Editor: Carmen Martinez
If you have any comments or questions, email the editor.
Guests &
Visiting Rotarians
by Paul B. Ward
Steve Richardson, guest of Fred Dent.
Visiting Rotarians
by Paul B. Ward
Pot winner - Tom Mangan, who took away $32 but not the big pot of $1088.
ClubRunner Sponsors


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by Cecilia Ford
Noon - Meeting to order
-Announce song led by Chet
-Announce pledge led by Debbie Jackson
-Announce invocation by John McEvilly
12:20 Begin Program
- Welcome
- Sergeant at Arms greets visiting Rotarians and guests
- Announcements
- Guess the Rotarian - Bob Rosenbaum
- Happy Talk Matt Howard
12:40 Introduction of Guest
Speaker Robert F. Dorr
Robert F. Dorr is an author, an
Air Force veteran (1957-60), and a retired American diplomat (1964-89)
who writes books, magazine articles and newspaper columns about the U.S.
military. Bob had his first magazine article published in 1955 while in
the tenth grade. He served two tours in Korea in the Air Force. As a
Foreign Service officer, he worked at embassies and consulates abroad,
including Monrovia, Liberia, where he served with Club member Steve
Klemp. He lives in Oakton, Virginia with his wife Young Soon and their
Labrador retriever; they have two grown sons with families. Bob's latest
book "MISSION TO BERLIN" is about American B-17 Flying Fortress
bomber crews and their fighter escorts during one of the biggest air
battles of World War II. The book is a Stephen Ambrose-style military
history intended for the general reader. He has spoken to our
Club twice before.
Bob's book "AIR FORCE ONE" about presidential aircraft is also
currently in print and was recently updated. September 8, 2011 will mark
the tenth anniversary of the final flight of a presidential aircraft used
by Ronald Reagan, which is now on display at the Reagan library in Simi
Valley, California. Bob was aboard that aircraft for its last journey
from the east coast to California.
Topic: Bob will talk about some little-known facts about the air war in
Europe, based on his interviews with veterans for the book "MISSION
TO BERLIN." He'll discuss how Americans adapted to a new kind of
warfare and how it affected them, their lives and their families.
On August 16, Jan Auerbach showed members how to use the
administrative part of the McLean Rotary web site: how to edit their
profile, change their password, update their photo, send an email
message, and review their attendance and financial records.
1:10 p.m. or thereabouts
- Robert F. Dorr
- 50/50 raffle
1:15 p.m. Adjourn meeting
Last Week's Speaker - Jan Auerbach
by Jan Auerbach
On August 16, Jan Auerbach showed members how to use the
administrative part of the McLean Rotary web site: how to edit their
profile, change their password, update their photo, send an email
message, and review their attendance and financial records.
by Paul B. Ward
President Cherry encouraged members to attend
Char-a-Oke!, a charity karaoke sing-off sponsored by the Education
Foundation in support of Fairfax County Public Schools, being held at
Westwood Country Club on August 30 at 6:00 pm. She also reported that
Lynn Heinrichs is out of the hospital, and reports that the Club is now
in good financial condition.
Steve Smith's, report through our
president, reminded the membership that August 23 is the deadline
for Foundation requests applications.
Brian Pence cleared up questions about
the gift card program.
President Cherry announced the need for
volunteers to chair various parts of the Club's involvement in Monte
Carlo night.
Rotary Information Corner...
by Robert F.
A . (Answer
to last week's question).......GUESS THE ROTARIAN WHO ........ with the rotarian's spouse dined with Lee Iacoca
and his wife at the old Shorem Hotel ......... our automobile guy
was Ed Holman.
WHO......... sang "Somebody
Stole My Gal" in front of a television audience at a
very well known location.
(Answer to appear in next week's bulletin)
Tower Club Mourns It's Founder
by Robert F. Rosenbaum
Will Fairbanks, Chapter President
and Honorary Member
Willis L. Fairbanks, a Marine
Corps officer in World War II who went on to serve at the highest levels
of NATO and later served as Charter President of the Rotary Club of Tysons
Corner, died August 14th after a short illness. He was 95 year old.
Will devoted 26 years to his
country as a U.S. Marine, including two and a half years in the Pacific
during World War II. During the
Korean War he was stationed in Tokyo on the staff of the commander of
Naval Forces - Far East, and then on the flagship of the Commander of
Amphibious Forces - Far East. From
1960-1963 Will served as Deputy of the Infrastructure for NATO in
Paris. He retired as a colonel in
After a storied military career,
Will owned the McLean Clock Shop from 1970 to 1978. He joined Rotary in 1975, and served as
president of Rotary Club of McLean before helping form the Rotary Club of
Tysons Corner. The Club was
chartered, with Will as president, in April 1983.
Will is survived by his wife of
69 years, Nell, and three children.
Rotarians were invited to a reception at the family home in
McLean, Saturday, August 20th, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. A
ceremony will be held at Arlington National Cemetery in September.