Volume 88, Number 20 - November 12, 2002 NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM
The Foundation of Rotary - Rotary International Past District Governor KEN KEENENEXT WEEK'S MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - GENE HILLS - 11:15 to 11:45a.m. and TIM LUZADER - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter -
LEONA COHEN; Invocation - JIM KLUZMAN; and Music - TRACIE HUGHES NOVEMBER PROGRAMS: JIM TURLEY, CHAIR November 26 Thanksgiving with Kiwanis - Program by Bob Kriebel CLUB CONCERNS PRESIDENT DAVE BOUGH, requested members/spouses to keep
the following in their thoughts and prayers: KEN DECKER, JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; BEV STONE; Marjorie spouse of DICK WALKER, RICK SCHWARZ and SANDY GRABOWSKI who is having surgery. ANNOUNCEMENTS A complete List of Committees (like
used to appear on the back of the Ripples) is posted on the bulletin board. Copies will be available at the back table. Treasurer ERNIE POLAND announced that 45 Rotarians still owe dues. Thanks to all who
have paid. ANN PICHOTA had the sign-up sheet for Bell Ringing for Salvation Army on Saturday, December 14th. Sign up for a two-hour shift at one of the 11 locations. We need 88 volunteers.
The Salvation Army still needs clothing for both adults and children. SANDY PEARLMAN, chair of the Community Service Projects Committee, announced that volunteers are needed for the YWCA's Domestic Violence
Shelter Christmas project. Gift boxes of donated food will be packed on Friday, December 9th at Holy Trinity Church and delivered to women living away from the shelter on Saturday, December 10th. Sign up sheet is on the
bulletin board or call SANDY at 463-3867. The Raffle for Eradicate Polio brought in $106.00 today. $53.00 goes to the Rotary International Eradicate Polio Fund, $27.00 went to the winning ticket number (JIM
HANKS), and $27 was added to the kettle (now at $226) for the person who draws the Ace of Spades. Historians and archivists interested in helping CHRIS FUNK with the compilation of our club history or
helping JANE with archival materials, please see JANE. There will be NO regular meetings on December 24th and 31st due to the holidays. The Annual Meeting will be May 13, 2003. Mark your calendars now!
Ralph Gann have been approved by the Board of Directors to become members of our club. They will be introduced as soon as possible. GOLDEN SERVICE AWARDS SUSAN HYCHKA, KIRK CLARK and JOHN McKEE were presented with certificates recognizing their contributions of at least $1,000 to the Lafayette Rotary Foundation. They will be
wearing gold centered name badges soon.
PROGRAM (November 12, 2002)
Past District Governor BILL HATFIELD introduced JIM GRAHAM from Brownsburg who served as the team leader for the Group Study Exchange group to South Africa. He presented a very
honest view of the contrasting realities of this country where there are eleven official languages. His club is working with the Kimberly, South Africa club to obtain a matching grant to help fund a home
for children of the street. VISITING ROTARIAN: JIM GRAHAM, Brownsburg, IN; JOHN LEANDER, Portage, IN. GUESTS: Tom Carroll, guest of MIKE PIGGOTT; John Leander, guest of ERIC
MURPH; Ralph Gann, guest of JIM TURLEY, Donna Tiger, guest of OSCAR HOPKINS. STUDENT GUESTS: Rachel Kochert and Matt Whistler from Central Catholic High
School were our student guests today. They received a certificate and a travel mug with the four-way test to commemorate their visit with us.
MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors: GENE HILLS - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and TIM LUZADER - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m; Greeter - FRITZ COHEN; Invocation - LEW RUNNELS; and Music - TRACIE HUGHES. HARLEY FREY at the piano. JO
WADE assisted at the back table.