Volume 87, Number 50 - June 18, 2002 UPCOMING PROGRAM (June 25, 2002)
Leah Jamieson, Ransburg Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University. Topic: "EPICS -- Engineering Solutions to Lafayette's Community Needs". Dr. Jamieson will tell us about some of the current Engineering Projects In Community Service and talk about how these projects are benefiting the
community and benefiting engineering students by giving them the chance to apply what they learn in the classroom. Program Co-Chairs for the month of June are SUSAN HYCHKA and BETTY NELSON.
CLUB CONCERNS PRESIDENT OSCAR HOPKINS, requested members/spouses to keep the following
in their thoughts and prayers: GRIFF (who is doing well but was suppose to go home today but his incision hasn't fully healed, he had his right knee replaced
ROTARY CONCERNS: President OSCAR announced the continued search for a new Lafayette Rotary Club Secretary at the request of GRIFF. President OSCAR and President Elect DAVE are accepting names of individuals who would be
interested in becoming Club secretary, salary is $400.00 per month - hourly amount is quite low. It would be an excellent way for someone to make a very worthwhile contribution to the Club.
ROTARY "Ripples" The Executive Committee and Board of Directors have decided starting this week "Ripples" will no longer be mailed, but sent to you electronically
with a few copies available at the secretary's table at Rotary meetings. PLEASE NOTE: The Rotary office is now located in the Cinergy PSI building, 601 North 3d Street - telephone 423-9813, there is
voice mail there now. The Rotary International Year ends on June 30th. The Lafayette Rotary Club International Foundation Committee is asking each Rotarian to consider a Rotary
year-end gift to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Use a contribution of $200.00 to add to your Paul Harris Sustaining membership, or to complete
qualification for a Paul Harris Follow. Make checks either of two ways: (1) Preferred way is to make them payable to the Lafayette Rotary Foundation and provide
specific information in the memo section of your check, i.e., Paul Harris Sustaining Membership or Paul Harris Follow Award; or (2) Make checks payable to The
Rotary Foundation of R.I. and provide specific information in the memo section of your check, i.e., Paul Harris Sustaining membership or Paul Harris Follow Award.
Regardless of to whom you make the check payable, it is important that the check(s) be mailed to DAVID LANDGREBE, Treasurer, Lafayette Rotary Foundation, 1633 Western Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47906. If checks are made
payable to The Rotary Foundation of R.I., it will be recorded in the Lafayette Rotary Foundation database, and forwarded directly to The Rotary International Foundation,
and if the check is made payable to the Lafayette Rotary Foundation, the check will be recorded in the Lafayette Rotary Foundation data bass and forwarded to The
Rotary Foundation of R.I. Please try to do this before June 25th to give DAVID time to assemble the checks and information to forward to Rotary International (R.I.) in
time to get Rotary year-end credit for you and our Club. Remember, your gift to this Foundation funds international programs including PolioPlus, International Scholars
and Group Study Exchange, to mention a few. Also included are contributions to fund matching grants, such as the Dubey Eye Clinic and others. PROGRAM (June 18, 2002) SUSAN HYCHKA introduced Kathy Newton, Associate Professor of Industrial Technology and Excellence 21 Coordinator, Purdue University. Kathy's topic was "Getting Past the Plan: Getting Things Done in a Changing Economy". She gave an interesting
presentation a couple of her comments were: "When times are down invest in the future" (through training, planning or additional education); and "If you are going to survive, in fact thrive look at
trends such as technology, partnerships or alliances". It is like putting a puzzle together you need to ask yourself - how can I make this better?
You need to set measurable goals and equip your team for success by letting them know what are the top three things you want to improve on this year. In tough times you must focus on the essentials.
VISTING ROTARIAN: Andy Frech from the Concord Club in Elkhart. MAKEUPS: Tom Frey was at the Pignon, Hati Rotary meeting 5/29/02. (I forgot to
put this in last week. Sorry Tom! --Jo) Susan Smith was at the Monticello Club last week and on June 14th Chris Funk went to the Otterbein Club meeting.
VISITORS: Zbig Grabowski was guest of AL & MARTHA CHISCON; JAN GRIFFIN-KOEHLER guest's today were her parent's Jim & Connie Griffin, George
Koehler, her father-in-law, her husband Robert Koehler, and her two children Clay & Madison (Clay did a wonderful job of musical entertainment today during our meal
and for the music part of the meeting). SUSAN HYCHKA's guests today were her husband Steve and daughter Sarah. DAVE LUHMAN's guest was Judge Tom Busch. Sherm Kessler was a guest of BETTY NELSON/ JO WADE.
FREE MEALS: Winner of the free meal drawing were JEFF DARLING & ELAINE ELLISON, who both generously donated their winnings to the Lafayette Rotary Foundation.
THANKS to these Rotarians for help with this week's MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors- DICK KOHLS - 11:15 to 11:45a.m., and FRED ANDERSON - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Invocation - JOHN SANDERSON; Music - RAY
PEETERS & Clay Koehler; and JO WADE & JANE TURNER at the back table. JUNE 18th MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors- DICK KOHLS - 11:15 to
11:45a.m., and PHIL SWAIN - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Invocation - CORKY MITCHELL; and Music - RAY PEETERS.