Volume 88, Number 31 - February 18, 2003 NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM Ann KendallPeace Scholarship Programs CLUB CONCERNS BETTY SUDDARTH stood in for Dave Bough this week. She requested
members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; FAE SPURLOCK; BEV STONE; BOB BROCK, and FRED ANDERSON'S wife JAN who had back surgery last week ANNOUNCEMENTS LINA REEVES-KERNER announced that Nominations for the "Service Above
Self" Vocational Service Award are due by February 28th. They would really like some more nominations. This award is presented the last week of March to a person who exemplifies the name of the award.
Rotarians and non-Rotarians have received this recognition. Forms are available from JANE or ELSA.The Raffle for Eradicate Polio brought in $120 today. $60.00 goes to the Rotary International Eradicate
Polio Fund, $30.00 went to the winning ticket number (DALE MCHENRY who donated it back to the Fund) and $30.00 was added to the kettle for the person who draws the Ace of Spades. The annual dinner committee meeting
was rescheduled until Tuesday February 25 after the Rotary meeting. GORDY YOUNG announced that there was a call out meeting for the Study Abroad at Greece - Turkey. The trip will be May 15 to June 3. The
call out meeting was on Wednesday Feb 19. So call Gordy if you are interested. FRITZ COHEN announced that starting next week there would be sign up sheets for the shots not spots immunization project. The
event will be Tuesday March 25th
at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds in the home economics building. There are 4 - 2 hours time slots that cover the period from 10am to 6 pm. First and last slots involve setting up or putting away table and chairs.
PROGRAM (February 18, 2003) BOB FEUER
introduced JOHN MEYERS (Attorney and part time prosecutor). John provided some very interesting information about how the laws may not currently be structured to adequately help victims of Identity theft. 80% to 85% of
the victims never know how there identity was stolen. John has some first had experience with this as his own daughter has had her identity stolen twice. John also mentioned that the FTC has forms and step-by-step
instructions on what to do when you identity has been stolen. GUESTS: JAEWOOMG KIM Ambassadorial Scholar from the Republic of South Korea. Visitors MIKE DOWLER, and reverend JACOB WILLIAMS
STUDENT GUESTS; JAMIE JIN and ELIZABETH SKVARENINA from West Lafayette High School were introduced by LINA REEVES-KERNER. They received a certificate and a travel mug with the four-way test to commemorate their visit. MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money collectors: JOHN BARRETT, JUDY RHODES, ADREAN BOUGH and DALE MCHENRY. Greeter GIL SATTERLY. Invocation by SUSAN SMITH and music by BOB VERPLANK NEXT WEEK'S MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money
Collectors - Dale McHenry; Greeter - Joe Micon; Invocation - Rhonda Schwab; Music - Bob Griffiths |