Volume 88, Number 42 � May 6, 2003 NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM ANNUAL DINNER There will be no meeting at NOON! MAY PROGRAMS
May 20, Dr. Steven R. Abel, Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice,Indianapolis Title: School of Pharmacy interface with Medical Program Systems in Indiana May 27, Dr. GORDON COPPOC, Assistant
Dean and Director of the Lafayette Center for Medical Education, West Lafayette Title: Indiana University School of Medicine and the Regional Medical Education System CLUB CONCERNS PRESIDENT DAVE BOUGH, requested members/spouses to keep the following in
their thoughts and prayers: JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; Marjorie spouse of DICK WALKER; Carol, wife of CARL REW; DICK KOHLS, ROY WHISTLER and ED HEMMER. It was very nice to have DICK HOLTZ back at
announced that tickets for the Annual Dinner are on sale. Mark your calendar for 6:00 P.M. on May 13th. Ticket price is $25.00.The Raffle for Eradicate Polio brought in $145.00 today. $77.00
goes to the Rotary International Eradicate Polio Fund. $38.50 went to the winning ticket holder (LIZ SOLBERG who donated it to Polio Eradication), and $38.50 was added to the kettle for the person who draws the Ace of
Spades. The deck is getting THIN! BETTY SUDDARTH announced that committee sign-up sheets for next year are available on the back table. There are two new committees: Family of Rotary and Rotaract.
International Understanding Committee was inadvertently left off. It involves setting up activities with International students at Purdue. Please rank your choices and we will try to put you on your first choices.
Thanks to TOM MORAN for restoring and reorganizing the badge box! MARGERY ISMAIL introduced the members adding another year in May and announced that $1,018 has been collected so far. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS FRED JORDAN transferred to our club after participating in several Rotary clubs, including serving as President in Corning, NY. He is
a Lutheran Clergyman and married to Linda. Home address: 631 Cumberland Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47906 Phone: 463-0694 E-mail: claft@msn.com Work Address: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 1005 North 21st
Street, Lafayette, IN 47904 Phone 447-4205 E-mail: fred@htcweb.org. BILL LOVELL introduced DOROTHY LIGHT, a retired teacher now
residing at Westminster Village. Address: 2741 North Salisbury, West Lafayette, IN 47906. Phone: 497-3777.
Fred Mannering was introduced by BILL LOVELL. Fred is a
Professor and Head of the Civil Engineering School. He and his wife, Jill, live at 3308 Morgan Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 Phone: 464-1990. E-mail: flm@ecn.purdue.edu Work address: 550 Stadium Mall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, In 47907 Phone: 494-2159.
Note: Fred was introduced several weeks ago, but no photo was available at that time. THANK YOU
Dear Dr. Bough and fellow Rotarians,Thank you for the Thomas F. Moran, Sr. Scholarship. It will greatly help in furthering
my education at Indiana University. I also thank you for having my parents and me to the luncheon. I enjoyed meeting many of the members. Central Catholic's
Interact program has taught me many things I will use all through life. Sincerely, Paul J. Haan, Central Catholic
Dr. Myles Brand, President of NCAA, was introduced by DON GUSTAFSON. After serving as president of Indiana University, Dr. Brand accepted the top position at the National Collegiate
Athletics Association, which he considers to be an extension of higher education. Headquartered in Indianapolis, the NCAA has a three pronged program; Advocacy, Academic Reform and
Accountability. Dr. Brand said the future is being designed now for intercollegiate athletics.VISITING ROTARIAN: DONALD SHELBY from San Angelo, TX; and CRAIG LYSINGER from Daybreak.
GUESTS: Wally Renfro, guest of DON GUSTAFSON; Bob Wilkinson, guest of JIM HANKS; Chris Pearson, son of TOM PEARSON; Lee Anne Scott, guest of BETTY
NELSON; Jim Goldman, guest of TERRY WEST; Judy Stevenson and David Mills, guests of WARREN STEVENSON; Wayne Pratt, guest of TRACIE HUGHES; Amy Griffith, granddaughter of HARLEY "GRIFF" GRIFFITH; Bok-Ki Lee, former
Ambassadorial Scholar and guest of AL CHISCON; CHUN-Ki Kwon, Ambassadorial Scholar and guest of GORDON COPPOC. STUDENT GUEST: Our student guests today were Liz Houck and Kris Kessler from
Harrison High School, introduced by BOB HANNEMAN. They received a certificate and a travel mug with the four-way test to commemorate their visit with us.
MAKE-UPS: GREG DEASON at Crown Point, IN; DICK SMITH 5/1 at Santa Fe, NM; DAVID BOUGH on 5/1 at Daybreak; SANDY PEARLMAN on 4/17 at Daybreak.
THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELP WITH MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors: TOM MORAN -11:15 to 11:45a.m. and CHRISTA KECK � 11:45 to 12:15; Greeter LETA KELLEY; Invocation � JOHN OSMUN; Music � BARRIE SIMPSON; and JO
WADE for help at the back table.
100% CLUB
ADAMS (131); BARRETT (68); BOUGH, DAVE (28); BROCK (106); CHISCON, AL (160); CHISCON, MARTHA (153); COHEN, FRITZ (87); COURTANEY (68); ELLISON; FEUER (244); FILMER (87); FOSTER (92); FREY, HARLEY (188);
MORAN; NELSON (101); PAPE (272); PARK (43); PARKHURST (5); PEARSON (4); POLAND (11); RAHDERT (129); SANDERSON (15); SATTERLY (5); SCHMIDT (294); SMITH, KEITH (73); SMITH, SUSAN (130); ST. JOHN (63); SUDDARTH (69);
TROTT (12); TURLEY (190); VERPLANK (456); WADE (112); WEST (118); and WILEY (272).CONGRATULATIONS to BILL FULLER who had 19 years; to JOHN TROTT who had
1 year; and to BOB VERPLANK who had 38 years of 100% attendance at the end of April, 2003. |