Menu of District Programs
Most of the service work done by Rotary is performed by clubs, supported by our District and Rotary International...

Community Service                           Overview

Vocational Service                             Overview    

4-Way Speech Contest (High school students)    Literacy

International Service                          Overview

Youth & Young Adult 

4-Way Speech Contest   (High school students)     Scholarships   (College, University, Graduate Studies)     Youth & Young Adut Programs (Website)    Advanced RYLA Committe (Young Adults (Website))    Interact (High school students)     Next Generations Conference (High school students)    Rotaract (High school students)    RYLA (High school students)    Youth Exchange (High School students)

Membership                                       Overview  (Joining Rotary)

Fellowship                                         Club/District Fellowship    International Fellowships

Club Service                                      Pre-PETS    Visioning

The Rotary Foundation (District 7980)     Overview

Foundation Area Representatives  Foundation Executive Committee   Financial Review  
 (Fund Rais
ing)    Annual Fund   Endowments and Major Gifts   Paul Harris Socieity   Polio Plus 

Grants    District Managed Grants   Global Grants    Scholarships   Vocational Training Teams  Stewardship (Qualified Clubs)

Events                                                      Overview

District Assembly    District Conference    District Singers    Rotary International Convention

Awards                                                     Overview

Abraham I Gordon Award   Charles W Pettingill Outstanding Club Award  Edward Osterman Small Club Award Donald A. Adams Outstanding Rotarian Award   Rotary International Awards   Significant Club Achievement Awards


District Administration (including district legal documents)   Audit   ByLaws   Finance   Communications  Training    Public Image