Volume 88, Number 38 � April 8, 2003 NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM April 15: PDG BILL HATTFIELD and this year's GSE teamNEXT
WEEK'S MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors - ANDRES SANCHEZ - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and JIM EMERSON - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m; Greeter - DAVE LUHMAN; Invocation - CHRISTA KECK; Music - THE MUSIC TABLE!
APRIL PROGRAMS April 22: Scholarship and Citizenship ProgramApril 29: Dr. Kamyar Haghighi, Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering CLUB CONCERNS PRESIDENT DAVE BOUGH, requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK;
BEV STONE; Marjorie spouse of DICK WALKER, BOB BROCK who is having a second surgery on his back; and Jan spouse of FRED ANDERSON who is having a second surgery on her back; DICK HOLTZ who is recovering at home; and Lou
Runnels who was admitted to St. Elizabeth Hospital today. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Kokomo Rotary Club is inviting everyone on the area to a Paul Harris Dinner, April 30th
at the Kokomo Country Club, 6:00 P.M. The Keynote Speaker will be Greg Garrison (of Mike Tyson Prosecutor fame), Syndicated Radio Talk Show host. Cost is $45.00 per person. For reservations call Vern Behny at 765/457-7328.
The Raffle for Eradicate Polio brought in $98.00 today. $49.00 goes to the Rotary International Eradicate Polio Fund. $24.50 went to the winning ticket holder (FRED ANDERSON who donated it to Polio
Eradication), and $24.50 was added to the kettle for the person who draws the Ace of Spades. Rotary's Council on Legislation meets in 2004. Proposals for suggested changes are needed SOON. The
Paul Harris luncheon in Indianapolis is Thursday, May 15 at the St. Vincent Martin House. Cost: $20.00 per person. See DAVE BOUGH for details.
The District Conference is April 25 & 26. Registration forms are available from Jane. NEW MEMBER
Fred Mannering was introduced by BILL LOVELL. Fred is a Professor and Head of the Civil Engineering School. He and his wife, Jill, live at 3308 Morgan Street,
West Lafayette, IN 47906 Phone: 464-1990E-mail: flm@ecn.purdue.edu Work address: 550 Stadium Mall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, In 47907 Phone: 494-2159 PROGRAM MARGERY ISMAIL, program chair for April, introduced Dr. M. Dayananda, Professor in the School of Materials Engineering at
Purdue. Originally from India, Dr. Dayananda gave an interesting introduction to Hinduism and how it relates to science. VISITING ROTARIAN: CECILE HAYDEN from the Philippines
GUESTS: Ron Wright, guest of WILL JORDAN; Guy Thomas, guest of BARRIE SIMPSON; Sherm Kesler, guest of BETTY NELSON; LeeAnne Scott, guest of DON BIDDLE; Friedrich Ellebrecht, Ambassadorial Scholar and guest of CHRISTA
KECK; Dorothy Light, guest of BILL LOVELL. STUDENT GUESTS: Mary Potts and Brian Bouggy (son of BOB BOUGGY) from Central Catholic High School were our guests today, introduced by JIM EMERSON.
They received a certificate and a travel mug with the four-way test to commemorate their visit with us. MAKE-UPS: BILL HATFIELD 4/3 at Daybreak
THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELP WITH MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors: TOM MORAN -11:15 to 11:45a.m.; Greeter JOHN MEYERS; Invocation � JAY WILEY; Music � BOB GRIFFITHS with HARLEY FREY at the piano; and ERNIE
POLAND for help at the back table.