOPKINS requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; BEV STONE; HARLAND WHITE; and Jay Wiley, son of JAY WILEY.IT WAS GOOD TO HAVE GREGG DONAT and PRESIDENT OSCAR back at Rotary today following their heart surgeries. NOTE FROM BETTY DOVERSBERGER To ELSA JANLE, Chair, Vocational
Service Award Committee�Please convey my thanks to the Vocational Service Committee for selecting me as a recipient one of the Rotary Vocational Service
Awards. I was touched and honored to be a recipient. I have observed the wonderful contributions of those who have received the Award in the past, and feel humbled to
be counted among them. Participating in the activities of our wonderful community is a pleasure; being honored for that participation is an extra reward. Sincerely, BETTY DOVERSBERGER, Chancellor, Ivy Tech State College.
First Tuesday of June - Tuesday, June 4, 2002.JUNE BIRTHDAYS and DATES - ERNIE POLAND, Chair, JUNE BIRTHDAY TABLE.
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