Volume 88, Number 39 � April 15, 2003 NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM Scholarship and Citizenship Program NEXT WEEK'S MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money
Collectors - FRIEDRICH ELLEBRECHT - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m; Greeter - DAVID BRIDGES; Invocation - AL CHISCON; Music � THE MUSIC TABLE! APRIL PROGRAMS
April 29: Dr. Kamyar Haghighi, Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering CLUB CONCERNS
PRESIDENT DAVE BOUGH, requested members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; Marjorie spouse of DICK WALKER, Jan spouse of
FRED ANDERSON who is having a second surgery on her back; DICK HOLTZ who is recovering at home; and Lou Runnels. It was wonderful to see BOB BROCK at today's meeting!
Our sincerest sympathy goes to the family and friends of BEV STONE who passed away this week.
ANNOUNCEMENTS The Kokomo Rotary Club is inviting everyone on the area to a Paul Harris Dinner,
April 30th at the Kokomo Country Club, 6:00 P.M. The Keynote Speaker will be Greg Garrison (of Mike Tyson Prosecutor fame), Syndicated Radio Talk Show host.
Cost is $45.00 per person. For reservations call Vern Behny at 765/457-7328.There will be an Information Session for prospective new members immediately
following the meeting on April 29th. All sponsors and new members need to let JANE know if they can attend. JOHN SNADERSON announced that we have received $16,581 in cash and pledges
toward the $25,000 goal. We have until June 30th to collect the remaining $8,419. GARY SUISMAN announced that the U.S. Air Force Band of the Rockies will
perform April 28th at 7:30 in the Hall of Music. Tickets are available at the Journal and Courier. TOM SCHMIDT announced that tickets for the Annual Dinner will be on sale next
week. Mark your calendar for 6:00 P.M. on May 13th. Ticket price is $25.00. The Raffle for Eradicate Polio brought in $138.00 today. $69.00 goes to the Rotary
International Eradicate Polio Fund. $36.00 went to the winning ticket holder (BOB FEUER who donated it to Polio Eradication), and $36.00 was added to the kettle for the person who draws the Ace of Spades.
Rotary's Council on Legislation meets in 2004. Proposals for suggested changes are needed SOON. The Paul Harris luncheon in Indianapolis is Thursday, May 15 at the St. Vincent
Martin House. Cost: $20.00 per person. See DAVE BOUGH for details. The District Conference is April 25 & 26. Registration forms are available from Jane.
Rotary International President BHICHAI RATTAKUL will be speaking to the Indianapolis Rotary Club on May 6th at the Indianapolis Athletic Club. Please see JANE or DAVE if you want to make a reservation. CONGRATULATIONS! ![](https://dacdb.com/Rotary/Accounts/6560/Downloads/3411/Ripples/Images/Lovell.jpg)
BILL LOVELL was presented his 10th Paul Harris Fellow pin by JIM TURLEY. Rotary International, and our club especially, expresses its sincerely gratitude for this extraordinary generosity.
JoAnn Vorst, Executive Director of Lafayette Adult Resource Academy, was presented with the Vocational Service Above Self Award by VICKI MAYES and ELSA JANLE. She was unable to attend the meeting when the
Vocational Avenue of Service was featured and other presentations were made. We were happy to honor her today.
From Karissa Erdie, one of the Vocational Scholarship recipients:
Thank you for choosing me as one of the recipients of the Rotary Scholarships. The money has helped very much. I enjoyed being your guest and speaking; to thank the Rotary Club members personally.
PROGRAM PDG BILL HATFIELD introduced the visiting GSE team from South Africa. JOHN ALLEN, the team leader, has been a Rotarian for eleven
years and was president of his club. He is CEO of the Community Chest. After introducing himself and his district, he introduced each of the team members who made brief presentations on South Africa's
geography and sights, culture, auto industry and it's "rainbow nation". Annali Erasmus, an attorney; Joubert Retief, a high school history teacher; Tim Marshall, a
youth pastor; and Liesal Rudlin, a human resources executive, were warmly welcomed by the club and provided a very interesting program.VISITING ROTARIAN: SUZANN SHACKLETON and JUDY HOLLANDER from
Attica-Williamsport; CECILE HAYDEN from the Philippines GUESTS: Dorothy Light and Miroslaw Skibniewski, guests of BILL LOVELL; David Mills, guest of BOB BROCK; Madison Koehler, guest of JAN GRIFFIN KOEHLER;
Peter Kline, guest of RAY KAVANAUGH; and JoAnn Vorst, guest of VICKI MAYES. MAKE-UPS: PHIL KLINGER 4/4 at Warsaw, IN; PHIL SWAIN 3 times in Tallahassee, FL.
piano; and JO WADE for help at the back table.