Annual Dinner
A table before dinner.
President Tom opens the meeting.
DGN Martin Limbird addresses the attendees.
President Tom presents Betty Suddarth Rotarian of the Year Award.
President Tom and DGN Martin
DGN Martin and Rotaract member Ben Birtle
PDG Bill Hatfield and Rotaract member Ben Birtle.
Presdent Tom and DGN Martin
Mary Jo Turley, Mary Catherine Limbird, Jim Turley
Leslie Taulman, Ben Birtle, Li Ting Huang with DGN Martin.
President Tom and President Elect Susan Hychka.
Jan Koehler, Susan Hychka, Betty Suddarth
John Sanderson, Stan Mithoefer, Kay Mithoefer
Martha Chiscon, Maureen Smitt, Zbig Grabowski, Al Chiscon.
Eleanor DeCamp, Elizabeth and John Barrett.
Fred and Jan Anderson, Barb Reif, Betty Doversberger.
Bill and Mary Ellen Lovell. In rear: Jim Turley, Chris Johannsen, Dave Landgrebe.
Jayne Feathers
Phil and Nancy Klinger
Erdis and Arvid Olson, Jim Solberg, Liz Solberg, Joe Boorman, Nancy Boorman.
Bob Griffiths, John Norberg
Jan Anderson, Barb Reif, Betty Doversberger.
Ron Feathers, John Trott, Vickie Burch, Nancy Trott, Ann Hobbs. (Seated Jim Hobbs)
President Tom and Betty Suddarth.
Steve and Susan Hychka.
Jan Koehler and Tom Schmidt.
Jane Turner and Carl Rew.
Bach Choral Children's Choir.
Bob Griffiths, Jack Kelly, Tom Schmidt
Betty Suddarth
Thanks to Steve and Susan Hychka and Tom and Denise Schmidt for these photos.