Volume 88, Number 35 - March 18, 2003 NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM Vocational Service Committee ProgramNEXT WEEK'S MEETING
FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - MARGE ISMAIL - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and FRANCIS PRITSCHER - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m; Greeter - JIM ALMOND; Invocation - DON BIDDLE; APRIL PROGRAMS April 1: Dr. Don Mitchell, Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Religious
Studies at Purdue will talk to us about "Buddhism"April 8: Dr. M. Dayananda, Professor of Materials Engineering, on "Hinduism and Science" April 15: PDG BILL HATTFIELD and this year's GSE team
April 22: Scholarship and Citizenship Program April 29: Dr. Kamyar Haghighi, Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering CLUB CONCERNS: PRESIDENT DAVE BOUGH, requested members/spouses to keep the following in their
thoughts and prayers: JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; BEV STONE; Marjorie spouse of DICK WALKER, BOB BROCK who is having a second surgery on his back; Jan spouse of FRED ANDERSON; PHIL KLINGER who is
recovering nicely and appreciates all the good wishes; and ZBIG GRABOWSKI who suffered a heart attack after surgery.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Sign up for the Shots Not Spots immunization project. The event will be Tuesday March 25th at the Tippecanoe County
Fairgrounds in the home economics building. There are 4 - 2 hours time slots that cover the period from 10am to 6 pm. First and last slots involve setting up or putting away table and chairs.The Raffle for
Eradicate Polio brought in $102.00 today. $51.00 goes to the Rotary International Eradicate Polio Fund. $25.50 went to the winning ticket holder (JOE MICON who donated it back to the Polio Fund), and $25.50
was added to the kettle for the person who draws the Ace of Spades. SUSAN HYCHKA reported that the early responders plus the total of raffle sales to date put the total raised for Eradicate Polio at
$6,633. Our goal is $25,000, so keep those checks coming! The District Conference is April 25 & 26. Registration forms are available from Jane. Rotarian of the Year nomination
forms are available. Please nominate your choice for recognition to be presented at the Annual Dinner May 13th. A volunteer host is needed for the April Small Group Dinner. Please
contact Adrienne Bough. NEW MEMBERS Andres Sanchez was introduced by JANE TURNER. Andres is
from Columbia, South America, where he was active in a Rotaract Group. He is Manager of Credit and Collections at Great Lakes Chemical. His home address is 2550 Yeager Road, #16-6, West
Lafayette, IN 47906, Phone: 497-8187; E-mail: asanchez@glcc.com. Work address is: One Great Lakes Chemical, West Lafayette, IN 47906, Phone: 497-6265 John Meyers was re-introduced by BOB FEUER. John, a former Rotarian, is the Chief Deputy Prosecutor for Tippecanoe County
and has his own law practice as well. John's address is 223 Main Street, P.O. Box 558, Lafayette, IN 47902, Home Phone: 463-4967; Work Phone: 742-2046; E-mail: meyerslaw@aol.com.
BETTY SUDDARTH introduced Robert Novak, Professor in the Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences (and husband of
Rotarian JULIE NOVAK). He described causes of hearing loss, saying that unrehabilitated hearing loss causes disengagement. The several solutions take a commitment on the part of the person
with the hearing loss to correct the situation. Technology is improving but still not completely satisfactory. The best way to prevent hearing loss is to take good care of your body and to avoid loud noises.
VISITING ROTARIAN: ROSE CECILE CARO from the Phillipines; LARRY VANDERWIELEN from Daybreak. GUESTS: Dick Jaeger, guest of JOHN COREY; Gerry Neudeck, husband of
MARIELLEN NEUDECK; and Joel Zobitz, guest of ERIC MURPHY. STUDENT GUESTS: Brittany Clifton and J.D. Defreese from McCutcheon High School were our guests today, introduced by JOHN BURGNER. They received a
certificate and a travel mug with the four-way test to commemorate their visit with us. MAKE-UPS: PHIL KLINGER 3/7 at the Warsaw, IN club; BILL BULLER, BEN
DAY, and BOB VERPLANK 3/13at Daybreak; DONNA TIGER 1/19 at Attica-Williamsport; SUSAN SMITH, 2/27 at Daybreak; BOB VERPLANK, 3/13 at Daybreak; JOHN CARPENTER twice at Naples Bay, FL; and BILL HATFIELD 4
times at Sarasota, FL and once at Hickory, NC. THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELP WITH MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors: MARJORY ISMAIL -11:15 to 11:45a.m. and FRANCIS PRITSCHER -11:45 a.m. to
12:15 p.m.; Greeter LETA KELLEY; Invocation - BARRIE SIMPSON; Music - MAURI WILLIAMSON with HARLEY FREY at the piano; and JO WADE for help at the back table.