DYK About iMembersDB

DACdb supports more than Rotary!  DACdb is not just for Rotary! Yes, if you are part of another membership organization and wish that you could have the functionality of DACdb in that organization, the good news is that YES YOU CAN. DACdb has a sister product called iMembersDB that is almost everything of DACdb without the Rotary specific adaptations. Pretty cool, isn’t it? Please, use this link to book time with our team: Learn more...


Navigating DACdb -- Quick Start Guide

Let's Get You That Cheat Sheet!

When you're logged into DACdb, click on the "Support / Learning" tab at the top of the window and then in the left side menu click on "Overview" and select "DACdb_UI Quickstart Guide" and you can download a PDF file that will get you started with where things are in DACdb. This is a great tool for less experienced users. 

Please let us know if you have any questions.