Volume 88, Number 47 � June 10, 2003 NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM BETTY NELSON, Leadership LafayetteMEETING FUNCTIONS: Money
Collectors � BILL HATFIELD � 11:15 to 11:45 a.m., and PHIL SWAIN � 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; Greeter � Volunteer Needed; Invocation � JOHN CARPENTER JUNE PROGRAMS
- JIM HANKS, chair of June Programs, has chosen as the theme "Community Treasures in our Midst"
- June 24: MIKE PIGGOTT, Purdue University
members/spouses to keep the following in their thoughts and prayers: JOHN and EUDORA MC KEE; ED PAGE; FAE SPURLOCK; Marjorie spouse of DICK WALKER, BOB BROCK; and ROY WHISTLER. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Daybreak Rotary Club is celebrating their 10th
anniversary at the Annual Dinner, Thursday, June 26th
at the Lafayette Country Club. Cost is $22. They would especially welcome all members who were instrumental in establishing their club. Contact President ALBERTA BARKER, for reservations. DAVE reminded us
that committee sign-up sheets for next year are still available on the back table. There are two new committees: Family of Rotary and Rotaract. International Understanding Committee was inadvertently left off. It
involves setting up activities with International students at Purdue. Please rank your choices and we will try to put you on your first choices. Preparation of the 2003-04 Lafayette Rotary Club Directory
has begun, and it is important that each member check the current Club database information to see that it is current. For this purpose, a draft copy of the 2003-04 Directory will be placed on the table at the rear of
the meeting room for your review. You may mark corrections directly on the page with your information or email changes to David.Landgrebe@verizon.net. (Note that the information in the Club database may be
different than that in the 2002-03 printed directory, since the latter is now more than a year old and could not be updated in the interim.) June is "Take an Intern to Rotary" month for our local club. If
you have an intern, doctoral candidate or a post-doctoral candidate working with you this summer, bring him/her to a Rotary meeting in June. Treat them to lunch and to learn about Rotary, so they may be prepared to join
a club when they settle into a "real" job. This is a great opportunity for us to increase the participation in Rotary in the future. We have special flyers for them to take with them, explaining Rotary
International and Lafayette Rotary. If you know which date in June you are bringing them, let DAVE LAHR (lahrandlahr@aol.com) or JANE (ttours@pop.nlci.com) know and we will have their badge ready at the
back desk. DAVE LANDGREBE announced that with contributions received today we have surpassed our goal of $25,000 with a total of $25,116.40 in the Polio Eradication Fund. Congratulations to the committee
and thanks to the CLUB! Of course, any further contributions will be gratefully accepted! ANDRES SANCHEZ and BILL LOVELL are proceeding with the Rotaract Club at Purdue. There are still opportunities for
Purdue Staff who wish to be sponsors. There will be a New Member Reception on June 19th, 6 � 8 P.M. at the home of DAVE and ADRIENNE BOUGH. This year's New Members and their Sponsors are invited
and encouraged to attend. PROGRAM JIM HANKS introduced North Central Health Services President
and CEO, Rotarian JOHN WALLING. He began by pointing out that several members of the club are responsible for NCHS's growth and success. It is a Medical Services Organization which
makes money, does not receive tax funds, has more than $200 Million and awards $3 Million in grants to 501c3 organizations for capitol needs. He noted that there is no assurance that community
not-for-profit hospitals will continue to exist due to financial pressures. NCHS's board of directors has equal representation from the Sisters of
St. Francis, which owns St. Elizabeth Medical Center and the Greater Lafayette Health Services, which owns Home Hospital.VISITING ROTARIANS: ELLEN LEWIS from Martha's Vineyard; GARY STEEDLY,
Jeffersonville, IN GUESTS: Bob Wilkinson and James Ranson, guests of JIM HANKS; Sarah Martinez, guest of DICK BARTHOLOMEW; Chip Lewis, guest of DICK WALKER BRING AN INTERN TO LUNCH
Brooke Hardebeck, Lauren Reising, and Jennifer Baker Intern Guests of VICKI MAYES MAKE-UPS: BILL FULLER 5/15 at Daybreak; DONNA TIGER 5/28 in
Attica-Williamsport, EARL PARK 6/3 in Bloomington, IL; BRUCE HARDING 6/4 in Geneva, Switzerland; SUSAN SMITH 6/6 at Monticello; TOMSCHMIDT in Hart, MI THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELP WITH MEETING FUNCTIONS: Money Collectors: BILL HATFIELD -11:15 to 11:45a.m.; Invocation � EARL PARK; Dinner Music � RAY PEETERS; Music - BOB GRIFFITHS; and JO WADE for help at the back table.